Chapter 36- Kyle

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     "We're here now, Kyle." Stan chastised me. "You can stop freaking out."

     My knees were bouncing up and down as I fidgeted around. "I can't just calm down Stan. He's over there."

     "Who?" He asked, whirling around and looking in every direction.

     "Zach..." I muttered under my breath, flashing a glare in his direction,

     "Ohh..." He replied. "Is that him over there?" Stan was pointing straight at him.

     I smacked his hand down. "Yes it is, but don't make it obvious that we know he's here."

     "He's been looking over at us for the past couple of minutes, dude. Just go talk to him and tell him to f**k off."

     I rolled my eyes, "I've tried, Stan. It's not that easy."

     "Yes, it is. Watch this." He said, standing up and walking towards him.

     "No, don't!" I exclaimed, reaching out to stop him but he was to far away.

     He went over to Zach and started saying something to him. I have no idea what though.

     "Flight 237 is now deboarding." The attendant said.

     I jumped out of my seat and ran up to the side of the tunnel. A large hoard of people came through. I was getting bored of waiting here until I saw a familiar head of rich, dark brown hair that I could see straight over her head because of her height coming down the tunnel.

     "Caci!" I yelled before she could walk straight past me.

     "Kyle?" She asked, looking around. "Where are you?"

     I ran up behind her and lifted her off the ground, causing her to drop her bags as she shrieked in surprise. "OH MY GOD, KYLE!! YOU SCARED THE CRAP OUT OF ME!!!"

     "I missed you so much though!" I exclaimed, hugging her tighter to me.

"I know you did, baby. I'd like to get home though."

     "Oh...right." I blushed. I set her back on her feet by her bags. "Here let me help you." I said grabbing one of her two backpacks.

     "Actually." A voice I've come to dread said from behind me. "I'll get it."

     "Oh. Hi Zach." MY girlfriend addressed him awkwardly.

     "Hi Caci." He waved. "How was your trip?" Crap, I didn't even think to ask.

    "It went really well." She replied. "But unfortunately for both of you, I'm a big girl so I can take my own bags." She scooped them both up as Kade and Jon walked over.

     "We're going to the checked in luggage place." Jon said as the walked past us.

     "Stan and Chasiti are already over there." Kade exclaimed.

     "C'mon." Caci said, grabbing my hand and leading me away from Zach behind her friends. I looked back over my shoulder with a smirk on my face as I saw Zach's reaction. I stuck my middle finger in the air at him before turning back around.

     "Are you sure you don't want help with you bags?" I asked.

"Please." She replied, already shrugging off one of them. "I took them so you guys wouldn't argue over them for the next hour."

     I heaved her backpack over my shoulder. "We wouldn't do that." She gave me a "Seriously?" look. "Okay, we probably would." I admitted.

     "Exactly." She said.

     Once we retrieved her checked luggage from the carousel, we all split up with different rides. I was driving Caci to my house to pick up her car.

     "I missed you." I said for the hundredth time probably.

     "It's was only three days." She laughed. "But don't worry, I missed you too."

     I smiled, "So what was LA like?"

     "It was awesome. I might just have to take you with me next time."

     I laughed, "Maybe, next time. Did you meet anyone famous?"

     "Unfortunately no." She sighed. "We spent most of our time in the recording studio. We did sight-see for a little though."

     "That's awesome. Promise you'll take me with you next time?" I asked.

     "I can't make any definite promises but I'll definitely try. We're going back next month."

     "On your little Christmas Shin- dig?" I asked, turning a street corner."

     "Acoustic Shin-dig." She corrected. "We're going to LA, NYC, Massachusetts, Alabama, Texas, Tennessee, and then Colorado."

     "Where can I buy tickets?"

     "From the person sitting next to you, I mean she's in the performing group after all." She joked.

    "You mean the most gorgeous girl in the world sitting next to me because she's in a dope band." I said as I pulled into my driveway.

     "Kyle you're so cheesy sometimes." She laughed. "You're literally a cheeseball."

     "But I'm your cheeseball." I said, kissing her lightly on the cheek.


     It was Monday morning, a week before my girlfriend and I were set to leave for New York for Thanksgiving. It was also the first day Kenny returned to school. Needless to say, he looked like he'd gotten hit by a car.

     Caci and I were sitting and talking when he trudged into the room. His usually, somewhat neat, blonde hair was sticking out in all directions. His usually cheerful blue eyes, looked sullen and dark as if he hadn't slept in weeks.

     "Kenny, are you okay?" Caci asked, shooting up out of her seat and to his side.

    "No." He answered. She led him over to his seat as I walked over. "How's it hanging, dude?" I asked, trying to take his mid off things.

     Kenny looked me straight in the eyes with a flash of anger and depression. "Hmm... Let me think Kyle. My boyfriend broke up with me, the entire school thinks I'm a drug addict, and I found out my parents spent the college fund I've been raising for my sister. How do you think it's hanging?"

     I held up my hands in surrender. "I'm sorry, dude."

   Caci started to rub his back up and down soothingly. She looked up towards the doorway and quickly jerked her head back down. "Go stop him from coming over here." She whispered to me.

     "Him?" I asked, looking in the direction she had. Butters had walked into the classroom. "I got it." I told her.

     I walked up to Butters. "Hey dude..."

   "Hello Kyle." He spat. "I know your little girlfriend saw me and and sent you over here. I'm not going to talk to Kenny, so don't worry about me."

    "Are you sure?" I asked.

   "Of course." He said, walking away. He took a seat on the other end of the classroom.

   Garrison walked in and ordered us all to our seats. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" Caci asked Kenny.

   "I'll be fine. I hope." He replied. She gave him a quick hug and hurried over to her seat.

    Everything's falling apart at the seams.

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