Chapter 38

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The anger in Reece's eyes broke me. It was probably nothing but I'm a person to be sure, periods are hardly ever regular especially for someone at my age, I'm only a couple days late so I picked one up one up. 

"Megan you have no idea how pissed I am right now" His fists still clenched as he stared into my eyes, the fact he was staring right at me with those big blue eyes made this so much harder.

"Reece if you'd just let me explain" His eyes widened

"Let you explain? What possible explanation is there Megan! You hid this from me, something that could change our lives, something so crucial and important" His anger had turned to hurt, it was almost like he was dying inside. A tear slid down my cheek, I didn't even realise I was crying until Reece brushed the tear away with his thumb. "Take the test now"

"Excuse me?"

"Go take it now, I want to be here with you so you don't hide it from me if you are pregnant. How many days late are you?" 

"Only 3. I told you, it's probably nothing" He picked up the now slightly crumpled box and handed it over to me. I took it and walked to the bathroom and locked the door behind me. I put my back against the door, slid down it and just cried my eyes out. I'd hurt my boyfriend and theres a small chance I could be pregnant. I wasn't really nervous though as it was only 3 days, I wasn't even going to take it yet, I was going to wait a while and see if I got morning sickness but then again, I didn't want this on Reece's mind in Europe. I could upset him anymore than I already had. I got myself together and did the test. It says it takes 10 minutes to process the results or something. There was a light knock on the bathroom door.

"Have you taken the test yet?" There was a slight sniffle, I think he'd been crying too. I unlocked the door and walked over to his room, he followed me in and shut the door behind him.

"It's got about 8 minutes left" I paced around the room, heavily breathing to calm myself down a little. Reece walked over and pulled me in for a hug. He squeezed me so tight, almost as if he would never let me go.

"I'm sorry for shouting at you but you can understand why I was so annoyed with you?"

"Yes of course, I'm sorry for not telling you but I didn't want to worry you as I didn't think it would be positive because we did everything right" Reece sighed

"Nothing's one hundred percent babe" The next eight minutes were the slowest eight minutes of my entire life. Reece was so nervous, he said he was fine but what teenage boy in their right mind would be fine with all this. It would ruin both of our lives. I looked at my watch,

"It's time" Reece took a deep breath as I walked over to his dresser to look at the test. "Babe"

"Please just tell me, I can't wait any longer Megan" I chucked him the test, "Negative? Your not pregnant?" I nodded. He dropped the test and ran towards me, he picked me up and spun me round in a tight hug. "Oh thank god"

"I was so nervous" I couldn't be having a baby this young, my mum would kill me and it would effect my college an university plans. It would change everything. I looked down at my watch, "Maybe we should go out for lunch before I get the train home?" He looked down at me and smiled

"Yeah I'd like that" He leaned down and pecked me on the lips, "I'm just going to go grab my jacket" I told him I was going to go put my shoes on. I walked downstairs into the living room and sat on the sofa to put my converse on. 

"Hey, you feeling okay?" Lindsey came in and sat next to me on the sofa

"Yeah, a bit relieved if I'm honest" She put her hand on my shoulder reassuringly

"Yeah I saw the box and just preyed that it would come back negative. It'd not the sort of thing you'd want to be going through at such a young age sweetie" Lyndsey is so lovely, I'm glad she likes me. I can't believe I ever thought that she wouldn't, that she might be horrible. I was nervous for no reason at all.

"Thank you so much Lyndsey. Also, if and when you meet my mum, don't bring this up" She pulled me in for a hug

"Of course I won't sweetie" She whispered in my ear. Reece came in to the living room wearing the jacket he was looking for.

"You ready babe?" I smiled at Lyndsey and mouthed thank you,

"Yeah I'm ready. Bye Lindsey, see you later"

"Bye guys, be safe" Me and Reece walked out of his house and headed into the direction of town.  He reached for my hand as he always does and we started talking about anything but what happened today, it was to take our minds off of it. 

"So what were you and Lexie talking about this morning in 'girl chat'?" Reece laughed

"Well thats a secret, I can betray my little ten year old gossip can I" I grinned at him, he was getting grumpy that I wouldn't tell him, but in a cute way.

"I will get it out of her, she tells me everything-"

"Babe it's raining" He put his arms out to feel if there were any spits of rain

"No it's not"

"Yes it is, I felt it- there it is again" The rain got heavier and soon enough it was chucking it down, we didn't even have an umbrella.

"Well, I've always wanted to kiss a girl in the rain" He had that cheeky grin on his face, the one that I always give in to. He pulled me in by the waist and his lips touched mine as raindrops fell all over the both of our faces.

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