Chapter 51- Chasiti and Kyle

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     To say I was only worried about Caci was an extreme understatement. She'd stopped answering texts and calls from both me AND Paul. I'd tried calling her at least ten times to no avail. I'd dropped Shelbie off at the venue, so I was riding the elevator up to our hotel room by myself. The elevator finally stopped, and I pulled the room key out of my back pocket as I walked down the hall. I stopped in front of our room and unlocked it.

     "Caci?" I asked as I stepped inside. "Why haven't you been answering your phone?" I let the door softly close behind me as I walked farther into the room. "Hello??" A loud bang from hitting the ground scared the life out of me. My eyes flickered through the open door of the balcony where one of the two outside chairs had fallen over. How did that even happen? It isn't that windy today. Besides, that door's way too heavy for the wind to blow it open. Wait a second... why was the sliding door to the balcony even open?? I rushed over to the railing and peeked over it. There was what looked like a large pothole in the street straight down from the balcony. That's weird. I don't remember seeing that when I was out here earlier. Oh well, it's not like standing out in the cold, December air is going to solve anything.

    I went back into the warmth of the hotel room and quietly slid the glass door closed behind me. I collapsed onto the plush bed to think. I've been so stressed out lately with everything going on from Caci and Kyle, Damien and Pip, plus the band, and everything in between. This is not good... but I'm not going to panic. There has to be an explanation for this. We aren't in South Park anymore, so everything is SUPPOSED to make sense. She texted me earlier telling me that she made it back to the hotel fine, and Paul had said that was the contents of the last text he got from her too. He hadn't been able to make it up to check on her because he was in a meeting with Dahalia and the managers of the venue. I wonder if our manager knows if our only keyboardist is missing. I hope not.

    Maybe Caci had gone out again for food or something and left her phone here, or maybe it was just dead. I pushed myself off the bed and started digging around the room looking for it. I managed to find it neatly tucked into one of the drawers of the dresser on the far end if the room, almost as if it had been waiting for me. I picked it up and turned it on. All of my texts and calls appeared on the screen. So she had left it here, but it seemed to be deliberately placed where I had found it. There's something I'm missing.

    Dang it, I'm not L. How am I supposed to figure this out? I looked back down at her phone. The screen had become a bright shade of red, so bright it was hurting my eyes to look at. What the heck? A sentence appeared in the center of the screen in a glowing white script that seemed eerily familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it before.

 What the heck? A sentence appeared in the center of the screen in a glowing white script that seemed eerily familiar, but I couldn't remember where I had seen it before

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    The text faded into black the longer I stared at it before the entire screen went black, and the phone shut off. I held down the on button, but no response came. Well, okay then. Should I actually listen to what it said or no? Walking out the door seems really risky. Unfortunately, there isn't another way out if this hotel room other than the balcony and I'd rather not take that route.

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