Chapter 24- Kyle and Chasiti

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I've had this ready since Wednesday because I've had a lot of free time the past two days but I got home Friday, woke up with a headache, and passed out again. Here you go though, I'll get the other up later.

Wednesday the week of the homecoming dance, after school- Stan's house

Kyle's POV

Stan and I were playing Halo 3 against each other on his crappy Xbox 360. "Why do you keep this hunk of junk around anyway? You have an Xbox One." I asked.

     "I'm to lazy to go down to the GameStop at the mall to trade for One discs, but I also don't want to run into Kevin." He replied.

"Why?" I asked.

"No reason." Stan said as he turned his attention back to the game. "Why did I let you choose Last Resort as the map?" He said in frustration as I Gravity Hammered him in the back.

"I don't know dude. It's your house." I answered, wandering the terrain, looking for my one-and-only victim.

I ran up behind Stan's character again, striking him down and ending our first to ten kills game. I set my controller down. "Did you seriously just lose to me at Halo?"

Stan shook his head. "I never lose to you! I was just distracted."

"Distracted by trying to find the perfect way to ask Chasiti to the homecoming dance?" I asked.

"Actually, I already have a plan." He took my controller and placed it on the coffee table in front of us. "Speaking of the homecoming dance. How are you asking Caci?"

I shrugged, "I figured I would just ask her."

Stan laughed, "If your great master plan was to just ask her why have you put it off for four days?"

     "I'm scared she'll say no," I admitted.

     "Why would she say no?" Stan asked.

     "I don't know, I just feel like she'd go for someone with your persona. Handsome, brooding, sporty, all that other stuff. You're literally everything I'm not." I replied.

"Does she really seem like the type of girl who's into jocks? Besides I'm 6'1, I tower over her. You like 5'8." He answered.

"I should really just work up the balls to ask her, right?" I asked.

"Yep." Stan said. "While you at it you ask if she'll be your girlfriend too."

"Why would I do that?" I asked.

"Because knowing you, you'll cower in the corner instead of actually doing it. Just get it over with." He stated.

"Then why don't you do the same with Chasiti?" I challenged.

Stan shook his head. "Because I like going all out! I have to think of an elaborate plan to impress her."

"Wow, Stan... elaborate. I'm impressed. What's the definition of kakorrhaphiophobia?" I teased.

"First, I bet you that's not a real word. Second, ask Siri! I bet she'd doesn't even know what kakorobia means anyway." He replied.

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