Chapter 9

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I woke up at 9 the following morning as I had my date with Reece. I jumped in the shower and washed my hair as I didn't want it looking greasy. After I had a shower I went and woke Chloe up before I put the hairdryer on. I don't think she was particularly pleased that I woke her up because she went straight back to sleep. Oh well. I clipped up the top half of my hair and began drying the underneath of it. When all the hair underneath was dry I tied it up, unclipped the top half of my hair and dried that. When I was happy that my hair was completely dry I then went on to straighten it. Even though it's naturally straight, the ends tend to flick out in all different directions. I decided on subtle daytime make-up, nothing too heavy as I didn't know what we were doing, but we'd still be in daylight. I was wearing some blue jeans with a white, flowy blouse along with some white converse and a black leather jacket. Just as I slipped my jacket on there was a knock at the door, assuming it was Reece I went straight over and answered it.

"Blake? What are you doing here?" I opened the door further to let him in and he just started pacing

"I've got a bit of a situation Megan, I feel like you could help me out a little" I glanced over to see that Chloe was still sleeping and nodded for him to go ahead.

"Well I don't know if you've noticed but me and Chloe have been getting pretty close recently, I think I'm starting to like her and I want to take her on date but I'm having some issues."

"What sort of issues" I looked over at the clock to see I still had 15 minutes until my date with Reece

"Well I've never really gone on a date before, I haven't ever really found a girl I liked enough and I wouldn't know where to take her so I'm hoping you can help me out a little" I took in everything he said, double checked Chloe was asleep and then began explaining what to do. I told him not to be nervous because Chloe likes him too even though she won't admit it. I told him that she likes doing adventurous things, so don't go out for dinner or to the cinema, go do something active and fun. She's very like me in that sense.

"And if I tell you this, it didn't come from me because Chloe will kill me" He nodded waiting for me to continue, "Well you don't need to worry about not ever being on a date because Chloe hasn't either, she's been asked but always said no because she never liked any of them" A look of relief went through Blake. "Anyways you need to leave before she wakes up so off you go" I looked at the clock again to see that it was practically 11. As I opened the door for Blake to leave Reece was just about to knock.

"What's going on here?" Reece questioned

"Long story, I will tell you on the date. Bye Blake" I waved at him down the corridor and invited Reece in. "Let me just leave Chloe a note saying I've left and then we can go, do all the other boys know where our room is?" I said whilst scribbling down a note for Chloe on a post-it.

"Yeah, they said they're gonna come and get her at about 1pm as they're all going to go out or something" He explained.

"Right I'm ready" I put the pen down, grabbed my bag and Reece guided me out the door. "So where are we going?"

"Well that I'm afraid I can't tell you" He said with a mischievous grin plastered on his face

"So it's a surprise?" Reece just nodded. We got in the elevator and pressed the button for ground floor, when we got to the bottom, the doors opened and Reece took my hand in his before we stepped out. I looked down at our hands and just smiled.

"What are you smiling about" 

"It's nothing" We stepped out of the hotel doors and the cold air hit our faces, I explained to Reece what Blake was doing in my room but I told him that it had to be kept on the down low because Chloe couldn't find out that he was going to ask her. Whilst on the way to whatever Reece had planned we past a Costa and I practically dragged Reece inside so I could buy myself a hot chocolate. 

"What would you like?" the Barista asked 

"A medium hot chocolate with cream to go please" I gave him my Costa card and began looking at the selection of muffins and cakes and before I knew it my drink was being handed over the counter

"Oh I haven't paid" I tried handing over a 5 pound note but he just dismissed it

"The boy already paid for you" He pointed at Reece, as we walked out I said to him that he shouldn't have bought me my drink but he just replied with a simple I wanted to. We carried on walking for about 15 minutes and we were talking about all sorts until one subject was bought up that I really wanted to avoid. 

"So have you had a boyfriend before?" I nearly completely froze and choked on my drink. The only person that knows is Chloe, I couldn't even come to tell my mum what happened because I was too embarrassed. "If you don't want to talk about it's okay, that conversation can wait" He offered 

"Please, I will tell you eventually, I just can't yet. Chloe is the only person that knows and it was a struggle telling her. I just don't want to put a downer on the date" 

"I understand, it was probably to soon to ask anyways, today is about us" Reece smiled and I returned it. "Right we're here" I looked around, all I saw was a big warehouse looking building.

"Reece where are we?" I said laughing 

"Come inside and you'll find out" He took me towards some doors and as we walked in I was stunned

"You've brought me Ice Skating?" I said, not being able to wipe the smile of my face

"Yeah, I though it would be cute" He'd definitely done well, I loved Ice Skating. This was going to be one of the best dates I will ever and would have ever had.

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