Chapter 31-Kenny and Caci

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Kenny's POV

"Do you know what he wants from me?" I asked Pip. It was time for his daily visit. This being the day it's officially been a day since he began coming to see me.

Pip rolled his eyes and pulled his chair over. "I've told you thousands of times Kenneth. I have absolutely no idea what Damien wants from you! I've tried asking. His only response was something about the Cult of Chutulu."

I sat up straight in my chair. "Why didn't tell you me he wanted to know about the cult?"

Pip looked puzzled. "I thought I had."

"You didn't." I replied. "Go get Damien."

"Why?" Pip asked.

"Just go get him!" I demanded. Pip nodded and ran off to find him.

A few minutes later, the literal son of the devil walked through the doorway. "Why hello my little Phoenix! Have you requested your torture to take law earlier today?"

"No, you a**hole!" I yelled. "What do you want to know about the cult of Chutulu?"

"Ah..." Damien said as he sat in Pip's chair directly across from me. "My little bird has finally chosen to spread his wings and fly."

"I'm not your pet, d****ebag!" I screamed.

Damien smirked and leaned his chair in to touch mine. "Listen here. McCormick. You will learn to respect me. I have no issue with killing people when you refuse to obey."

I rolled my eyes but complied. "Good boy!" Damien exclaimed. "I'd like to know your connection with the cult of Chutulu."

"Why the f**k didn't you tell me that's what you wanted in the first place? We could have escaped this entire ordeal!" I answered.

Damien's expression remained the same. "I'm still waiting."

D**k. "Ok then don't get your panties in a knot. Anyways, before I was born my parents went to a few cult meetings. Not because they believed in that s**t, because they offered beer at the meetings. Somehow, them going to those meetings transferred to me and made me immortal." I answered.

"I see." Damien said tipping his chair backwards. "However, what kind of immortal can die?"

I would have thrown my hands in the air in exasperation if they weren't bound to the my chair with Damien's Ultra Chains of Death. "Call me whatever you want to call me, dude. I swear to you that's all I know."

"Very well." He said, getting up and walking towards the door.

"Wait, you aren't going to let me go?" I asked.

Damien stopped in his tracks and stalked back over to me. "Why should I when you blatantly disrespected me earlier?"

I rolled my eyes. Just because your the son of the freaking devil doesn't give you the right to be so self-absorbed. "Whatever jacka**, I'm sorry Damien."

Damien continued to stare me down with an expressionless glare. "You're only making things worse for you, Kenneth. You are to call me Master as I am in charge of your well-being for your extended stay with us."

I scoffed, "Yeah sure thing Mr. Prissypants. Anything else I can do for you Sir Jacka**?"

Before I could even utter the ss of the last word, my face was abruptly turned towards the ground, a stinging feeling burning from my left cheek. "Did you just slap me?" I spat.

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