- Chapter 20 -

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"So this is the Seoul Royal Academy..."




It was finally another day of school, always filled with tiring crap that makes us suffer and making our eyebags heavier.

"Agh! If only I didn't spaced out and being a sleepyhead, I wouldn't have been left..." You muttered as you ran in a tired state.

Well, since you really can't forget what had happened yesterday. cough.The kiss.cough. You would sometimes dream about it in your sleep and it made you woke up around midnight and that you have to sleep again, which took around 107 sleeping positions until you fell asleep. At 3:09am. In short, you overslept.

"I'm finally there..." As you could take another step near the school gate, you then started to feel uncomfortable and lost your balance, making you tumble down but...

"Are you alright, Miss?" You then slowly opened your tired eyes to see someone in the same uniform as you, the one who caught you from fainting down, placed his arm under your back and after that, he supported you to stand up, which you did.

"U-Uh, thanks... Yeah, I'm fine." You replied as you fixed your posture.

"Well, it seems that you didn't have a lot of rest for a fine young lady." He said as he let out a cheerful angelic smile.

"I-I guess so... Sorry for bothering you."

"It's alright! Nothing to worry about." He replied kindly.

This guy is so nice...

(A/N: Anyone know who it is? 😏😏😏)

"By the way, are you an old student of this academy, if I may ask?" He replied politely.

"Yes, I am." You replied with a simple smile.

"Well then, can you tell me where the Principal's office is in this huge school building?" He questioned,his angelic smile never fades.

"Sure!" You gladly agreed as you then gave him the directions on where the Principal's office is.


"...and after that, you can clearly see the Principal's office." You finished.

"But just in case if you're still confused, just enter the school building and prefer to the map of the school building." You added.

"Alright, I'm very thankful for your wonderful kindness." He said, thanking politely.

"No problem at all!" You replied.


"Aish! Well, I better get going. Nice meeting you!" You said as you then rushed your way to the school building to your classroom.


"____, if I remember correctly..." He muttered as he looked at you running to the school building.

Royals || Kim Taehyung X Reader X Jeon Jungkook ||Where stories live. Discover now