Chapter 2

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It had been hours, it was now 10 past 3 and we were at the front. Throughout the queue there had been a group of older girls trying to push in front of us but we didn't let them. They should line up just like everyone else has. 

I said to Chloe that I would go first which meant that I was up next, all I need to do is remember who is who, Austin is first, Austin is first, Austin is first... I was ushered along by a member of the O2 security team indicating it was my turn. I stepped up on to the platform and looked right into Austin's eyes

"Hey, how are you?" he asked whilst signing the photo that was given to me whilst we were lining up, his American accent shining through.

"I'm good thank you" I said with a massive grin on my face, he signed the photo "Could I have a picture please?"

"Of course" he said, I handed my phone over the table to him and he snapped a couple pictures of the both of us, some silly, some serious.

"Thank you" I said and he replied with a you're welcome before sliding the picture over to Drew. Drew and Nate were basically the same as what happened with Austin, but when I got to Levi, thats when things got a little interesting.

"Hi, how are you" Levi said smiling at me

"I'm good thank you, how are you?"

"I'm good thank you" He signed my photo, and as I handed him my phone I brought some of my hair up with it so his hand got all tangled in my curls

"Ugh your hands all up in my curls" I said while laughing

Levi looked at me whilst laughing also and just said Same as he has curly hair also, he snapped a picture of us and then I moved on to New Hope Club, First was George. George was super sweet and lovely, he signed a photo of them and then offered to sign my programme which meant I began holding up the line, but I qued up for 4 hours, this was my time. He then took my phone and took pictures of us, some silly and some cute ones, I then moved on to Blake realising that George still had my phone

"George you've still got my phone" I said pointing at his hand and giggling 

"Trying to steal peoples phones are we now George" blake said taking it off him

"I'm sorry I just forgot I was holding it" he replied whilst laughing 

"Sorry about him, he's a bit of a dodgy one" Blake said to me whilst laughing, "Anyway you alright? you must've been standing in line for ages"

"Yeah I'm good thank you, and we started queuing at about midday so I've been standing for ages but its been worth it"

"Well I'm glad we made it worth your while, did you want a photo?"

"Yes please, thank you" I gave him my phone and he took some photos of us "Thank you, bye!"

Right now all I have to do is talk to Reece...

"Hey Babe" I looked up to see that Reece was the one who said it, you could definitely tell he was Northern

"Oh um, Hi" i said looking down smiling to myself

"What's your name?"


"I'm Reece"

"Yeah I know" I replied and we both giggled, after signing my picture and programme, he offered to take a picture of us both. He took one on both mine and his as he said he wanted a couple for the New Hope Club twitter account to post to show fans what the signings are like. After all that was done he gave me a hug.

"Thank you so much" I whispered in his ear

"Your Welcome, it was my pleasure" he whispered back, then I stepped down from the platform and waited for Chloe. After Chloe was finished she walked over to me, I looked over to Reece for one last time and he was already looking at me, we locked eyes for a couple seconds before the next fan came along.

"Ugh Meg wasn't that just the best thing!" Chloe said jumping up and down from excitment

"Yeah it was actually better than I expected, thank you for inviting me to come with you today" I gave my best friend a hug which was returned on her behalf but I was squeezed a lot more. I went to go and reach for my phone to look at the pictures that were taken but realised it wasn't in my bag or any of my pockets 

"Chloe have you got my phone?" 

"Um I don't think so, let me check" Chloe rummaged around her bag and confirmed that she didn't have it. Great, I've lost it in the space of 5 minutes

"Shit Chloe I've lost my phone!"

"Did you leave it at the signing table by any chance?" I thought back, Reece took my phone and took a picture, then took one on his for the twitter page, I don't remember him giving it back to me...

"I think Reece has my pho-what?" Chloe's eyes shot up to look behind me and I felt a tap on my shoulder, I turned round to see an out of breath Reece standing there with a couple girls being held back by security.

"I think you forgot this?" he said holding up my phone 

"Oh my god thank you, I thought I'd lost it" I said smiling at him

"Yeah well you left it unlocked so I took the time to change your lock screen" I unlocked my phone to see what was me and Chloe was now the picture of me and Reece from only a few minutes ago

"Why thank you, now I don't have to do it myself" I said giving a cheeky smile

"Anyways I need to get back to the signing"

"Yes, go, But I mean it, thank you"

"Bye" He said waving and running back to the tables. I looked back down at the picture on my phone and smiled.

"Okay, what the hell just happened!" Chloe said

I just looked at her and laughed.

"Come on Chloe, lets go grab some lunch".

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