Chapter 36

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I woke up with a small line of light slipping through Reece's curtains. I grabbed my phone of the bedside table and checked the time, 10am. Not too bad. Reece was still fast asleep and I didn't want to wake him, after the tour he's just finished he deserves some extra sleep. I slipped out of bed and made my way downstairs. I was going to make myself a hot chocolate, I haven't had one in ages but then I heard a quiet thump from the kitchen. I slowly opened the door to find Reece's little sister Lexie there with some sweets that had clearly fallen from the cupboard on to the work top.

"Don't tell my mum, please?" She was so cute, she looked at me with that playing face that all children seem to have.

"I might be able to let it slide, if you let me have a sweet" She nodded eagerly and then ran into the living room, I filled the kettle up with water and boiled it. I looked in numerous cupboards to find myself a mug and then the hot chocolate. After it was all made I went in to the living room and sat on the sofa with Lexie who was devouring the sweets she got ahold of.

"Reece really likes you, you know that right" Lexie told me, as she spoke I could see that her tongue was turning a dark shade of blue because of the colour of the sweets.

"Yeah I do, I really like him too"

"Do you argue?"

"Every couple argues Lex, but you don't need to worry about that, you're still a little kid, your Mummy can teach you all about that when you get your first boyfriend" She giggled

"I'm gonna marry a Prince like in the films" Bless her heart, she is so adorably cute.

"Your gonna have to go through a couple of frogs to get to that special Prince" She looked at me confused

"So have you found frogs, because Reece might be your Prince" I'm not going to tell an 10 year old about my abusive ex-boyfriend,

"Yes, of course I have, Reece would have gone through some as well but thats okay now because we have each other" She scrunches up her face.

"I remember his frog" He brought Brooke to meet his parents? "Her name was Brooke, I hated her. I remember the day Reece brought her home, she walked in and was really mean. I hadn't seen Reece in so long because I was on a school trip, I didn't even get to hug Reece before she dragged him upstairs" For a 10 year old she's quite smart

"The first time I met her was when me and Reece were in McDonald's, she walked over to us as if she were the Queen" She burst out into laughter 

"Haha, the Queen, she's not as nice as her"

"Very true" We heard footsteps coming from the room above us, "Who's room is that?"

"Reece's which means he is up now"I felt a warm and fuzzy knowing that Reece was up, but I still have to go home today, one more week left then I go on study leave and Reece is with the rest of the boys in Europe but only for a couple days I think so I probably won't see him till next week. That sucks so badly. The door opened to reveal a very sleepy Reece.

"What are you two doing down here?"

"We're talking about girl stuff, no boys allowed" Lexie said whilst getting up off the sofa and pushing Reece out the door.

"Lex I just wanna see my girlfriend" He said laughing and her attempt at pushing him

"Maybe we can finish our girly chat later before I leave Lex, yeah?" Her face scrunched up

"Leave? Reece said you were staying tonight as well" What? He told them I was stay two nights, he knows I have school and exams to go back for

"Maybe you got it wrong Lex," I glared up at Reece, "I have to go back for school"

"But you'll come back right?

"Of course I will sweetie!" I gave her a hug before she took the rest of her sweets and went upstairs. Reece had a hunched posture, knowing he'd done wrong. "Why did you tell them I'm staying, you know I can't stay"

"I just thought maybe you would, I wanted you to come to Europe with us and we leave tomorrow so I thought-"

"Reece I have exams, and a family of my own that I need to see. You know I would come with you in a heartbeat if I could. But I can't" Reece's eyebrows dropped along with the rest of his body as he sat on the sofa. I sat next to him and his arm instantly wrapped around my shoulder.

"I'm just going to miss you, that's all"

"I'm going to miss you too, these things are going to happen and we just have to accept it. I'm not going anywhere and neither are you and we both trust each other"

"Definitely. I'm coming down to see you as soon as I get back." I looked at him and he was already looking at me. We both leaned and and locked our lips together, this boy is going to be the death of me. Things started to get very heated, our lips moving in a motion so passionately, they fit together like lock and key. Out of no where my phone beeped, I ignored at first but it kept going off continuously. "Do you wanna get that?" Reece said, taking deep breaths. I reached over to my phone on the table to see who was spamming me, I thought obviously it would be Chloe but I was surprised to see Chelsea's name lighting up my screen. "Who's Chelsea?"

"One of my friends from school" I tried to unlock my phone but she was already calling me, "Do you mind?" Reece shook his head so I answered the call. "Hello?"

"Megan! Oh my god thank god you answered" She screamed down my phone and Reece was chuckling in the background because he could hear her.

"Chelsea, seriously calm down" I let a light laugh slip, "What's wrong?"

"Yeah I'm fine, but I was in McDonalds today with Kaylee today and we were queueing behind Sophie and Lola" I rolled my eyes at the sound of Sophie's name, Reece was asking what's going on but I just kept telling him to hold on, "She was talking about Blake, the one Chloe's going out with right?"

"Yes, go on..." I was preparing for the worst here, Sophie doesn't care about anyone but herself

"Well Blake is in Essex at the moment with Chloe but obviously no one knows they're together. Blake walked in to McDonalds when we were in there and Sophie perked right up-"

"Chelsea get to the point" I laughed and so did she on the other end, I could faintly hear Kaylee in the background laughing too

"Right, Well Sophie said to Lola that she's going for Blake, and that she's doesn't care who she steps on to do so" Shit, I know Blake well enough to know that he wouldn't do that to Chloe but Sophie is a crafty bitch. I said goodbye and thank you to Chelsea before hanging up and putting my phone back on the table. Reece looked like he was going to burst.

"What was all that about then?"

"Well..." I know Reece wouldn't see it as problem because he knows Blake wouldn't do that but he doesn't know Sophie like I do. I'm worried for Chloe.



Guys I am SO SORRY that it took this long but I have been busier than I ever thought I would be and just have not had the time.

I hope this chapter has been worth the wait and let me know what you guys are think of the story so far!

I love every single one of you!

Megan XOXO

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