Chapter 30

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We walked through town to the Odeon and queued up to get tickets to the Eddie the Eagle film, it was only 5:30pm so it wasn't that busy. We had seen a couple of people I knew but they were people I was friends with so it wasn't awkward at all. Reece insisted on paying no matter how much I offered. I guess it's nice that he pays because he's the boy but at the same time, I feel bad because he's spending all his money on me. We both got a mixed slushy and some chocolate buttons to share, neither of us were a fan of popcorn which is great. We went into the cinema and sat in our seats, the room gradually filled up with a few late comers but it wasn't that much of a bother. I'd never seen any of Eddie the Eagle's jumps online so I had no idea what to expect. During some of it I clenched Reece's hand so tight I could've cut of the blood circulation. It is such a good film and Hugh Jackman is very easy on the eyes anyways so that was a bonus. I also thought that Taron Egerton was extremely good looking, not in the film because of his character but in real life. After the film finished we both gushed over how good it was whilst we walked to Zizi's. On the way to the restaurant we got stopped once by a group of year 7 girls that went to my school, it was quite cute watching them fan girl over him when to me he's just Reece. My Reece. We got to the restaurant at about 8pm, I was so hungry so it was perfect timing really. We got seated in a booth near the back, being in this restaurant reminds me of being at the concert in Liverpool. We ordered drinks and our mains and just sat talking about everything we'd missed out on.

"So whats been happening this week?" I took a sip of my diet coke and the fizziness caused me to scrunch up my nose

"Well I do have some news actually, you know how Drew's girlfriend left him because he left her in America? He told you about that right?" I nodded, "Well she messaged him a couple days ago saying how she made a mistake, bearing in mind that Drew left for tour over two or three months ago now, Drew has asked for your help" I choked on my drink but pulled myself together.

"My help? What have I got to do with all this" I mean don't get me wrong, I love Drew but what the hell have I got to offer him. The only relationship I've ever had, excluding Reece, failed. There's no way in hell that I would be able to help him.

"It's not what you think, he wants your help on how to turn her away. He knows how much trouble you had with Scott and that you managed not to go back even though you still loved him, thats what he wants advice on" A waiter came over and served us our pasta's but what Reece said had got me thinking. I would love to help Drew but it's a lot harder than you think. Resisting someone that you love is so difficult, but I don't know the ins and outs of their relationship so it could be easier for him than it was for me. 

"I'd love to be able to give him my opinion on it all, I want him to be happy and if he thinks that he's better off without her then I'd love to help him" I twirled the pasta round my fork and brought it up to my mouth trying not to get any sauce around my face. I'd hate to embarrass myself in front of Reece on a date. It's our first date where I'm from which was kind of a big deal to me, we could've bumped into anyone. He clearly wasn't embarrassed about being seen with me, I mean, he came to get me from school so theres no way he's hiding our relationship. "Anyway, lets change the topic, we always seem to be talking about other people" 

"Well, I definitely missed you, more than I thought I would." I blushed slightly at the thought of Reece thinking about me.

"Well I obviously missed you too, the week just seemed to drag on more than it usually does"

"Didn't you have an English exam on Tuesday?" 

"You remembered" It did please me that he actually takes in what I tell him, it's good to know that it doesn't go in one ear and out the other. He actually listen to me. "Have you not seen whats been said about it on Twitter? It's hilarious but I guess you had to sit the paper to understand the tweets. But I think I did really well, not sure on a couple of things but I think I've done well enough to pass"

"Good, I'm glad you think it went well. And Twitter?" Reece sat there and ate his pasta but I just sat and watched him for a bit, it's weird to think the girls throw themselves at him and I can sit here and call him mine. "Take a picture it will last longer" I blushed and quickly looked away.

"Sorry. I couldn't help it, and Chloe showed me, don't worry, I haven't downloaded it again yet" I was now beyond embarrassed, even though Reece is my boyfriend it's still something that I would prefer not to happen, him catching me staring.

"That's okay then, and surely I should be the one staring" He stared right into my eyes with that cheeky grin that over the time I've known him I've grown to love. This conversation went back and forth with flirtatious comments made throughout. "Did you see Scott today?" Why was he asking that?

"Yeah I have a couple lessons with him but I didn't make conversation with him if that's what you're implying. He saw you with me after school though, if looks could kill I don't think either of us would be here"

"I just don't want him talking to you, you gave him the chance to say everything he needed to and that should be that. He's already made your life hell so I don't want him continuing to do that now that you've moved on" I knew that this was a hot topic for Reece, he felt strongly about it but at the same time talking about it made his skin crawl.

"Yeah I know, I told him that I'd moved on to someone much better anyways. Can we not talk about this, we're on a date and I don't want Scott to be the topic of our conversation for the rest of the night" 

After that we spoke about train times for tomorrow, Me and Chloe would have our bags packed before we left for school so that when Reece and Blake came to get us at the end of school they'd already have our bags and we would go straight to the station. I was really excited. I didn't tell Reece but Joe had text me earlier on in the week about some of the things they have planned and I really cannot wait. It's going to be such a laugh and I'm looking forward to see everyone. I've missed them all so much and spending the last show together will be something I will always remember.

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