Chapter 23

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The concert was the best the boys did so far, with the exception of London of course. All the supports smashed it and New Hope Club singing Cecilia did amazingly well. I felt so proud of them. After the concert me and Chloe left the venue just like every other fan in the building and caught a cab to the hotel. Reece text me saying we should've gone back with them but I said no, fans wouldn't get the opportunity to do that. When the taxi pulled up at the hotel we thanked him, paid and then stepped out of the car and into the reception of our hotel. We decided to just go up to our rooms, we didn't know how long the boys would be and we were both insanely tired. We got the lift up to our floor and said goodbye to each other before going into our separate rooms. I shut my door and just looked around, I saw one of Reece's striped shirts on the floor. I picked it up and took it into the bathroom with me, it had definitely been worn, you could smell Reece all over it. I got undressed and pulled his top over my head and it came down to about mid thigh. I took all of my make-up, put my hair into a messy bun and grabbed my book of the desk before slipping into my side of the bed. I read a good couple of chapters before I heard the door handle shake and someone walk in with it slamming behind them. I put my book on the bed side table and got out of bed to greet Reece. He walked further in and before he even had a chance to see me I was already in his arms giving him a hug.

"I'm so proud, you did amazingly tonight" I whispered in his ears. My toes were just touching the ground from where Reece had straightened up rather than having a hunched back.

"Thank you baby-" He pulled away and took in what I was wearing, then smirked at me "Isn't that mine?" He asked, I looked down and felt me cheeks turn a deep shade of red "Don't be embarrassed, I'd prefer it if you wore my clothes anyways" He smiled me in and pecked my forehead.

"I start school on Monday" I state, Reece's body deflated as he took his shoes off

"We will still see each other, not as often but I will make as much time as I possibly can" He lifted his long sleeved top over his head and I started staring at his toned stomach, I hadn't realised how much or long I was looking before Reece said something, "Take a picture, it will last longer" I chuckled and my cheeks turned even more red. I got back into bed and laid my head on the pillow. What if Reece forgets about me? I don't want him to find someone better which he probably would because there's plenty at every concert. I'm just so happy and I never wanted it to end. I decided to finally log into my twitter after almost a week. I logged myself out because I didn't want to see any of the hate I may be getting. Reece hadn't even followed me so maybe no one knew my Twitter. I opened the app and entered my details before looking at my notifications. All of a sudden my phone erupted in notification noises that I'd forgotten to turn off which made Reece instantly curious. "What are you doing, that sounded worse than what mine gets like" he chuckled

"Looking at my Twitter" Reece's smile slowly fell from his face

"You don't need to know what everyone else is saying about you, mine, the boys and Chloe's opinions are the only ones that should matter" He joined me under the covers and put one arm round me which caused me to lean on his shoulder. I scrolled through my notifications and I could see Reece was looking, scanning through them also. Some were nice but a ton of them were overly harsh, telling me that I'm worthless, that Reece doesn't deserve me, I even read one that told me to go kill myself. I didn't realise I was crying until Reece's fingers wiped away the tears from under my eyes. 

"How can they be so harsh, they don't even know who I am" I said, more tears flowing. I could taste the saltiness as some of them fell into my mouth.

"I don't know, but don't put yourself through the pain of looking at them. Do me a favour?" I nodded and waited for him to tell me, "Delete the app, you go home tomorrow and I don't want you looking at them and crying when I'm not with you, I don't want you reading any of it. If I find out you have when your back home I will be really disappointed because you're none of those things they're saying, only the good tweets." I look at the blue bird in my social media folder and deleted it without hesitating, Reece was right. I hadn't actually done anything wrong. 

"I love you" I told him

"I love you too" I scrunched my face up before shaking my head "What?"

"Don't say too, it just sounds like your agreeing rather than saying it because you mean it" He told me he loved me again without saying the too part and asked if I was hungry. I really fancied a McDonald's and there was one about a five minute walk form the hotel so we threw some shoes on, Reece grabbed some money and we left to go get some food. It was about half 11 at night so when we got outside I was strongly regretting not picking up my bomber jacket. Reece clearly saw I was shivering and gave me his hoodie to wrap round my bare skin. The walk there was spent mostly laughing and joking about how he was cold, I offered to give it back but he insisted I kept it. When we got into McDonald's Reece asked me what I wanted in which I replied a nine nugget medium meal with a diet coke, maybe I was more than a little peckish. Whilst we were waiting for our food the door opened, I glanced at the door to see who it was and it looked like that Jess girl from the concert with the friends she was with in Zizi's. I went back to clinging on to Reece's arm for more warmth. 

"Shit" Reece mumbled

"You okay?" I asked him

"Yeah, Brooke's over there" My eyes widened

"As in your ex girlfriend Brooke" Reece's face said it all, it was one of the girls Jess was with. A long haired brunette with a naturally pretty face started walking over to us. This was literally my worst nightmare right now. She's so stunning compared to me, considering all I'm wearing is leggings and Reece's striped shirt. 

"Reece, long time no see"

"Brooke" Reece said and scratched the back of his head. She looked me up and down before drawing her attention back to Reece. Great.

This is just what I needed.

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