Chapter 35

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Right, it was only his Mum. ONLY! My heart has now started to beat completely out of my chest, I was so nervous. Reece lifted my case out of the boot and reached out for my hand, I shut the boot and took his hand. We started walking towards his mum still standing in the doorway waiting to greet us. Reece could sense my nerves as he gave my hand a reassuring squeeze. 

"Hi Mum" Reece let go of my hand and hugged his Mum, she looked so pleased to see him and that he was home after being away for so long. They exchanged a couple of words before his Mum looked to me. "Mum this is Megan, my Girlfriend"

"It's so lovely to meet you...?" Reece never did tell me his Mums name, how embarrassing.

"Lyndsey, It's so good to finally meet you. I've heard a bit about you over the phone but not enough. Please come in and make yourself at home" I walked into his house and it was so well decorated. I would love to live in a house like this. "Reece why don't you go and put her bags up in the guest room"

"Guest room?" Reece's eyes were wide open, "Mum she can stay in my room" Reece's mum, I mean Lyndsey, had a concerned expression on her face. 

"Fine, but I don't want any fooling around. You have a younger sister to think about Reece" My face turned a deep shade of red at the thought of doing anything in Reece's house with his family in. I'd feel so awkward and embarrassed. 

"None of that will be happening, trust me" I said without even thinking but I added a small, but acceptable laugh to make things seem a little more comfortable.

"I like you already" We both smiled and Reece looked like he was going to die of embarrassment. Reece led me upstairs and turned to the first door on his left which I assumed to be his bedroom. 

"This is my room, you can just put your bags there" He pointed towards a chair by a dresser, "Unless you want to sleep in the guest room?" I walked across his room and put my bags on the chair

"Why would I want to sleep in there, a double bed is made for two right?" He nodded, "So why on earth would I let you sleep in a double bed on your own, I'm all about sharing" I winked and his arms slithered round my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"You can stay in here then" I could practically feel the grin the was plastered on his face, I turned myself round so my face was completely opposite his. He stared into my eyes and leaned in to connect our lips, they moved in such a continuos, passionate way it was like we'd been with each other for years. I pulled away though and Reece didn't look to amused.

"Your Mum said no funny business and first impressions count" I pecked him on the cheek and headed downstairs to see what Lyndsey was  up to, but on my way down the stairs I was faced with a little girl.

"Who are you?" The blonde, sweet girl asked

"I'm Megan, you must be Reece's little sister" She smiled

"You must be Reece's girlfriend, the one Mummy told me about, my name is Lexie" She held out her hand waiting for me to shake it, bless her heart, she was so cute. I let her carry on up the stairs and then I went back to finding Lyndsey. I eventually found the kitchen and Lyndsey was standing over a saucepan with steam flying up from it, her hair was tied back into a messy bun, the one hairstyle I could never manage to get just right.

"Need any help?" She jumped away from the cooker, "I didn't mean to startle you" I laughed a little at the end

"Oh honey, I don't even think god himself could save me from this mess! I'm normally so good at cooking the dinner but tonight everything has just gone so wrong"

"Well I did take GCSE food tech so I could be of some use to you"

"That would be amazing, Reece won't mind so come help me make this into something edible" We both started laughing as I walked over to the cooker. She had put cold water in the saucepan. 

"Well it would help if the water in the saucepan was already heated so that the food gets done quicker and to better quality really, also put a bit of salt in the water before putting the food in as it adds a natural seasoning and makes it have a more appealing taste"

"God what grade did you get in food tech"

"We haven't got our results back yet but my coursework was at an A*" She seemed so shocked yet pleased that I was here to lend a helping hand. We spent about an hour cooking, Reece came down once to check I was okay and then went in to the sitting room to play with Lexie, he was such a good big brother. So good with kids. We all sat at the table for dinner and embarrassing stories were shared about Reece when he was a little boy, some of the things he got up to will never leave my mind. After dinner Lexie got put toe bed but me, Reece and Lyndsey stayed downstairs and started watching Big Brother, half way through Reece's dad came home although he introduced himself as Jamie. I then settled down again and got sucked back in to the TV, Ryan is definitely me favourite housemate. Jayne is just so annoying, I want her out and we all had a massive debate about who we thought would win. I really liked Reece's family. I just hoped they feel the same way about me.

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