Chapter 39- Kade and Stan

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Kade's POV

"She's awake!" Chasiti exclaimed bursting out of Caci's hospital room.

"She is?" I asked, jumping out of my seat, Jon not to far behind.

"Yeah." Chasiti nodded, "Now you two get your butts in here before the nurse sees." Jon and I hurried into the room, softly closing the door behind us.

"Wait... all you guys are here?" Caci asked from her bed, her voice small and hoarse.

"Of course." Jon replied.

I was completely shocked be Caci's appearance. She looked like she got Regina George'd by a bus. Her left arm was enclosed in a plain white cast. Her hair was a wreck, and her face was covered in small cuts and bruises everywhere. Her skin was slightly pale, slowly regaining color.

I quickly ran over to her, hugging her tightly. "Don't you ever scare me like that again!" I scolded her.

She wrapped her good arm around my back, returning the gesture. I began squeezing her a little harder. She winced in response, "I promise I won't Kade. Can you not hug me so tightly though? It really hurts."

"Oh sorry." I exclaimed, immediately releasing her.

The door must have opened, and I hadn't noticed. "Be careful dear. She's bruised two of her ribs." A different nurse from the b***hy one before said as he stood by all of the monitors Caci was hooked up to, writing something down.

"I'm sorry ma'am. Would you like some of us to leave?" I asked.

"That depends." She replied, clicking her pen closed and hanging it on the v-neck of her blue scrubs. She turned to Caci, "Are any of them annoying you?"

Caci smiled, "Yes, that one." She exclaimed, pointing to Jon. "He hasn't given me a hug yet." She laughed as Jon leaned down and lightly hugged her. "Okay, we're all good now."

"Good." The nurse smiled. "I'll be back in half an hour to check on you again, sweetie. Hopefully, we'll be able to unhook you from most of our medical instruments of torture." We all chuckled at her joke as she left the room.

"Hey you guys?" Caci said, bringing everyone's attention to her.

"Yeah?" Chasiti asked from her seat in the corner next to her bed.

"Have any of you guys heard about Kyle?"

I gulped, "No we haven't."

"Do you remember what happened at all?" Jon asked, sitting on the edge of her bed.

Caci sighed, "I remember Kyle and I were driving back from New York. I don't remember what we were talking about though. The last thing I remember was seeing a red sedan." Her eyes began to water.

"Hey, don't cry." Jon said, pulling her into a light hug. "I won't ask again, I promise."

There was a knock on the door. "Come in." I exclaimed.

The door swung open, revealing Stan. He walked over to Caci immediately and hugged her. "I'm glad you're okay, shrimp."

She laughed as she hugged him back. "I told you before, calling me a shrimp is offensive."

"I know." He said as he let go. "It's my personal nickname for you though. Deal with it."

"Hey Stan?" Chasiti said to him. "Have you seen Kyle yet?"

Stan sighed as he sat down on the small couch by the window. " He's fine. But...uh..."

"But what?" Caci asked. Her face reading concern. Here she was, sitting in a hospital bed with a broken arm and two bruised ribs, and she was worried about someone other than herself.

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