Chapter 42

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The party was packed full of people from school, obviously Scott was there but for some reason, it didn't bother me. I was sat on the sofa with Chloe, Chelsea and Kaylee.

"Do you guys want some drinks?" The girls told me what they wanted and I went to the kitchen to get them. The room was full of bottles and plastic cups, some still half full, some thrown on the floor because they were empty. I walked over to the bottles, we wasn't going light tonight, we've just finished our last exam for god sakes. I picked up four bottles and began leaving the kitchen until Alex appeared in the doorway.

"Hey Alex" I smiled at him, at one point he was one of my closest boy friends, Scott ruined all that.

"Hey megs, you look beautiful tonight" his face had lit up like a Christmas tree, Scott walked in and picked up a half full plastic cup, looked at me and just smirked,

"Megan, I'm surprised your little boyfriend let you come" He was clearly on the verge of being drunk, and a drunk Scott is not a nice one.

"He trusts me" I opened up my bottle and took a sip

"He doesn't trust me though" What the hell is that suppose to mean

"Alex could you give me and Megan a minute please?"

"No, Alex don't go" I have him a pleading look in my eyes, fear ran through his.

"Actually Scott I wanted to talk to Me-"

"Are you Deaf I said leave!"

"Scott our drunk just leave the girl alone, you've put her through enough haven't you?" Scott looked at me and pushed me up against the fridge.

"You told him! How fucking dare you tell him of all people!!" I was getting very nervous, I knew coming to this part was a bad idea. But why should I let Scott ruin my night. Alex pulled him away from me and pushed Scott up agains the wall.

"Don't treat her like that, not her, not anyone. And tell me what?" Alex's voice was laced with anger and confusion. Scott's eyes widened and his mouth gaped.

"You didn't?"

"Of course I didn't, but why don't you Scott?" Alex stared at him harshly. Scott looked at me with pleading eyes, he was upset that the truth was finally going to come out, that I won't be seen as the bad guy anymore.

"I hurt her Alex" The words trailed out of his drunken mouth, but it wasn't enough. He hurt me more than that.

"Everyone knows you hurt her Scott, you cheated on her" Alex loosened his grip around Scott but still had him pushed up agains the wall. I looked at Scott and nodded, telling him to carry on.

"No Alex not emotionally...physically" Tears started welling up in my eyes as I heard those words come from him. Alex went silent, he was processing what Scott told him.

"How fucking dare you" he said quite calmly

"Alex listen to me, I never meant to-" Alex punched the wall next to Scott's face

"No! How fucking dare you let everyone believe that she's been the villain in all of this! I lost a friendship with her over you! Fucking you! All this time I thought she couldn't get over one minor thing, your a monster! Hell, I fucking loved her! I gave her up because I was a good friend to you! And for what!" Both myself and Scott's eyes widened, did I hear that right? He loved me?

"Alex I-" Scott started

"Save it. I'm not your friend anymore so go tell someone who cares. Come on Megan" I grabbed my bottles and followed Alex back into the living room. I gave the drinks to the girls but turned back to Alex.

"Can we talk outside?" He nodded and followed me out to the patio. I shut the house doors behind him so that we could talk. "Are you okay?" He sat down and motioned for me to sit next to him.

"I just can't believe that he did that to you, I should be asking you if your okay. I'm so sorry that I chose his friendship over yours, looking back he was nervous and I guess was trying to get everyone on his side." He put his arm around me and pulled me into his side

"You loved me?" I couldn't help asking, me and Alex have always been so close, I would never have known. His head dropped and he let a slight chuckle slip from his mouth.

"I can't believe I let that slip, but yes I did, who wouldn't? Your amazing, beautiful, funny, confident, strong clearly. Your boyfriend is very lucky, and so was Scott he just didn't realise how much." Hearing Alex say all of these things made me value him so much more. If I'd known he loved me whilst I was with Scott we might not have had the same friendship that we did.

"I want us to go back to how we were Alex, before Scott got in the way and turned you against me"

"There's nothing I could possibly want more than that" I hugged Alex and stayed there, he's always brought me such comfort. "Where did he hurt you Meg?"

"On my back, it's not what you think" I stood up and told Alex to just pull down the back of my dress a little, I felt his cold fingers on my skin, then they came to a pause.

"It's a scar?" He traced it with his finger, just like Reece did, I felt him pull my dress back up so I turned to face him, "How did he do that?"

"With a knife, I will tell you everything I promise just not now, we've had enough for one night don't you think?" He nodded and we both decided to go back into the party, it was only 11p. "And Alex?" He turned to look me in the eyes, "Don't tell anyone?"

"You have my word" We went back into the party.

I'm glad that Alex is back in my life now, things are slowly getting back to how they were.

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