Chapter 40

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Saturday. Today was day one of our plan. I invited the girls over to my house for breakfast before we start getting in to all the plan details. The doorbell rang, when I opened the door I saw all three of my girls standing there. I invited them in and we went to the kitchen where my mum made us all pancakes with strawberries, blueberries and chocolate sauce.

"Thanks so much Donna" Chloe said to my Mum, my Mum couldn't cook but luckily she can make the best pancakes. 

"No worries girls, right Meg I'm off to work so I will see you later" She gave me a kiss on my head before she left the house. 

"You ready for this Megs?" I rolled my eyes at Chloe, how hard could it be?

"Of course I am, you all know what I'm like, it will be a walk in the park" I'm not going to lie, I am a little nervous, but I can't let that get the better of me. I need to do this for Chloe, and Kaylee and for myself really. She's hurt all three of us, I'm just surprised that Chelsea hasn't been a target yet. 

"Have you got the camera?" Chelsea asked. I was going to wear a hidden camera on my top that picked up video and sound so that the girls can watch and listen in, just incase we find out some of the info were looking for.

"Yeah I have, girls you need to go upstairs and take everything with you so she doesn't know you're all here, she's going to be here any minute" The girls grabbed their phones and ran up into my room, I cleared away all the plates into the dishwasher and wiped down the table. There was a knock at my front door so I prepared myself for whatever this morning may have in store. I opened the door and there stood Sophie.

"Megan" She walked into my house 

"Sophie, please do come in" I shut the door and told her to come in to the living room and make herself at home

"Right why am I here?"

"Well, I thought that we needed to talk about a few things and just clear the air"

"Really? Because last I checked, we hated each other" Okay, maybe this was going to be a little harder than I thought but I still have to try.

"We're not kids anymore Sophie, it just seems a little childish to carry the arguments on"

"Well I guess you have a point, I mean, I did start getting tired of it all a while back" This is good, she seems to be falling for it.

"Exactly, friends?"

"Friends" We both smiled and started talking about everything

"Wont your friends be annoyed your with me? I mean I did break up Kaylee and Tyler" Right, perfect opportunity to ask her what she actually said to him.

"No I don't think so, how did you even do that? They were inseparable"

"Well you can't tell her" I nodded my head and waited for her to tell me "We sat next to each other in science and I hated the fact they were together, he deserved better thank Kaylee, he's one of the hottest boys in the school, and I wanted him. So I told him that she was one of the girls sleeping with Scott when you were with him, that immediately changed his opinion on her. But he wouldn't date me, said I wasn't his type or something like that". Wow, I can't believe she used mine and Scotts relationship to break them up, she's so bitchy I'm surprised I'm even sat here with her for the girls. My phone started to ring, I looked at the caller ID and saw it was Reece.

"Do you mind?"

"Not at all, do you mind if I get something to drink?"

"Help yourself" I answered the call and pressed the phone to my ear "Hello"

"Took your time to answer didn't you babe?" I could hear his grin through the phone

"Sorry, I've got Sophie over"


"It's a long story, I will explain everything to you when you get back on Tuesday" Sophie came back in with a glass of water

"You must have a lot of explaining to do, you hated her when I left" He was very surprised 

"Yes I know babe, look I have to go but ring me later okay?" We exchanged goodbyes and I got back to Sophie.

"Was that Reece?"

"Yeah, he's in Europe at the moment but he comes back soon so it's all good"

"You miss him don't you"

"Of course I do" As Sophie smiled and took a sip of her drink I saw some black writing on her forearm "What's that?" Her eyes widened and she put her drink down

"You can't tell anyone, promise?" I nodded and let her carry on, this could be what we need. I hope the girls up there are paying attention. "Well the exam, I knew I would fail if I didn't so I had to, but it won't wash off, hiding it from my mum has been the hardest thing on the planet." Now that I had got what I needed I was going to get her out of my house as soon as I possibly could.

"Oh my god! Look at the time!" 

"It's only 3 in the afternoon" I rolled my eyes

"Yeah but I've got the other girls coming round silly" We said goodbye as I literally pushed her out of my front door. I shouted up for the girls to let them know she's gone. They came running down the stairs and we all had a massive group hug. We were gonna take her down, and she won't bring Blake with her. "Sooooo, how did I do?" All of the girls started just screaming and shouting all at once at how amazingly well I did.

I couldn't wait to tell someone. After all she's put me through, I'm finally going to get one back on her.

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