-Chapter 8-

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Finally, I'm home.

You were in your room, finishing up your assignments on your desk so that you don't have to worry about it later on, fighting your procrastination in you.

"Done." You muttered as you dropped your pen on the desk as you let out a sigh, now feeling relaxed.

"Oh yeah, I better do my job." You remembered that you're not just living here for no reason. So, you stood up and went out of the room and proceeded to check what they're up to.

As you proceeded to Taehyung's room, since it's the nearest room, but not that near, and knocked on his door then waited, there was no reply. You then opened the door and checked his room, which you found out he's not in his room.

"I wonder where this brat is..." You wondered as you then heard some motor sounds downstairs.

Curious, you then proceeded downstairs to check on what's up to. As you're finally there, you then saw Taehyung at the living room, sitting on the race car gaming seat while holding the driver's wheel, looking at the large flat screen television.

"Yah! Did you finish doing your homework?" You questioned, trying to get his attention.

"I have no time for that pointless crap, mom." He replied as his eyes are still glued staring on the screen, continuing playing the game.

"Aish! Stop wasting your time on unimportant stuff. You can do that after you finished doing your homework." You

Ugh... I sound like an old grandma.

"Hm? Well then, let's have a bet." He paused as he paused the game and stood up then went towards you with an arrogant smirk plastered on his face.

"If you beat me in this car racing game, I'm going to finish doing my homework." He explained.

"Deal?" He asked, waiting for a reply.

"Deal. Don't act so cocky that you think you can beat me." You responded.

And with that, he sat back down on his gaming seat. The two butlers then placed another race car seat and after that, they took their leave.

"Wow. How many of these do you have?" You questioned.

"12. I even have one made with real gold and diamonds." He answered.


"What? That cost like... millions." You said in shock.

"That's really not much for us. We can even spend trillions." He replied like it's not a big deal.

"You do know that there are people especially charity who needs it." You responded.

"Well, it's not my problem. It's my father's money after all. He's the one who's spending it." He explained.

"Anyways, you're going to lose in a blink of an eye." He added as the car racing game is starting.

"In your dreams."

As the both of you were playing, finishing five laps of the race, several minutes has passed and soon, the game has finally ended.

Player 2
W I N N E R !

"What... but how?" Taehyung questioned as his jaw dropped in shock.

"Don't judge the book by its cover, Mr. Kim." You reminded as you stood up from your seat as you let out a victorious smirk.

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