Chapter 18

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"Who's Tiffany?" As soon as I said it, his eyes softened "I know she's been messaging you on every social media account possible so don't even try and say you don't know who she is" I could feel tears coming on but I didn't want to cry, I've done that too much lately.

"Megan it's not what it looks like" Reece tried to explain

"Really? Because it looks like your cheating on me Reece! She asked you out for lunch after having enjoyed a previous one, Is that what you were doing while I was back in Essex. I know that we weren't officially together then but I still thought you liked me-" My voice was getting more and more raised

" Of course I liked you then Megan, I like you now for god sakes!" Reece was getting annoyed because he was starting to shout and the only time I've ever heard him shout was when he met Scott.

"Then why the hell would you message another girl behind my back! This makes you just as bad as Scott!" 

"Don't you dare compare me to that twat" Okay maybe I shouldn't have said that, but it's true. If he's cheating then it's exactly what Scott did "Just let me explain Megan please"

"What is there to explain, you've been texting a girl called Tiffany whilst you've been with me. That's it! God go ask her to be your girlfriend, go kiss her, go tell her you love her see if I give a fuck!"

"I'm not texting her Megan. Fucking hell I swear I'm not!"

"Then who the fuck is she Reece! I've been through this so many times with Scott that I've learnt from my mistakes, I can't put myself through the pain of being cheated on again" The tears started falling, I couldn't control it they just all fell out at once. Reece walked over to me and wiped away my tears with his fingers

"Tiffany is an ex girlfriend Megan, I went out for lunch with her about a week before I met you to talk things over and to be friends with her. She clearly took that lunch date as me wanting to get back with her when I really don't. Not now anyways. I understand your scared and cautious about being hurt again but you have to trust me, I would never in a million years hurt you like that. I know what it looked like was bad but I don't want her, I only want you. Just you. I couldn't ask for anyone more perfect to walk into my life." Reece's voice was calm and soft, changing the entire mood from the outburst that just happened.

"You promise?" I sniffled

"I promise baby. You're the only one" He said pulling me in for a long hug, I feel awful. I shouldn't have compared him to Scott. That was stepping the line a little too far. I need to trust him, if I don't this whole relationship will end and it will be my fault, not his. 

"I'm sorry" I said into his chest

"For what?"

"I should never have compared you to him, you're nothing like what he is. I should've trusted you as well and not just assumed." 

"It's okay, I can understand why but just know that if this happens again, just ask me. Don't jump to conclusions because the ones you jump to are probably 10 times worse than what it actually is. I nodded and stayed in his arms. "Let me take you out today, to forget about all of this"

"Aren't we suppose to be going out with the rest of the boys?"

"No, Tristan text me saying that they've all got radio interviews and promo all day, but we could see if George want to come?"

"Yeah I like George" I had a big cheesy smile plastered over my face. George couldn't hurt a fly, he was the sweetest boy you could ever meet. He was lovely. While Reece was on the phone I went on to mine, Joe had text me asking if I'd heard anything else from Scott, which I hadn't thank god. In reality, I needed to tell Joe what was going on so that he knew why I was so scared. He just thinks it was a bad break up which makes me look pathetic. I will go to his room when we get home and tell him. I lifted the baggy top I had on so I was left in just a plain white tank. I felt Reece tracing something on my back. Shit. I turned around to face him.

"I didn't want you to see that" I looked down, I was so embarrassed.

"It's bigger than I thought it'd be" I could tell Reece was shocked at how long it was, it covered nearly the whole length of my back, shoulder to shoulder. "It's not something you need to be embarrassed about Megan, it makes you who you are. So what if you have a scar, no one knows what it's from. You should be confident in your body" Reece said placing his hand around my waist, I gave him a light peck,

"Thank you" I whispered, he leaned in put I pulled away, "If we are going out today I need to get ready" I laughed "Is George coming to our room?" There was a knock at the door,

"That will be him" Reece opened the door to reveal a happy George

"You sure you want me with you guys today? I don't want to be third wheeling" I smirked

"Well it's us or Chloe and Blake on their first date, I'm pretty sure we're the better option considering the circumstances" We all laughed and I started to put some light make-up on. Reece and George were talking about the show on Friday. After I'd done my foundation my phone started to ring, I looked down at it and it was my mum. I told the boys to be quiet and i answered. I put her on speaker so that I could still do my make-up.

"Hi Mum"

"Megan sweetie how are you?"

"I'm good thank you"

"What are you and Chloe up to today?"

"I think we're just going to have a look round Liverpool because we've never been here before so that should be fun"

"Okay well there was a reason I called, there's been a picture in the paper" She sounded like she was getting a little cocky, "You were in it and so was a boy that the papers recognise as a 'Reece Bibby'" I looked over to Reece with my eyebrows way above sea level, "And here's the funny thing, you were kissing" she started laughing on the other end of the phone then she stopped all together "Care to explain?"

"Okay well mum, Reece is um, he's my boyfriend"

"Is that why you've been going to all these concerts? Because the papers say he's in a band on tour with the Vamps called New Hope Club" 

"Yes thats why, please don't hate me mum" I rushed out

"I dont hate you I just wished you told me, just don't stay in the same hotel bed as him" God it's like she knew

"Oh don't worry me and Chloe are sharing" She let out a sigh of relief

"Okay well just keep me updated, and I want to meet this boy at some point" We exchanged goodbyes and I hung up.

"Would you like to come to Essex at some point?" I stifled a laugh "Everyone can, Our house is a good size so theres enough room for everyone to stay over"

"What Me, Blake, George, Drew, Austin, Levi, Nate, James, Brad, Tristan and Conor?"

"Yeah, that is everyone"

"Then yes, sounds like it could be fun" I continued doing my make-up for the day ahead. I really don't want to go home.

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