- Chapter 37 -

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EOMMA waeeeeee?!?? 😭💖
(I hope he's well now though♡)

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(A/N: Prepare your translators, French is on its way 👌(sorry international readers, even I don't know French cuz *cough* Google *cough*😅❤) but I'll try to put the translations in it if I have time ;-) Enjoy~)


"Oh my god..."

"Are we seriously in Disneyland right now?!" You exclaimed while being filled in happiness as you showed up a grin like of a little girl

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"Are we seriously in Disneyland right now?!" You exclaimed while being filled in happiness as you showed up a grin like of a little girl.

"Oh, I don't know. Probably in 3dollahJamlessLand, Mrs. Holmes?" He stated, along with his sarcasm.

"You really just want to piss me off all day, do you?" You responded as you were annoyed by him as always.

"Who knows, tsun tsun," He replied as he rolled his eyes with a chill attitude.

"Well, better hurry up and enjoy this once in a lifetime moment!"


Before you could even protest, he suddenly grabbed your hand and then dragged you with him straight to the crowd, you going with him in the progress.

Later on, you then just sighed in defeat and have given up to even try to rebel from his grasp as your attention was fixated by numerous attractions and cute enchanting-looking booths that you've never seen before, considering that it's your first time coming here.

The both of you then went to numerous booths, played some carnival games, annoying each other off as usual, and continued taking a stroll passing through booths.

"Hey, Tae! It's you!" You told as you pointed at the direction to a specific booth with just a couple of people playing.

Taehyung then in response, looked at the direction where you were pointing at, only to see a line of large mischievous yet funny looking stuffed fox animals hanged at the side of the booth.

"Very funny," He stated with a hint of sarcasm as he looked at you beside him.

"But it's cute though," You said as you looked like you wanted it, which Taehyung realized what you want.

"Then watch the pro make its moves," He responded as he went to the booth without hesitation, making you quiet surprised and just catched up to him.

"Bonsoir, Monsieur!" He greeted as soon as the last person before them finished playing the game and left.

"Bonsoir, jeune garçon et jeune femme! Vous pensez avoir de la chance de gagner un prix?" A rather old chubby yet a cheerful french man, who seemed the one in charge of the booth, greeted with a smile as he waited for our response.

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