-Chapter 7-

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"You have some explaining to do, hoe." Jhona said as the both of you were at the table, taking your recess.

"What is?" You questioned as you took a bite from your meal.

"You know, yesterday? Where you said you're going to do something important and a guy in a black suit called you?" Jhona reminded.

"Oh, that. It's nothing important for you to know." You answered.

"Come on. I'm your best friend. You can tell me everythi-"

"Did you see how cool Jimin is? Especially when he just looked at me?" Jhona then heard a random girl student mentioning her crush while passing by with the girl's friends.

"Tch! She's just imagining it. There's no way my bae would look at her." Jhona muttered as she let out a look of disgust.


Thank you, some random girl who distracts her attention!

"Ugh... we'll talk about this later." Jhona said as the both of you stood up from your seats and went back to your classroom.

Or not...

"Good morning, students." Your English teacher greeted, in english obviously, as he entered the classroom. In return, all of the students, including you, greeted him back.

"Today, we're going to have an activity." The teacher announced.

"The activity will be divided into pairs. Your seatmate will be your partner." The teacher added.

That means this arrogant brat will be my partner?! You exclaimed in thought and as you slowly looked at Taehyung, he looked at you as he let out a cheeky smile.

"Good luck..." He mouthed as he still remained his cheeky smile.

"Kill me now..." You muttered as you let out a sigh and looked back at the teacher for further instructions.

"All you have to do, is to have a conversation with your partner, in English of course. Here are the rules. You and your partner must have an appropriate conversation, like talking about their interest, hobbies, stories, and so forth. No inappropriate topics like sexual and cursing. Don't talk loudly except in a normal volume. And most importantly, always speak in English. You may begin." As the teacher finished instructing the students, he sat down on his seat and started checking some important forms.

"Ugh..." Taehyung groaned as his face is in a bored state.

"You can't speak English that much,don't you?" You questioned.

"Yah. Of course I can." He protested.

"Really? Then..." You paused, preparing to test him.

"Are you gay?" You questioned in English.

(A/N: Well, they're talking in Korean the whole time, but since readers mostly understand English, so yeah. If the text when they're speaking is in italic, that means they're speaking in English.)

"Hey, I'm not that stupid." He replied, offended.

Hahahaha this kid...

"Oh, alright then." You responded as you tried to hold in a small laughter.

"What's so funny?" He questioned as he had an irritated look on his face.

"Nothing. I was just checking if you're really good at English." You answered.

"Heh. Told you that I know how to speak in English." He said as he's proud of himself.


"So, how's your family? Are they doing fine?" You asked, waiting for an answer.

"They're busy as always. Not really fine for me." He answered as he had a serious expression on his face.

"What do you mean? Don't they usually visit you or be with you?" You questioned.

"It's not important for you to know. And no, I always see my father but I haven't seen or been with my mother." Taehyung answered.

"How about you? How's your family doing?" Taehyung questioned.

"Doing good. They don't have a lot to worry about, so they're fine." You replied.

"Good for you." He muttered.


"Alright then. Have you been doing anything stupid yesterday? Like, being late even if you're an honor student?" He asked as he had a smirk on his face.


"Well, because there's someone stupid who just left me. Can't you believe it?" You replied with a hint of sarcasm.

"Really? That's too bad. I guess that person forgot your existence." He stated.

The both of you then started glaring at each other, letting out his and your hateful auras.

This kid is such a jerk!

"You two, first warning!" The teacher called both of your attention while looking at the of you with a mad expression, giving the both of you the first warning.

"Sorry, sir." The both of you then apologized and quiet down.

Sooner or later, it was finally dismissal. Jhona went home after the both of you walked out of the school and walked all the way to her car.

"Miss, it's time for us to go back to the mansion." You suddenly saw the driver as he showed his hands, signing that he'll help you carry your bag.

"Oh, alright. And no need. I can carry this by myself." You insisted and he bowed in response. After that, he led and guide you inside the car and with that, he went inside the driver's seat of the car and started driving.

"Oh, it's the plain girl." You looked to see Taehyung trying to irritate you.

"I don't have time to care about your nonsense, jerk." You replied and in response, Taehyung sticked his tongue out while his arms are crossed.

"Hmph..." You muttered as you just ignored him.

Minutes later, silence then were roaming the atmosphere, making an awkward moment.

That's weird. I don't know why Taehyung and Jungkook are not talking to each other. I mean, they're brothers, right? You wondered in your thought as you saw the two of them just ignoring each other and minding their own business.

Oh well, I'll just find it out soon...

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Sorry for the late update ^^'

But I hope you still enjoy this story!

당신 을 감사 하고 안녕 ! (Sorry if I got this wrong ^^')

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