Chapter 25

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Our train has just pulled up. After spending five days with everyone I really want to stay longer. I gave Reece the tightest hug, I didn't want to let him go.

"I'll miss you so much" He whispered in my ear

"I'll miss you too, don't forget about me" I whispered back

"Like it's even possible" I could feel the smirk on his face, I pulled him in for a kiss that lasted longer than expected, just a goodbye kiss. I looked at Chloe to see that her and Blake were hugging also. The loud, high pitched beeping sound let me and Chloe know that the doors had opened and we needed to get on. I picked up my bag and rushed over to the door, just as I was about to step on Reece grabbed my wrist, he gave me a light peck.

"I love you" He looked into my eyes, even though it was rushed, it was still perfect.

"I love you" I gave him one last kiss before getting on the train and the doors closing. Me and Chloe took our seat in a booth with a table. I glanced out the window to see Reece and Blake waving at us, I gave a slight smile and waved back before that train pulled out of the station. Once the boys were out of sight our attention was directed at each other.

"I heard you and Reece went to McDonalds last night" She asked as more of a question, bringing back all the memories of Reece's ex.

"Oh don't even get me started, You know the girls that we were sat behind in Zizi's? Jess and all her friends" She nodded "They came into the McDonalds, get this right, the brunette one is Reece's ex Brooke" Her eyes nearly popped out of her head and I just laughed. "She cheated on him with that boy I was pictured with, remember I told you about how she cheated on Thursday?" 

"Of course I remember. Why would she cheat on him though, I don't get it. What are the odds of that happening, what did you do?"

"She started talking and trying to get Reece's attention-" I started to explain

"Wait she came over to you both?" Chloe seemed shocked, more because it's something that she'd never imagine herself doing so finds it hard to picture other people doing it. She thinks I'm shy so wait till she hears how I acted. 

"Yep. I was so confident about it though because at the end of the day Reece is my boyfriend, she made the mistake of cheating on him so its her loss" I stood up and told Chloe I was going to get a hot chocolate and she told me to grab her a tea whilst I was there. I walked over to the little bar in our carriage and ordered my drinks, as I waited I saw two girls standing at the other end whispering and pointing at me. Great. Everywhere I go. 

"Excuse me?" One of them said, she was a petite blonde that was the complete opposite to her friend, the other had naturally wavy strawberry blonde hair and was much taller. I put on a smile and turned towards them both.

"Yes?" They're eyes popped out of their heads

"Are you the girl that's dating Reece Bibby, Megan?" I replied with a yes again and they looked like they were going to pass out, I'm not Reece, I'm just the girl he dates. "Could we get a picture with you?" What? I was taken back, I judged them completely thinking they were going to say horrible things to me when really the wanted the complete opposite. A picture. This feels weird, I'm in no way shape or form the famous one. Reece is. I didn't want the let the girls down though so I accepted their offer and they both took out their phones. We took singular ones and then got the bar tender to take a picture of all three of us. They thanked me continuously and I told them that it's no big deal, my pleasure. I grabbed mine and Chloe's hot drinks and heard over to the table.

"The weirdest thing just happened to me" I said as I sat down, I handed Chloe her drink and she quickly held it to warm up her hands and took a couple of sips,

"What, I was thinking why you were taking so long, I mean how long does it take to make a tea and a hot chocolate" She giggles as she said it and then checked her phone.

"These two girls came up to me at the bar," Chloe rolled her eyes, clearly thinking exactly what I thought at first, "And asked for a picture with me, they were so nice to me Chloe. At first I thought they'd be like the girls at bowling but they were the absolute opposite" I explained taking sips of my drink in-between, Chloe seemed just as shocked as I was

"Did you take a picture with them then?" I nodded, "That must feel weird, all you do is date someone and thats enough to get you recognised. It's crazy" We both laughed about it.

"So what's the deal with you and Blake?" I hadn't really seen them together like they've seen me and Reece. Even when we went for breakfast they weren't couple-like, yeah they spent most of it laughing and talking but nothing affectionate. I don't know if thats because I was there or whether it was in public or what.

"Well, we don't want to go official yet. We're both going back to school and don't get me wrong I'm nervous because I don't know what the girls at his school are like and now that he's well known things could get a lot worse" I saw her point, I didn't even have a choice about going official with Reece. It just happened.

"You have a right to be nervous, you're his girlfriend but nobody knows about you yet so I'd be exactly the same but if you trust him which I think you can because it's Blake, then you've got nothing to worry about" I smiled

"Yeah, we're learning from the mistakes you and Reece made by snogging at the train station who your relationship was suppose to be a secret" She put air quotations around the secret part but I can't blame her, we didn't do a great job of it. Chloe's phone went off and she checked it saying that Drew had mentioned us in a tweet

Mentioned by @TheTideDrew

Me and @TheTideNate are already missing @Megs_Violet and @Chloe_Sands our little Essex ladies, see you soon!

They're so sweet. Obviously Chloe replied but I couldn't because I deleted my Twitter, I think Reece told them all but I will text him later and ask if he did. I don't want them thinking I'm ignoring them. I was so tired and had so much homework to catch up on, I just want to get home now.

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