Chapter 32- Caci

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Caci's POV

     "Make sure you're back by eleven. We have to leave for the airport by eleven-thirty." Chasiti reminded me.

     "Okay, I might bring Kyle back with me." I said as I grabbed my keys from our key dish on the front table.

     "That's fine as long as he doesn't distract you." She replied.'

     "I can't make any definite promises." I said. "See you in three hours." I pulled the front door closed behind me, got in my car, and drove off.

     I was heading out to Tweek's for coffee with Kyle before we left for LA. He tended to be clingy recently. In other news, my ex-boyfriend texted me Zach texted me five days ago about him coming through Colorado with his family, wanting to talk to me. He hasn't made an appearance so I assume he's driving through next week when I'll be California. Awesome. Things didn't exactly end in the best way between us. We dated for about three months before a certain friend of mine got the wrong message and broke up with him for me. I won't name names, for now at least.

     I pulled into the parking lot of Tweek's, not seeing Kyle's dad's van in the parking lot. I pulled out my phone and shot him a text. "Hey, are you here yet?"

     "Not yet. I'm taking Ike to hockey practice and then I'll head over there. You can go ahead and save us a table though." He replied.

     "Ok, I'll see you when you get here." I sent as I got out of my car and went inside.

     "Hey Tweek!" I said as I walked in.

     He was currently wiping off the counter. "Hey Caci! Wh...wh..where's Kyle?" He asked.

     "He'll be coming soon." I answered. "Mind if I sit here to wait?" I motioned to a table.

     "Go ahead. Can I you some...thing? IT'S TO MUCH PRESSURE WORKING HERE!" He said.

     I smiled in an attempt to calm him down. "Can I just have a salted caramel mocha?"

     "S...s..sure." He answered, starting on it.

     I scrolled through Instagram while I waited. I had posted earlier this morning about our flight to LA. There was a massive amount of sweet comments from fans. "I'm going to make a giant banner and wait at the airport for you guys!", "I hope I get to meet you guys while you're here!", and "Are you guys going to play a show while you're here?"

     We didn't have a gig planned put I could probably ask Dahalia to pull some strings to book us one since quite a lot of other people were asking the same question.

     The door to the coffee shop opening was signaled by a ring. Tweek hustled over and set my drink down. " you go!"

     "Thanks Tweek." I replied.

     "That guy that just w..w...wal...walked in is at you." He said looking in the direction of the door.

     "Is it just Kyle?" I asked.

     "No. Kyle doesn't have b...brown hair." He replied.

     I sighed, "Does he have light brown hair, dark eyes, and is pretty short?"

     "Yeah." Tweek said.

     There's only one more detail I need to place who it is without looking. "Is he wearing suspenders?"

     "Yeah, do you know him or s...some...something?" Tweek asked.

     "Yeah I do, unfortunately. Hopefully, he doesn't come over here." I said putting my head in my hands.

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