Chapter 20- Chasiti

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     "Are either of you guys looking for jobs here in town?" I asked my friends as we sat at a stop light.

     Kade spoke up from the backseat, "We kinda have to. We can't rely on our parents to send us money all the time. 

    "I actually have an interview at the library for tomorrow for an assistant position." Caci said from beside me.

     "Of course you would apply for a job at the library." I replied.

      "Tweek's coffee had a hiring sign in the window. I think I'll go ask about a job tomorrow." Kade exclaimed. 

     "Last time I checked, the Taco Bell in town was hiring too." Caci said to me.

"I'll check it out then." I replied. The light turned green so I continued to drive.


At the mall's coffee shop...

      Kyle, Caci, and I were sitting at a table towards the front of the store. Stan came over with a cup holder containing four drinks. He passed out the drinks to everyone and sat down beside me.

     I looked across the table to see Kyle staring off into space. "Are you okay, Kyle?" Caci asked as she took a sip of her coffee.

     "Yeah," Kyle replied. "I was just thinking about this weird dream I had last night." He turned to Stan. "Remember Damien and Pip from third grade?" Stan nodded. "Well, I dreamt that they were discussing something outside the school. Damien said something about Pip needing to make a decision because his dad was getting impatient. It was really strange." 

     Caci nearly spit out her coffee. We all turned to her. "You okay?" Stan asked. 

     "Yeah, it was just hot." She explained. I knew she was lying though. I'd have to ask her about it later. "So anyways about this dream you had, were you guys in it too?"

      Kyle looked shocked, "Actually, we were. How did you know?" 

     "Just a guess." She replied.

     "Anyway, it's a good thing Kenny decided to tag along. Kade isn't alone now." Stan said.

      "Knowing Kade she probably dragged him down to the ruins of Hot Topic to mourn its loss." I exclaimed. 

     "I'll take the trash." Stan said as he placed his empty cup back in the cup holder. The rest of us did the same. 

      Once he returned, he grabbed my hand and I stood up. He turned to Kyle, "Mind if we go off and do something?" 

      "Not at all. Caci and I will just wander around." Kyle replied. 

      Stan pulled me out of the coffee store. A few minutes later, I was standing next to him in GameStop as he droned on about a virtual sports game. He stopped rambling and turned to me. "Am I boring you?" He asked with a smile. 

     "Just a little." I admitted. 

      "I'll make it quick then." He answered. He grabbed the game he was talking about off the shelf, and we got in line to pay for it. We reached the checkout counter. Our cashier was a boy our age with dark black hair with an Asian look to him. "Hi Kevin." 

      "Hey Stan! How's it going?" Kevin asked as he scanned Stan's game.

     "Great, how are things with you?" Stan asked.

     "Pretty well actually. Who's your girlfriend?" He asked motioning to me.

      "My name's Chasiti. I'm just a friend." I said.

    "Nice to meet you, I'm Kevin Stoley." He turned back to Stan. "Did you know that I'm the first in the Stoley family to be granted a Medal of Honor by my role playing group?" Kevin asked as he slid the game into a plastic bag. 

      "No I didn't, but I'm not surprised. Congratulations." Stan replied.

      "Thanks, are you going to be able to make this weeks meeting? The Rebel Alliance Army could really use your assistance." Kevin asked. 

      Stan awkwardly smiled. "Not this time, but maybe sometime in the future." 

      Kevin slid the bag across the counter. "I understand, maybe next time. You're welcome to come if you'd like Chasiti. See you guys later." He said as we left.

      "You've gone to one of his role playing meetings?" I asked as we began to stroll through the mall. 

      Stan laughed and ran a hand through his hair. "It was one time. I only went because everyone else was busy, and I was depressed after Wendy broke up with me for the millionth time." 

      "Did you like it?" I asked.

      Stan shrugged, "It was definitely interesting but far to nerdy for me." He looked behind us to see if anyone was following us. "Unfortunately, Kevin is determined to get me back there since I did so well."

      "Did you do well?" I asked in disbelief.

      "I don't know, Kevin said I did. All I did was say the lines I was supposed to memorize. I may have written them on my arms, but no one noticed." Stan said.

      "Maybe you should go again." I suggested.

      "Why?" Stan asked in confusion.

      "Who knows, you may really like it if you try. It would probably get Kevin to quit pestering you if you go again." I replied.

       "Maybe..." Stan said. "How about this? I'll go to Kevin's Star Wars role play if you go with me." 

       "In what alternate universe would I ever CONSIDER going to a role play meeting?" I asked. 

       "Why are you suggesting I go if your not open to the idea yourself?" Stan countered.

       "Fine I'll go, but I'm not taking part in it." I exclaimed.

       "That's fine as long as you don't take video of it." He replied. 

       "Why would I?" I asked.

       "To humiliate or embarrass me." He answered. 

       "That's what Kade does, not me." I replied.

AN: Sorry this is a little late. I was ready to post when I realized I wrote the entire thing in Stan's Point of View and had to redo it. Anyways, thanks for reading! 💜

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