Chapter 22

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My girly day with Chloe went super quick. She finally said yes to Blake, I felt so bad for him because I knew Chloe liked him, she just has a hard time showing it. I told her about the whole I love you situation with Reece, I was so happy with Reece and thats all that mattered. We went shopping and went for lunch, I told her about that picture that Reece saw of me and that boy Harry and why he got so annoyed about it which she understood. It was now Friday which means it was concert day. We were spending the days as fans just like the first, no backstage stuff this time. We were actually queuing up for the signing like everyone else. No special tickets, I asked Reece to just get normal seats. We were on the right side of the lower tier relatively near the bottom. The signing started at 1pm just as before so we got to the arena at 11am and grabbed some late breakfast before we went to stand in the queue.

"It's hard to believe that almost 2 weeks ago we were in this same position but in a completely different one?" I asked Chloe

"Yeah I get what you mean, like we are dating members of New Hope Club and we are actually friends with all those people performing tonight" 

"I never would've thought you would have been this normal about being around the Vamps you know" I laughed

"Me either but at the end of the day they are just 4 boys, having to put up with them is so much harder than people think and we haven't even had or seen the worst of it" Chloe chuckled

"That is true, they all can be massive pains at times" I agreed

Me and Chloe both noticed people looking at us and whispering in the queue, a couple of them even asked for photos with me which was super weird. Chloe hasn't had that yet because she hasn't even been pictured with Blake let alone gone official. We were in line for about 3 and a half hours and the boys were in the same order as the last time we went to their signing. Austin first.

"Hello girls" Austin smiled and the rest of The Tide looked down at us and waved "Why you standing in the line?"

"We wanted to spend the day as fans like the old times, cause we are still fans"

"Yeah but you like family too" Austin smiled. He signed our picture, took our photos and we moved on down the line having a good conversation with everyone. When I got to Reece I got butterflies like the first time I met him.

"Hello Megs" He winked

"Hello Reecey" I replied. He signed my picture and this time I made sure I got my phone back even though I will see him after the show. I thanked and hugged him and went to step down but he grabbed my wrist

"Leaving without giving me a goodbye kiss" He said with a cheeky grin

"Not here Reece" I blushed of embarrassment 

"Why not, we're official aren't we" He pouted, I sighed and leaned over the table to give him a quick peck, I heard loud aww's from the rest of the fans, I turned around and just smiled. 

"See you later" 

"See you later" He said back and waited for the next fan. Me and chloe left the signing and were walking round the arena to find something to eat. We decided on going to Ziti's. When we walked in I saw someone that looked so familiar but I had no idea where from.

"Look it's Jess" Chloe said pointing to the girl sat in a booth that I was looking at. That's who she is, that horrible fan. Me and Chloe got seated in the booth behind her and her friends and we could hear everything they were saying. Me and Chloe found it hilarious how all they talk about is The Vamps. Majorly obsessed. When our food arrived we started eating and talking about going home.

"We go home tomorrow Meg" Chloe's face dropped

"I know, I really don't want to go back to school. I haven't even logged on to my twitter since me and Reece went official. I'm to scared" In the corner of my eye I could see Jess's body perk up at what I said.

"That's probably the best idea, I'm going to miss Blake so much though"

"Me too with Reece, we've gotten so use to spending time with them that there's going to be some sort of withdrawal when we hardly see them" I said whilst eating my pasta.

"I'm glad we chose to spend the day as fans though rather than going backstage and doing it that way" Chloe clearly didn't know that what she was saying was grabbing Jess's attention more and more by the second.

"Yeah, makes me remember back at the O2 2 weeks ago" I smiled at the memory of meeting Reece for the first time. "I'm just excited to watch the concert again, It's so good!"

"I know, probably will be the last time as well" Chloe stated

"Yeah, they go off to Europe don't they" They won't even be in the same country as us in a week or two, I don't know how good I'm going to be with the whole long distance thing. We finished our for, split the bill and then went to stand in line to get to our seats. It was now half 6 So the doors have only just opened. We joined the back of the line and waited till we got to the front. It felt weird doing it like this again, it felt good to be a fan. Once we got through security we went to our seats and sat down, Hometown came on in an hour so we had a lot of time to wait. Me and Chloe both sat there talking and then I got a text from Reece.

From: Reece Bibby

Wish me luck, I love you X

I smiled and Chloe nudged my shoulder and winked at me

To: Reece Bibby

You'll do great as always, good luck. I love you X

Just as I sent that text the lights went down and thousands of girls started to scream.

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