Chapter 4-Stan

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There's the girl that I like
Now more than ever she gives me butterflies

     Have I ever told you how ridiculously boring World History is? Our history teacher, some idiot from Quahog named Mr.Griffin, just keeps rambling on and on. Whenever I have a teacher like him, I fear for humanity. Why do we let complete idiots like him have a teaching license? 

     Anyway, Caci and Chasiti were sitting with us at the group of four where Kyle and I usually sat. It's nice to have other people to talk to. Not that Kyle isn't cool, he's my best friend, he tends to complain about Cartman or lecture me about something from his Advanced Honors Chemistry class. I know that Kyle can't read my thoughts, probably, but YES KYLE I MADE SURE TO SAY ADVANCED HONORS!!!

So, Chasiti seems kind of creepy. I'm glad Kyle invited them to our daily after school trip to Taco Bell though. I leaned towards Kyle and asked, "Are we paying for them?"

     Kyle looked at me like I was crazy. "Do you want to seem like a jerk to them?" 

     "No," I answered.

    "Okay, you're paying for Chasiti." He replied. 

     I looked up at the teacher's desk. We were supposed to be doing group work on World War II and the Holocaust but our group was mostly just sitting around talking about random things.

     "Are we actually going to get anything done?" Kyle asked.

     "Probably not, you guys can come over to our apartment so we can finish this after we go to Taco Bell." Caci exclaimed.

     "You guys all share an apartment?" I asked. 

     Chasiti answered, " Us two and Jon and Kade. Trust me living with one idiot is bad enough but multiply that by three and you'll understand what I have to go through on a daily basis. "

     Caci looked shocked, "I'm offended."

     "You aren't that bad, until you start talking about everything your obsessed with." Chasiti replied.

     "It's not that many." Caci argued.

     "Would you like me to ATTEMPT to list them all?" Chasiti asked.

     "No, I'm good." Caci answered.

     Mr.Griffin started walking around to all the groups so we all pretended to be working.  I looked down at the piece of blank notebook paper on my desk. I picked up my pencil and wrote "The Holocaust sucks" on it. Kyle looked over my shoulder and gave me a "Seriously?" look. Underneath what I had already written I added "and so does Kyle." He looked at it and frowned. He moved the paper onto his desk and wrote "I hate you." I wrote back "Love you too bae!!"

     Once Mr. Griffin walked by our table, Kyle said, "You're disgusting."

     I rolled my eyes and asked, "Does your girlfriend have to be Jewish?

     "How would I know? I've never actually been in a serious relationship!" He answered.

     "You should totally ask Caci out, I can tell you're dying to." I exclaimed.

     "Oh please Stan, you think I don't notice you getting all nervous and looking like you might throw up when your around Chasiti." Kyle replied.

     "I do not!" I argued.

     Kyle rolled his eyes, "You act just like you used to with Wendy."

     I groaned, "Please don't drag Wendy into this.

     Kyle smiled innocently, "Why you used to wuve her!!" 

     I noticed Caci and Chasiti were staring at us. "He's just being stupid, I'll sort it out just give me a minute." I turned my attention back to Kyle. "Maybe, but at least I actually have the balls to ask a girl out. I'm going to mask Chasiti to go to the movies with me on Friday."

     "Good for you," Kyle answered.

     "You should ask Caci if she wants to see "The Scorch Trials" with you. I'm SURE she'd say yes." I suggested.

     Kyle looked like he was considering it. "Maybe I will, but I don't really want to double with you and Chasiti." 

     "I'll just take Chasiti to a horror movie, problem solved." I answered.

     "The problem isn't solved, you're still here." Kyle stated. I frowned as Kyle continued talking.  "I'm just kidding dude, but if your taking Chasiti to see a horror movie are you sure you don't want me to come so you can cry into my shoulder if gets to scary?" 

     "Have I ever told you how much I hate you?" I asked.

    "Yes Stan, you tell me almost every day." Kyle answered

    "Good." I replied.

AN: Sorry that it's been a while since I've updated, things have been getting crazy with band and a lot of other school work since testing is next week. Anyways, thanks for reading! 😘

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