Chapter 5- Chasiti

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      Caci and I were sitting in the back seat of Stan's car as he drove us all to Taco Bell. I'm going to be honest, I'm only going for the tacos...

     "So, where did you guys move here from?" Stan asked. 

     "We're from Tennessee. We'll be here for the rest of the school year, but during the summer we'll probably head back to Nashville for a couple weeks." Caci replied.

     Stan attempted a fake country accent, "So are you saying y'all talk like this and listen to country music?"

      I rolled my eyes, "Stan, don't make me punch you. Not all people from Tennessee talk like rednecks and listen to just country music."

     Kyle laughed, "Stan, you can't really talk. That song you wrote back in fourth grade was pretty much a country song."

     Stan quickly defended himself, "At least my mom didn't try to cause a Holocaust but with Canadians."

     "Well at least my dad isn't drunk off his a** all the time." Kyle argued.

     "I've got an idea! You each have a parent that's a complete whack job, agreed?" I exclaimed.

     "Fine." Kyle sighed, "My mom is pretty stupid though."

     "And Jersey!" Stan added.

     "Stan, you're supposed to say something about how you think your dad is stupid because I did." Kyle complained.

    "Ohh! Okay!" Stan said, "My dad's an idiot because he tried to give himself cancer just so he could smoke weed."

     "And because he drew penises on my face." Kyle added.

     Stan laughed, "Actually Kyle, that was kind of funny."

      Kyle huffed and slumped down in his seat. We all sat in silence until Stan parked the car in front of the restaurant. We all got out of the car, and Stan held the door open for us. Kyle and Stan had said they we're paying for us, so Caci told Kyle what she wanted and waited for me to do the same with Stan.

     "Hey Stan, can you order the fiesta potatoes and a five-layer burrito for me please?" I exclaimed.

     "Sure," Stan answered. "You know I'm paying for you right?"

     "Yeah, I know." I replied.

     Stan smirked, "My service must be payed for by you kissing me on the cheek!"

     "Fat chance," I responded, "I'm going with Caci to pick a table."

     I walked away from Stan and up to my friend. "Took you long enough, where do you want to sit?" She asked.

     "Follow me." I said. I walked over to a table towards the back of the dining area and slid into one side of the booth. Caci sat across from me. 

     "I'm just going to go ahead and say that I guarantee that you and Kyle will be dating in at least a week." I exclaimed.

     "Shut up!!" She answered. Her cheeks were starting to turn red from embarrassment.

     I smirked, "You like him don't you?"

     Caci looked up at me, "He was always my favorite character from the show and even if I did have a crush on him I wouldn't tell you."

     I frowned, "Why not?"

     "Remember seventh grade?" She asked.

     "Oh..." I answered. I may have told her crush that she kind of liked him, but he forgot about it like the next day so it's not like it mattered.

      Kyle walked up with an order ticket and slid into the booth next to Caci. "So, what were you guys talking about?" He asked.

     "Just girl stuff." Caci answered.

    "Periods?" Kyle asked with a look of disgust on his face.

     I shook my head. "Why do guys always assume that?" 

     "Just habit I guess." He answered.

     "Okay, then I have a question for you. How do guys fit their junk inside super tight skinny jeans?" I asked.

     Kyle's face turned bright red. "You should ask Kenny that instead of me." He paused. "You know I think they just called our number, be right back." 

     I rolled my eyes, "Boys are so stupid sometimes."

     "Only sometimes?" Caci asked.

     Stan and Kyle walked over with trays of food and passed everything out. Stan sat next to me, and I looked over at his food. I think I finally found someone who eats as much as I do. After we were all finished, Kyle asked, "Hey Caci, would you mind coming with me outside?"

     "Sure." She answered. She looked at me with a confused face. I shrugged. "Just go." I mouthed. She and Kyle both got up from the table and walked outside.

     "I think Kyle just took her outside to ask if she'd go on a date with him." Stan said to me.

     "Really? That's sweet." I answered. 

     Stan pretended to cry, "I know it is, my little boy has finally grown a pair!!"

     I laughed, "TMI, Stan."

     "Sorry," He apologized, "I got kind of carried away. Anyways, would you like to go see a horror movie with me on Friday night?"

     "Seriously?" I asked.

     Stan laughed, "You really think I would had asked you if I wasn't being serious?"

     "What movie were you thinking of?" I asked, ignoring his question.

     He shrugged, "Whatever's playing I guess. The movie theater here is really behind the times, they're still showing movies that came out in the summer." He looked over at me. "I'm still waiting on my answer though."

     "Yes, Stan. I'll go with you to the movies." I answered.

AN : Thanks for reading! 😘

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