Chapter 29- Caci and Kenny

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Caci's POV

"Are you sure about this?" Chasiti asked.

"It's not like he'll talk to anyone else." I replied.

"I know, but I feel like I should have brought a weapon or something." She said, as we approached the front doorstep.

"I doubt he'll try and kill us. It's Butters." I said as I knocked on the front door.

It took a minute or two but eventually a women with blonde hair, who I assumed was Butters's mom, answered the door. "Hello, can I help you ladies?"

"We we're hoping we could talk to Butters." Chasiti told her.

Linda turned around to look behind her and then faced us again. "I suppose you can since my husband isn't here. Butters is grounded for being in a destructive and depressive mood for weeks. I can give you ten minutes but if Stephen gets back you'll have to run."

"We understand." I replied. "Thank you." She stepped out of our way, and Chasiti and I made our way up the stairs.

We stopped at Butters's bedroom door. I took a deep breath as Chasiti knocked on the door. "Who is it?" Butters asked from the other side of the door.

"It's me and Chasiti." I answered.

Instantly, Butters's reply was very hostile. "If Stan and Kyle are there with you, you can all f**k off!"

I was taken aback by his harsh words. "I swear to you Butters, no one is here but us." Chasiti exclaimed.

The door to his bedroom cracked open as he peered through it, seeing us. He opened the door completely and pulled us both in, shutting the door behind us quickly. He turned around. "What do you want?" He spat.

"We just wanted to talk to you, Butters." I answered.

"Well, you're talking to me now so what to do you want?" He asked again.

"Well... How are you doing?" Chasiti asked, trying to ease the tension.

"I'm doing great, Chasiti. My boyfriend either skipped town or overdosed on something and my friends since preschool lied to me." He replied.

"Butters, Kyle and the other guys are sorry about it didn't think you'd understand." I said.

"Tell your boyfriend he's a d**k." Butters exclaimed, turning his face to look at the ground.

"Are you sure you're okay, Butters?" Chasiti asked.

He looked up at us, tears gathering in the corners of his eyes. "No." He exclaimed. Tears began streaming down his face as he collapsed on Chasiti's shoulder. "I don't know what happened to him. He could have died and it's all my fault."

I placed a hand on his shoulder. "It's not your fault Butters. He skipped town, I'm sure he's fine." I said as Chasiti wrapped an arm around Butters to support him.

Butters lifted his head from Chasiti's shoulder and looked at me with tears streaming down his pale face. "That's even worse! Who knows what kind of trouble he could have gotten in to!" He began sobbing as he hid his face from me again.

I looked up at Chasiti with a frown. She sighed and spoke, "Everything's going to be fine Butters. We're here for you."

As she finished her sentence, Butters jerked his head up and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I don't want you here for me. GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!!"

I jumped at his sudden mood swing. "But Butters, you can't go through this alone." I tried.

"I DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY!! I WANT YOU OUT OF MY HOUSE NOW!!!!!" He yelled. He grabbed the both of us by the wrist and dragged us out of the room. He let go of us and went back into his room, slamming the door behind him.

A few seconds later Linda came up the stairs. "I think it'd be best if you girls leave." She said. We nodded and left with out another word.


Kenny's POV

"I think it'd be best if you girls leave." On the other side of the door, Butters sank to the floor on his knees, sobbing his eyes out.

I leaned back from the mirror Damien had placed in my room. He had chained me to a chair and forced me to watch the entire encounter. I was forced to watch my boyfriend's suffering for at least two hours a day, an hour and an half if Damien was feeling nice at the time.

"Why are you doing this to him Damien? Just let me go back to Earth now. Can't you see how miserable he is?" I exclaimed.

Damien laughed at me from his chair on the other side of the room. "Of course I can, but I'm afraid I just can't allow you to leave Kenneth. Watching you long to comfort you boyfriend through his despair is too fun."

"I've been here for weeks! How can you not see the toll it's taking on Butters?" I said.

"I can see it, but as I've told you before: Your boyfriend's well being is not my concern." He exclaimed.

I rolled my eyes and mocked him in a high pitched voice. "Your boyfriend's well being is not my concern...blah, blah, blah. You're staying captive here until you tell me what I require of you. I'm the big bad son of the devil. OOOOOhhhhhhhh."

Damien calmly stood up from his chair and made his way over to me. "Would you like me to chain you to the wall again?" He asked as he got in my face.

I thought of a snarky response, but I decided I was going to be punished already so I shouldn't add to it. "No."

He smiled, "Good, I suggest you save your snark for someone else." He left the room without another word.

I sighed and looked back into the mirror. It began to show the clouds swirling around as it waited for me to name who I wanted to see. "Kyle Broflovski and Stan Marsh." said a voice from behind me.

I turned around to see a blonde, possibly French, boy my age. I thought to myself. 'He looks familiar.' "Pip?" I asked.

"Oui." Since you believe I'm French." He replied.

"Sorry, habit." I apologized. If Pip was here that means he's affiliated with Damien or Satan, meaning he could torture me if he felt like it.

Pip half-smiled and walked over to me. He pointed towards the mirror as it focused on Kyle and Stan like he requested. They were at the public library with stacks of books surrounding them. "They're researching the cult of Cthulhu."

I sighed, "If only they knew he isn't behind it this time."

Pip waved his hand over the mirror, and the image disappeared. "Would you mind if I came to visit you daily? I haven't talked to anyone from South Park for years."

"Probably since you're dead." I said without thinking. Pip raised an eyebrow in question. 'Why are you such an insensitive a**hole sometimes?" I thought to myself. "Sure Pip, why not." I replied.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." He exclaimed as he went to leave.

"Wait!" I yelled. "You're just going to leave me tied up here?"

Pip shrugged, "I couldn't untie you no matter how hard I tried. Believe me Kenneth, I want to. No one deserves this kind of torture. Unfortunately, Damien has cursed your chains. If you want to leave, you'll have to appease him."

"I have no idea what he wants! He's held me captive for two weeks, demanding that I reveal what I know. WHAT THE F**K DOES HE WANT?!?!"

Pip sighed, "I'll see you tomorrow, Kenneth." He turned and left me alone with the "Mirror of Gaea" as Damien called it.

I sighed and turned to the mirror. "I wish to see Butters Stotch."

AN: Ok, so it's been a while. School's started back up and my schedule's super hectic but I'll try and update when I can. Thanks for reading!!

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