Chapter 8

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As Reece told the story everyones confused faces faded away as everything started to make sense. One of the things everyone was most confused with was how me and Chloe even got the passes in London in the first place so after the it was explained that Reece gave them to me, everything feel into place. Reece even said that he'd asked me on a date and that I'd said yes and everyone just smiled at us.

"We've got a day off before we head to the next venue in Nottingham so why don't you go out tomorrow?" James said. Reece clearly was unaware of the day off as he looked very confused

"I didn't think we had a day off?" 

"Yeah we do, it was suppose to be last week but the schedule was to hectic so we are taking it tomorrow instead. We just leave later in the evening tomorrow rather than now" James explained. Whilst everyone was talking I took the time to go and talk to Tristan about something that was on my mind.

"Whats up little one?" He said as we both sat on the sofa

"I'm just a little worried about how all the fans will take it if anything does come out of me and Reece, I mean those girls that stole my passes gave me a hard time and they were just suspicious of the fact that I knew him. I know you've got a girlfriend so how does she deal with it?"

Tristan explained to me that in the beginning of their relationship his girlfriend got loads of Twitter hate from fans and there was nothing anybody could do about it. They could tweet out asking the fans to be respectful but other than that there was no avoiding it. He told me that there are always going to  be fans that don't like the idea of their favourite member or celebrity crush being in a relationship that isn't with them, but when the relationship has developed the fans start to accept the girlfriend more. Thats what happened with him anyways.

"I'm sure everything between you and Reece will be fine, and I wouldn't stress over it to much at the moment as you're only going on a date but you've just got to rise above is. It's obvious that the hate will be there and you're notice it but by not letting it bother you, thats how you get through it. And as far as those girls go, they were clearly jealous and desperate. You've got nothing to worry about." He said whilst giving me a reassuring look 

"Thank you Tris, you don't think I'm worrying to much do you?"

"Absolutely not, you've got every right to think and be worried about it but it's how you deal with it that shows people who you really are. I'm always here for you if you need to talk about it." After that Joe came in and told us that we needed to leave to go to the hotel.

"Me and Chloe will meet you at the hotel then" I said before I started walking to the door, before I could Reece grabbed my wrist.

"Come on the bus with us" I glared at him

"Reece honestly we can just get a taxi, it's no big deal"

"Oh Meg don't be stupid, why can't we just go with the boys" Chloe asked whist standing next to Blake

"Would we both fit?" I asked looking at Reece and he just nodded whilst dragging me towards the bus. Even though I didn't want to I was still pleased that Reece offered because it shows that he does care, and going by a previous relationship, that means so much to me. 

When we got on the bus I was in complete shock, it was like the Tardis as in it was bigger on the inside, and it was so modern! It was furnished with every gadget you could want, TVs, playstation's, XBOX's you name it. It had comfy sofas, some booths for when your eating and then the kitchen had a counter top surface. Then you walk through a very small corridor with bunks either side and then at the end there's a back room with extra seating and tables, but it looks as though its used as a storage space.

"Boys this looks great" Chloe exclaimed

"We do try, it gets a bit messy sometimes but we try our best to keep it clean" Blake told her. I sat down in one of the booths only to be joined by James.

"Alright Megs"

"Yeah I'm alright" I took a sip of my drink before looking over in the direction of Reece 

"So, what's going on between you and Bibby then?" James asked pointing over to him

"Well we've got the date tomorrow which I'm looking forward to, hopefully it will all go well"

"Do you like him then?" I paused, did I like Reece. Whenever he was a round I did get a little nervous and I remember the first time I properly met him at the O2 I got butterflies, but does that mean that I like him. "I can see you thinking about it, you can talk to me you know" He put a hand on my shoulder and I smiled.

"Okay, where do I start. The first time I met him was at the signing and don't get me wrong I was attracted to him but I didn't know him, I still don't fully know him now. But I know that I get nervous around him and I get butterflies when I see him" I said blushing slightly

"Well it's clear that you do have some feelings towards him and they will only develop over time, and going by that he's the one that asked you out, I have a feeling that he likes you too" Me and James sat having a massive heart to heart for the rest of the journey to the hotel. He told me about his girlfriend and how she cheated and that he was completely devastated. The way he found out about it though sounded awful, through a fan on social media, it would crush me. But he learned to forgive her as they are back together now. I didn't give him any information on my previous relationship though, all I told him was that I struggle to trust people that because of past events and I think he understood that I wasn't ready to say anything about it which I respect.

"Right guys we're here" Joe shouted through the bus.

As I was walking down the steps to get off the bus Reece was waiting there for me and we walked into the hotel together. All of the boys went up to their rooms whilst me and Chloe checked in, I told Reece I'd text him our room number. After we checked in and got up to our room I let my bag fall to the floor, texted Reece and he said He'd come pick me up tomorrow at 11am. Me and Chloe both crashed and I don't know about Chloe, but I fell asleep almost instantly.

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