Chapter 10

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Now I love Ice Skating but I'm no olympian. The last thing I want is to fall over because that would just be so embarrassing. Specially in front of Reece

"Come on then" Reece took my hand and led me on to the ice, I wobbled but then gained my balance "You alright" Reece just laughed at me

"Yeah I'm good" Me and Reece began skating around the nearly empty rink, there was hardly anyone there but I preferred it like that.

"I saw you talking to James on the bus last night, everything okay?"

"Is someone jealous" I winked, "Yeah we were just talking about, everything really. He told me about his girlfriend and how she cheated on him, I don't know how he forgives her you know, I couldn't get over something like that"

"No me either, but you never know until it actually happens to you I guess. Just shows that he does love her because he's willing to look past the negatives"

"It's just the way he found out, do you think if that picture didn't come out he would've ever known about it"

"It's hard to tell because I don't know her that well, me and most of the boys have spoke about it. Tris, Brad and Connor said they'd never forgive her because they remember how broken James was when he found out. They also said as long as he's happy thats all the matters."

"Yeah if he's happy, then thats okay" I agreed. "Can I ask you something?" He gestured for me to go ahead. "So I know that this isn't anything as of yet, but those girls at the arena clearly didn't like me just because I knew you, I don't know how to deal with hate from people on social media let alone in person"

"I understand where your coming from, I was with a girl before and she got a little hate but she was a model so she didn't get that much but I get why your worried but there's no need to be" Great. He dated a model. 

"You went out with a model?" 

"Yeah I did but it just didn't work" Why would he be even remotely interested in someone like me after going out with a model. Models are pretty, they have good figures and they're practically perfect. That's why they're models. What am I? A 16 year old from Essex. I'm not fat but I don't see myself as skinny either, I don't have perfect hair, my long brunette locks always look a right state. "What you thinking about?"

"Oh it's nothing" I reply. He turned around and stopped in front of me.

"Megan you can talk to me you know, I'm here to listen"

"I mean, you went out with a model and she's probably stunning because they all are. Then there's me...I'm just plain and boring"

He sighed and stared in to my eyes "Megan if I thought that I wouldn't have gone to the trouble of taking your phone in the first place, and I'm pretty sure I wouldn't have asked you on a date either" I blushed and just turned my head away "Don't hide from me" He brought his hand to my face and we just stared at each other.

"Come on, lets skate" I said taking his hand and starting to skate again.

Honestly, we spent ages at the rink. We were talking about all sorts from family life to our favourite colours. We walked back to the hotel because me and Chloe needed to catch a train back home. We stopped outside the doors of the hotel before going in.

"Cant you come to Nottingham with us?" he pleaded

"I wish I could but it was a stretch for my mum to let me come here, I need to go home Reece"

"Well looks like I will have to see you sometime again then" He took my hand in his and I looked up at him. He was taller than me but not masses. His eyes glanced at my lips and I couldn't help but smile as he started to lean in. His lips touched mine in a soft, gentle and quick kiss. 

"First date rules I'm afraid Bibby, thats all you get" I winked before walking up the stairs to the hotel doors. Just is I walked in I was spun around to face Reece.

"Looks like a second date is on the cards then?" He had a hopeful look in his eyes, how could I turn down a face like his...

"If you really want one then I guess I can make room for it" I smiled as we started walking towards the lift. We reached the floor we were both staying on and at the end of the corridor was a group of boys and one blonde girl standing amongst all of them. They heard the elevator clearly because as soon as we walked out their heads turned towards us and waved. As we got closer to them, Chloe started walking towards us.

"Meg we've got to pack and get to the train station so tell lover boy you'll see him in about half an hour" She said dragging me towards our room

"I will knock for you when we've finished" I shouted after Reece whilst waving before I was pushed into my hotel room. Chloe shut the door and turned to face me,

"Tell me everything!" 

Whilst packing out bags I explained everything that happened on the date.

"Did you tell him what happened between you and Scott?" 

"No, I think he understood that I didn't want to talk about it which I was extremely grateful for."

We carried on talking about me and Reece for the whole time in our room, not that I was complaining. I was going to miss him, I didn't know when I was going to see him again either with his busy schedule.  After that kiss, I was sure that i liked him, I knew I did. We left our hotel room and knocked on all the boys doors so we could say goodbye but they all insisted on coming to the station with us. We said goodbye to The Vamps and The tide and then they went to wait in the car incase they were seen. Conor gave us both a hug and then left with the rest of the boys and then we were left with New Hope Club.

"I'm gonna miss you so much" Recce said pulling me in for the tightest hug I've ever received. 

"Me too" I whispered into his ear. A whistle blew to let us know our train was leaving shortly.

"Can I get a kiss for the road?" He whispered, I looked up to him and he leaned his face in to mine connecting our lips in a short sweet kiss. "Don't forget me" He breathed

"Like I could" I whispered

"Megan it's time to go" Chloe said from next to Blake, I nodded at her.

"Until next time?" He asked

"Until then" I smiled and pecked him on the cheek before getting on the train with Chloe. I sat in the window seat and waited for the train to leave the station, as it left I gave Reece one last smile before he was out of sight. I pulled out my phone to text my Mum.

To: Mum

We're on our way home X

God I was going to miss them all, but it goes without saying that I would miss Reece the most.

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