Chapter 23- Caci

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AN: Double update because why not?


     Kyle has driven Kade and I to our apartment in my car. We pulled into the parking space next to Stan's car and walked up the stairwell to number 210, ours. Kyle opened the door and led us into our decorated living room. 

      There was blue painter's tape across the floor, dividing the room into four, equal sections. Each section was decorated to represent a member of our group.

     "This is really impressive, Kyle." I exclaimed.  

      "The theme wasn't my idea, actually. You have Stan to thank for that." 

     "Hey, I'm going to go talk to some of the other guys." Kade said.

    "Have fun." I answered, waving her off.

     "I'm going to grab us some punch. You okay to stay here alone?" Kyle asked.

      "It's my apartment, Kyle. I'll be fine." I answered. He walked off and began to weave through the crowd of people.

     I glanced around the room, taking in the scene. I didn't even think our living room could hold these many people. 

     Before I could make a move to meet some of the other people here. A girl with dark black hair and brown  eyes blocked my way. She wore a dark purple sweater, dark wash skinny jeans, and a pink beret was balanced perfectly on her head. I knew exactly who she was, and I could already guess what she wanted to talk to me about.

     "Excuse me." I said, trying to get away from her.

     "Exactly, excuse you. Who the f**k do you think you are?" Wendy asked angrily.

     "I think I am walking away from you." I answered, pushing past her. 

     She scoffed and grabbed my arm, whirling me around to face her. She released my arm and spoke, "Why did I even bother asking? I know exactly who you are. You're one of those new girls who moved to town." 

     "Congratulations, Wendy. You get an A for paying attention in homeroom." I said.

     "How do you know my name?" She asked. I didn't get a chance to answer before she spoke again. "It doesn't matter. What does matter is that your friend is getting to close to my boyfriend." 

     "You mean Chasiti and Stan? Last time I checked you guys broke up a while back." I exclaimed.

     Her expression darkened, "We did but I've been trying to convince Stan I want him back. Everything was going great until you and your idiot friends decided to show up." 

      "We didn't just show up. We got offered by a record company in Denver to help us launch our band, and if Stan doesn't want you back that's your problem not mine." I attempted to walk away from her again.

      She blocked me off. "Why are you still trying to get away from me? I'm not going to hurt you. Tell your friend to back off my man if she knows what's good for her. " This time she shoved me backwards and stormed off.

     "And it looks like I've made my first enemy." I said to myself.

     "Who was that?" Chasiti asked as she walked up to me with a plate of food. 

     "That was Wendy and she already doesn't like us." I answered.

     "What did you do?" She asked.

     "I didn't do anything." I defended myself. "She came up to me and started accusing me of trashing her and Stan's relationship. Then, she started spouting all this nonsense about you needing to back off from Stan." 

     "Then, she clearly hates me and not you." Chasiti exclaimed.

     I shook my head. "She seems like she hates all of us. Anyways, how's the food?"  

     "It's really good. You want some?" She asked, offering me a cookie. 

     "No thanks." I replied.

     "Suit yourself. I'm going to go get some more." She said, heading off in the direction she first came from.

     I looked around, making sure know one was going to jump me again. Thankfully, Kyle came up with two cups of red punch. "Sorry it took so long." He said as he handed me a cup.

     I took a sip, recognizing the taste. "Is this Hawaiian Fruit Punch?" I asked. 

      Kyle nodded sheepishly. "We got a little lazy with the punch, so we just dumped three big bottles of Hawaiian Fruit Punch in a bowl and called it a day." 

     "It's the thought that counts." I assured him.

     "Is there anyone here you don't know?" Kyle asked. 

     I laughed, "There's a lot of people here I don't know, Kyle." 

     "Well then, let me introduce them to you." He said, taking hold of my hand and dragging me off.

     After I had met almost everyone in the room, a voice called out from the front of the room. "HELLO EVERYONE. I KNOW THIS PROBABLY ISN'T THE BEST PLACE TO ANNOUNCE THIS, BUT SINCE MOST THE JUNIOR CLASS IS HERE, I'LL GO AHEAD AND SAY IT."

     I was to short to see who was yelling so I turned to Kyle. He was only six inches taller than me but he could probably see who it was. "Who's yelling, I can't see?" 

     "It's Wendy Testaburger, Stan's ex-girlfriend." He answered. 

     "Ugh." I groaned in annoyance.

     "Do you know her? I don't remember introducing her to you." He asked.

     "You didn't." I replied. "She and I talked earlier."


     "Except for me and my friends." I muttered.

     "Did you say something?" Kyle asked.

     "I was just talking to myself." I replied.

AN: So I've realized that nothing really plot related has happened so far so I'm jumpstarting the plot next two chapters. Brace yourself. Anyways, make sure to vote and comment. Thanks for reading!! 💜💜

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