- Chapter 39 -

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orayt people just wanna say that there's gonna be some magic shit going around (and other surprising stuff) aight? haha sry for the inconvenience ^^'

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"Jhona?" You muttered as you finally saw her after so long.


Jhona then saw you, trying to go towards you with a worried expression on her face.

"Don't move. Or she gets the taste of hell," Jimin stated as he moved his hand with a spell near you.

Jhona then looked down, her expression undescribable but just plain emotionless.

"Thanks for giving me the opportunity to finally finish off my plan, dear. It really means a lot," Jimin added as he let out an evil smile while showing the pendant he's wearing.

Wait- What does it have anything to do with her?

She didn't reply back.

"Oh. Out of words perhaps, Ms. Jhona?" He said as he looked at her, quite surprised.

"Or should I say-"

"Don't drag her into this, you monster-"

Before you could finish your sentence, a force of light suddenly blew up strongly around her, which made the two men flinch and pushed back by its strong power of wind.

"Agh!" Jimin groaned as his jibooty landed on the ground along with his companion.

You then focused on this mysterious being whom you had called your best friend in awe yet shocked at the same time due to her physiques that are different from the Jhona that she used to see.

With her long brown wavy hair that became the color like gold, her fair complexion is now more fairer and soothing glow, and her hazel brown eyes that soon turned into eyes like diamonds. But most of all...

She's actually tall?!

"Is this really Jhona Colliett?" You muttered as you looked at her in surprise.

"You shall do no harm nor take another step on this land," Jhona warned, her voice sounded more mature than the last time you've talked to her, as she stood up and let out a spell with a large spherical magic coming from her hand.

"You bitch," Jimin muttered as he then suddenly charged towards her for an attack, but her magic blew him back.

After a moment of fight between the two, Jhona easily found Jimin's opening and trapped him with her power, trying to block his paths on escaping.

"It seems you have some trouble dealing with me, huh?" Jimin said, as he noticed her quite hesitant to finish him off.

"I'll end you once and for all!"

She replied as she felt taunted, making her use her magic but Jimin dodged thanks to his distraction to her.

"You're powerful alright. But you just made a big mistake," He said as he then held up a pendant, playfully swinging it.

"Give it back-"

"I will. That is, if you'll let us take your little precious best friend that you have who's here right now," He offered while being confident.


Jhona just stood there for a moment, looking down having a long thought.

"I'm sorry," She finally spoke out as she quickly made a barrier around you and without hesitation, she dashed towards Jimin.

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