Chapter 14

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We arrived in Liverpool and caught a taxi to the arena, Tristan knew we where here early so he told us where they all were. When we got there Tris was waiting for us out back. He lead us in to the backstage rooms and told us to wait round the corner as they are all sitting in one big open space. 

"Wait here" He whispered before walking round "Alright boys, Reece when did you say the girls were coming down?"

"On Thursday cause the shows on Friday" He sounded sad, bless him.

"Oh, well I saw these fans outside so I invited them in, Girls" He shouted, that was our queue. Me and Chloe both ran round the corner dropping our suitcases half way. 

"Hi!" We both Shouted. I locked eyes with Reece and his mouth dropped over to the floor, I ran over to him and practically jumped in to his arms, he picked me up and span me round in circles before everyone awwd. 

"I missed you, I had no idea you were coming up early" He said into my hair

"Well it was a surprise" I smirked, He looked into my eyes and leaned in before I pulled away "Not here" I said which he then looked around at everyone staring at us and agreed. I heard Chloe cough from the other side of the room.

"Meg?" She gave me that look, I had to tell Reece and get it out the way.

"Do you wanna go for a walk?" I turned and asked Reece. He grabbed his coat and took my hand before we walked out in to the fresh air that was Liverpool. Once the arena was out of sight I took a deep breath. "So there's something I need to tell you" Reece looked down, almost as if he knew what was coming, did Chloe tell him?

"You don't like me do you?" My eyes widened

"What! No no no! Of course I do. I need to talk to you about, the ex..." As soon as I said it it was like he pictured when he asked me just last week. He was silent awaiting me to share it with him. "Okay. When I was in year 8 there was this boy I had a major crush on called Scott and we started going out. We were together until just after New Years, but there was a reason why I broke up with him. Back in August last year I got told by one of his mates that he was cheating on me," Reece's head dropped, he hasn't even heard the worst of it..."I didn't believe them at first but after that I started seeing the signs. He'd always be on his phone so that I couldn't go on it but one night when he was over when he went to the bathroom, I looked on it and I saw that he had been messaging a girl since May" a tear slid down my cheek and Reece wiped it away with his cold fingers.

"You don't have to go on" His voice was sincere and sympathetic

"No I need to, When he came back I confronted him and we had a massive argument, my parents were away for the week so I didn't bother telling her. But I told him to get out, and he did. About a week of not talking to him, I decided to meet up with him to talk things over, I mean I did love him" Reece flinched when I said that I loved him, I guess he couldn't understand why I still would. "Everything got sorted, we were back to normal again. In the start of December I made one of the most important decision of my life. He took something from me that I can't get back if you know what I mean." By this point I was full on crying, Reece led me over to a bench so that we could stop walking. "Then a couple days before Christmas I invited him over, my parents were out so I though why not. When he got to mine I noticed something, it stood out to me like black and white. He had a love bite on his neck that he had tried to cover up with make up, you could tell. The thing that hurt me was that I didn't give it to him. Later that night I brought him up on it and we were just arguing, the house would've burnt down if it got any worse. But there um" I put my hands in my head and cried my eyes out, It was so hard talking about it. I didn't think I'd have to explain this to anyone else ever. Reece Cradled me in his arms

"It's okay baby, I'm here" He rocked me back and forth and then when I was ready I sat up ready to tell the ending, that was definitely not a happy one. 

"So the argument carried on into the kitchen and he said some really harsh things that he could never take back, so I got one of the plates out the sink and threw it at the wall. He ran over to me a slapped me because it 'apparently' could've killed him. I called him some harsh words after hurting me, and there was a um, a knife on the side that I left out to cut up some food, after I said what I said he didn't even hesitate to take the knife and cut right across my back...He cut through my shirt and left a scar there that I've still got now."

"Don't go on" Reece said, a tear slid down his face, "Please don't" 

"I have to finish," I said before continuing, the tears falling into my mouth as I spoke. "After that I told him to go fuck the girl he's been texting and never talk to me again, I pushed him out my house and slammed the door in his face. Ever since then I've never even looked at a boy because I'm scared. That was until you came along, I couldn't believe what I was doing because I didn't even hold back, I felt like I'd known you for years. But on the way down here I got a text from him. My mum told him that I'm here in Liverpool because she doesn't know anything that happened and he's probably on his way up here right now."

"Your staying in my hotel room tonight" Reece said staring at the floor "Im not having you in a room on your own incase he turns up, no way" I hugged into Reece's side and he wrapped his arms around me. "I'd never do any of what he did to you, I couldn't live with myself. You can trust me Megan. He doesn't deserve anyone let alone someone as amazing as you. You should've left him after the cheating thing and then none of that would've happened. I just wish I could've been there to help you and beat the shit out of him. No man should treat a women like that" Reece said, you could almost see the anger boiling in his eyes. 

"Now that I've told you and got it out the way, I'd rather not talk about it. Just deciding to tell you was hard enough. But you tell no one cause if you do I swear to god Ree-" He cut me off by bringing his lips to mine and a passionate kiss. His lips fit with mine like lock and key, we pulled away and looked into each others eyes,

"I would never say anything unless you wanted me too. Ever. I'm here for you Meg" We sat on the bench for another hour talking about things to take my mind of it. If I was sharing with Reece then I guess Blake can go into mine and Chloe's room. George can either have the other bed in our room or theres. Reece will probably want George in ours just incase. We walked back to the arena and back to where everyone was sitting, they didn't look like they'd moved at all. Chloe head shot up and you could obviously tell that I'd been crying because her eyes softened.

"How was you walk?" Brad said before looking at us, "Megan have you been crying?" Brad walked over to me and pulled me into a hug, after that everyone was coming over asking if I was okay.

"Guys I'm fine honestly, nothing to worry about"

"Megan?" Joe's head popped round the corner, "Theres someone here to see you" I kissed Reece on the cheek before walking over to Joe.

"Who is it?" 

"Friend of the family or something" Joe said, we turned a corner and I locked eyes with someone I really wanted to avoid



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