Chapter 37

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Reece couldn't grasp the fact that it could possibly happen.

"But Blake wouldn't do that, he likes Chloe way too much"

"I know I'm not saying that" I squinted in a playful way towards him, "You don't know Sophie at all let alone what she's like, she goes after what she wants and nine times out of ten she gets it because she's so manipulative" Reece nodded his head slowly but still couldn't seem to accept it.

"I dunno, Blake might not even want to talk to her" Oh my god, he just doesn't understand 

"I give up" I laughed and stood up to go to the kitchen and make some breakfast.

"Wait" I looked behind me to see Reece running after me with a smile plastered on his face, "Explain it to me again, I might get it this time" He was so adorably annoying, he's a pain in my ass sometimes. This being one of those exact times.

"Okay," I filled a glass up with tap water and opened the fridge to put some ice in it. "Blake likes Chloe agreed?" Reece nodded his head, I closed the fridge and lifted myself to sit on the kitchen countertop "Exactly, Blake likes Chloe a lot, I'm on the edge of saying he loves her at this point, and Chloe feels the exact same way and I have a feeling she will for the rest of her life."

"Then I don't see the problem-"

"Now I bring Sophie into the equation, still following?" Reece nods once again whilst taking a seat on the counter opposite me. "Sophie is so crafty and manipulative that even if she gets only five minutes with Blake, she could change his opinion on Chloe completely."

"See this is where you're loosing me," He jumps down from the worktop and opens the cupboard to pull out a box of Jaffa cakes "How do you know?"

"Because she's done it before Reece, neither me or Chelsea and especially Kaylee wouldn't say or think all of this for no reason whatsoever." I reached out my hand and he placed a Jaffa cake on it

"Why especially Kaylee?" He is so clueless sometimes I think he's a natural blonde.

"Because thats who she did it to babe, I know theres a brain in that head, so use it yeah" I winked and opened the draw next to me to get a straw for my drink "Kaylee was with this boy from the year above last year called Tyler, they were completely infatuated with each other. People said they'd be the one couple that will still be together in 20 years time with a family you know? Anyways, around valentines day Sophie decided she wanted to spend it with someone, and unluckily for Kaylee she wanted Tyler. She sat next to him in science fourth period and then Tyler broke up with Kaylee that lunch time. It was a shock for all of us and no one knows what she said to him except her and Tyler. Fuck knows what her twisted brain thought up but, Kaylee was completely heartbroken. I can't have that happening to Chloe, I just can't see her go through it so you have to talk to blake when your in Europe, tell George so he can back you up and all that and I will get together with Chloe, Chelsea and Kaylee and we will talk about what to do. Promise me you'll do that for me" Reece raises his eyebrows at me.

"Okay babe, if you're so sure" 

"Of course she's sure, a girl is always one hundred percent sure. Whatever she's trying to get into that thick skull of yours, she knows what she's saying" Lyndsey walked through the kitchen door  in her dressing gown and boiled the kettle.

"Alright mum" I let a laugh slip and Reece just gave me a death glare

"What time are you guys leaving tomorrow for tour then?" I dropped my head, he told his mum too? What was he thinking, that I'd just blow off exams?

"You mean what time is Reece leaving, I'm going home this afternoon" Lyndsey scrunched up her eyebrows and then squinted at Reece

"Reece why did you tell me she was going with you?"

"Because I wanted her too and I thought she would but she can't" The mood had completely changed, it was tense, and silent. Not a situation I wanted to be in.

"Megannnnn" Lexie came bursting into the kitchen screaming and dragging out my name

"Yes Lexie" I squatted down so I was the same height as her

"I found this in the hallway, I think it fell out of your bag yesterday because it doesn't look like the sort of thing Reece would use" She handed me a box and my eyes widened, I know what it was but I definitely didn't want anyone to see it. I grabbed it and ran out of the kitchen up into Reece's room and dug into my bag to put at the bottom. I heard heavy footsteps coming along the hallway, Reece burst into the room soon after.

"What was that all about?" He saw it, he knew but he wanted me to tell him

"Reece I-" He walked over to my bag and tipped it upside down, he shook it a bit and the box fell out. He picked it up and threw it across the room, he clenched his fists and paced around his room. 

"Why the fuck did you not tell me?!" He screamed at me 

"Reece let me explain please! It's probably nothing!" His eyes widened

"Nothing? You bought a pregnancy test Megan! How is that nothing!"

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