Chapter 21

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The journey back to the hotel was so awkward. You could cut the tension with a knife. I apologised to him and he's still not talking to me, yeah he looked a bit sorry when he came out of bowling but he still is giving me the silent treatment. When we got to the hotel I was the first to jump out so I could just get to my hotel room. Its late, I'm tired and and just want to go to bed. I opened my door and went to shut it but a foot stopped it. Reece.

"Look it's late and if your not going to talk t me then go share with George" I said bluntly and walked further into the room, but he didn't leave. "Gonna talk then?"

"Megan look" he started, but I interrupted,

"No Reece, listen, you assumed about a picture that was taken, just like you told me not to do with you. I was honest with you Reece about exactly who it was and what happened. But you clearly do not trust me" 

"Megan just listen" he sat down and gestured for me to join him, but I stood where I was "That boy you where pictured with, I know him. You told me about your ex so now it's my turn. About a year ago now I started seeing this girl called Brooke, I thought she was perfect. Almost as perfect as you." That made me smile a little, I went to go sit next to him "She was my first proper girlfriend, we were together for about 7 months, broke up just before christmas. But we broke up because she cheated on my with a boy called Harry. Harry is the boy you were pictured with" Everything then became clear, he was scared of the same thing happening, "It was like he knew you were with me, he hates me and I hate him. I don't want the same thing happening with you" 

"You should have said, I thought you didn't believe me"

"I'm sorry for ignoring you, I was just so angry about seeing that picture that I didn't want to take it out on you. I felt like if I said anything to anyone, it would've come out way to harsh, I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you but at the same time I didn't want to be horrible to you either." He put his arms round me and kissed the side of my head, I turned to face him and leaned in to give him a peck on the lips

"I need to take my make-up off" I jumped off the bed and went into the bathroom and started wiping make-up wipes all over my face

"Babe?" Reece shouted from the bedroom


"Are you going out with Chloe tomorrow?"

"Yeah we were going to have a girls day before the concert on Friday, why?"

"Just wondered, I think me and the rest of the boys are going to do a meet and greet or something, I can't remember"

After I took my make-up off I crawled in to bed next to Reece and settled down then there was a knock at our door. I didn't move so Reece got up to get it. I heard light chatter at the door so I guessed it was one of the many boys on tour. Reece was taking ages at the door so I got up out of bed and went to join him. It was Blake.

"Whats going on?" I asked whilst producing a loud yawn

"Blake and Chloe had an argument and now they don't want to share a room" Reece said, clearly annoyed. As much as I love Chloe I really want to share with Reece, when we go back to school I'm hardly ever going to see him, and the same for Chloe with Blake. 

"I will go knock some sense into her, what was the argument about?"

"I asked her to be my girlfriend but she said no. Megan you old me she liked me" Chloe does this all the time, she likes to keep herself to herself and she's very shy with other people. Thats why she said no.

"Don't worry Blake she does" I said before running down the corridor to their hotel room. I knocked on the door and when Chloe answered it I barged my way in.

"Hello to you to"

"Chloe why did you say no?" I asked her

"I uh, I don't know. I do really like Blake so much, I guess I just panicked"

"Well look me and Reece are 100 percent sharing tonight so I'm going to send Blake back here and you are going to a apologise and then say yes!" I exclaimed and then walked out and up the corridor back to my hotel room. I explained it all to Blake and told him to go back because Chloe didn't mean it. I then dragged Reece back into our room but I tripped on the leg of the bed and we both fell over with Reece landing on top of me.

"Ow Reece you're squishing me!" we were both still laughing like crazy, we looked into each others eyes for about a minuted before we both leaned in. It's like our lips were hungry for each other, Reece pulled away and pulled us both up

"Jump" Reece whispered before attaching his lips to mine again. I jumped and wrapped my legs around his waist and tangling my hands in his hair. He carried me over to the bed and laid me down on it, our lips still moving in sync. His tongue licked the bottom of my lips asking for entrance which I gladly accepted. This went on for another 10 minutes before we stopped because I didn't want it going further, he wanted to wait till I was ready and we were both really tired. We got into bed and I rolled over to face him. He pulled me into his chest and we sat there.

"I love you" He said quietly, my eyes shot open and I sat up

"You what?"

"I love you, Megan" He said, his eyes not leaving mine "You can say it, I won't hurt you like the last person you loved" I know I love Reece, I think I have for a couple of days now, I was just nervous. I'd only been with him for just over a week, but I feel like I could trust him with my life.

"I love you, Reece" I said to him with my face breaking out into a smile "And I mean it" I said.

It's true, I did mean it. I was falling more and more in love with Reece Bibby every single day.

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