Chapter 27-Kade

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Monday morning...

Kenny's been gone for the entire weekend. We've all been concerned about him, but only my friends and I know about the note  on our door. We'd decided not to tell anyone to avoid freaking them out anymore, mainly Butters. I went over to see his house yesterday and he was rocking back and forth in the corner, clutching a picture of Kenny.

I walked into the high school, up the stairs, and into Garrison's classroom. The remaining three guys were in the corner talking. I walked over to them. "Hey."

Stan spoke to me first. "Hey Kade, have you heard from Butters lately? He's gone off the grid like Kenny."

I nodded, "I went over to his house yesterday. He's in pretty bad shape since Kenny disappeared."

Cartman laughed, "I can't believe anyone actually cared about that poor piece of crap."

"Cartman, how insensitive can you be?" Kyle exclaimed. "They've been dating since the end of sophomore year, of course Butters cares about him."

"Whatever, he probably overdosed on drugs again. I bet you he's at home, he'll show up eventually." Cartman replied.

"Overdosed again?" I asked, confused.

"Kenny had a drug craze through half of freshmen year and most of sophomore year. He seemed to stop when he and Butters got together, but no one of us believed he actually stopped." Kyle said.

I slid my backpack off my shoulders and set it on the ground by the lab table my friends and I sat at Mr.Garrison didn't have enough desks when we first moved here, and he hasn't even attempted to get some since then. "Does Butters know about any of that?"

"No," Stan replied. "If Kenny doesn't show up anytime soon, we'll probably have to tell him."

"Tell who what?" Chasiti asked as she, Jon, and Caci walked in with their backpacks.

"Tell Butters the dirt we have on his boyfriend." Cartman replied.

"It's not dirt, fata**. If Kenny actually overdosed, it could be serious!!" Kyle exclaimed.

"What do you mean fellas? What would Kenny overdose on?" A different voice asked.

I turned to see Butters standing behind Jon. No wonder we hadn't noticed him before. "Nothing Butters, Kenny would never do anything like that." I said trying to diffuse the situation

"Like what?" Butters asked.

"Drugs, hardcore drugs." Cartman exclaimed.

"CARTMAN YOU INSENSITIVE A**HOLE!!!" Kyle yelled. Caci rushed over to his side and placed a hand on his shoulder, attempting to help him calm down.

"Since when does Kenny do drugs fellas? He may be poor, but he's nothing like his parents." Butters said.

"He's done them for at least two years, Butters." Stan exclaimed.

"Why the f**k are you telling him?" Kyle asked, angrily.

"Kyle, stop swearing." Caci urged.

Stan looked over his shoulder at Kyle. "What's the point, dude. Cartman already told him about the drugs." He turned back to Butters. "Kenny used to sneak into parties and get high, like super wasted high."

Butters frowned, "And none of you thought to tell me this?"

"We figured he told you or something." Stan replied.

"He stopped right? He doesn't still do them." Butters exclaimed.

Stan scratched the back of his head. "We actually don't know if he stopped."


"What makes you think he'd listen to you?" Cartman asked. "If he wouldn't listen to his friends since preschool, what makes you think he'd listen to anything you'd say?"

"I DON'T CARE IF HE WOULDN'T LISTEN TO ME!! I COULD HAVE AT LEAST TRIED!!" Butters yelled. He picked up his books from the desk he'd say them down on and began to storm off.

"Wait Butters!" I called out to him.

Butters whirled around, clearly still angry with what had happened. "Kenny's not coming back. That's what he told us at the dance. I'm sorry." I lied. I couldn't think of any other way to break the news that Kenny wasn't coming back anytime soon.

"F**k you Kade. You're a liar." Butters exclaimed, raising his middle finger at me.

Stan sighed as Butters walked out of the classroom. "He only ever swears when he's really mad, or Cartman manipulates him."

"Hey!" Cartman shouted.

"Did Kenny actually tell you guys he wasn't coming back?" Kyle asked me.

I looked to my friends for support. They all had the same expression. 'Make something up.' I looked down at the floor searching for the right words. I couldn't tell them Kenny died, there's no way they'd believe me. I took a deep breath and started the most believable story I could think of. "You guys all know Kenny took us outside at the dance and didn't come back. He told us that he couldn't take it anymore. His situation with his parents was getting worse. His dad hurt Karen so he decided to take off for a while."

"Wow...really?" Stan asked in shock.

"Yeah." I said sadly. It really sucked to be lying to the guys, but if I told them what actually happened they would have thought I was insane.

"He could have told us his home situation had gotten that bad. What we do now?" Kyle asked.

"Well, first we have to track down Butters and make sure he doesn't hurt himself. Then, I say we all head to Kenny's house afterschool and figure out where the f**k he went." Stan replied.

I found myself nodding along not paying attention. "Wait, why are we going to Kenny's afterschool?" Caci asked.

"To see if he left any clues as to where he could have gone." Kyle stated.

"Kyle, this isn't the Hardly Boys of some s**t! We don need to go to Kenny's house looking for clues." Cartman exclaimed. Remind me to thank him for saving our a**es sometime. "We need to go and see if he left a map or something marked with where he was going." Never mind.

"Annoying teenagers in seats please. Annoying teenagers in seats." Garrison announced as he shut the door to the classroom.

My friends and I sat down at our lab table. "Do you have anything to say Kade? You tangled us in a web of lies."

"Sorry?" I replied.

AN: Thanks for reading!! By the way... You see this button? ➡️ ⭐️
Would you mind pressing if for me? It would do me a huge favor. Thanks!!

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