Chapter 6

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It was 7:30am and me and Chloe were at the train station waiting for our train to Newcastle to leave. We were both pretty much exhausted but we knew that the day ahead would wake us up a little better. 

"So what's the deal with you and Reece" Chloe asked me

"There is no deal, we're friends, nothing more nothing less. I've explained all of this to you already."

"I don't think he would take someone he looked at as just a friend's phone so he could get their number Megan, and now all of this, can't you see that he likes you?" I thought about it for a little while. It's not impossible that he would have a small interest in me, I mean, I met him for about 10 seconds and from that he decided that he wanted to get to know me better. Then he invites me up to Newcastle to see him again, it's all a little overwhelming. But then again why would he want to get to know me, I'm nothing special at all. Reece has met thousands and thousands of girls and he could have any single one of them, why me?

"No I can't, sorry Chloe but its a friendship" I replied, the train started to pul out of the station and me and Chloe both put our earphones in as the long journey began. 

Once we were in Newcastle it was about midday, we got off the train and hailed a taxi to take us to the arena that The Vamps were playing. The taxi journey was longer than expected as when I looked at my watch it was already half past 1. We payed and thanked the taxi driver before entering the doors to the arena.

To: Reece Bibby

We've just got to the arena, where should we go?

I didn't get a reply instantly but it was quicker than I expected.

From: Reece Bibby

Go to the main Merchandies place, our manager Joe will be there waiting to bring you through because we are in the back room taking a break.

Me and Chloe walked towards the merchandise desks where we saw the same man with curly hair from the O2. As we got closer to him he soon recognised us and took us round the front of the line, I heard a couple of girls screaming, some trying to talk to us and some saying so pretty nasty things but when we got to the double doors we went through and saw both The Tide and New Hope Club.

"You're here" Reece said as he jumped down from a box he was sitting on and came over to give me a hug. "Hi Chloe" he said whilst giving her a wave which she returned before Blake came over to greet her. Hmm Chloe and Blake would be a cute couple. I went over to see The Tide boys and to my surprise they did remember me and Chloe so we just started talking like we'd known each other for years. 

"Megan" I turned round to see Reece calling me over. I walked over to him to find out what he wanted

"Everything alright?" I asked him

"Yeah I just needed to give you all the tickets and stuff" he went into his pocked and pulled out some lanyards that said VIP on them. "These are your sound check and Wow Pit tickets, and then these ones" he said pulling out 2 more from inside his jacket "Are like the ones you had last time, so you can come backstage before and after the show, security will know that your friends and family to us"

I pulled him into another hug "Thank you so much Reece" 

"There is one more thing" I pulled away and looked at him "I was thinking that maybe we could-"

"Boys it's time to go back out to the signing" Joe shouted

"Ask me later yeah?" I saw him nod before me and Chloe walked back out of the double doors and out to the entrance to the O2. 

"Do you wanna grab some lunch?" I asked Chloe

"Ooo yeah I'm starving" We browsed the small selection of restaurants at the Newcastle arena and decided on Nando's. It was only 2pm so we had 2 hours until the sound check but we could go backstage anyway. Once we'd finished eating we walked back round to where the signing was and there was only a couple of people left. Once the boys had finished they began walking to go back stage, Reece saw us and motioned for me and Chloe to go with them. We both ran over to them, Reece took me next to him and as I turned round Chloe was talking with Blake

"Look behind us" Reece looked back and saw Blake and Chloe

"They're cute together aren't they" he whispered

"That's why I told you" I giggled and we went through the doors that were backstage.

Everyone else began walking to the dressing rooms but Reece held me back

"Hey what you doing?" I asked 

"I still need to ask you what I was going to ask you earlier" he smiled

"Go on then" I laughed

"Megan, would you possibly want to go on a date with me? You don't have to though, only if you want to"

"Oh Reece shut up, of course I would like to go on a date with you" I smiled at him and he pulled me in for a hug, it lasted longer than any of our other ones, and no one was around so it was just our moment, not everyone else's. thats what makes it special.

We walked to the dressing rooms and we walked past Brad and Connor

"Alright Megan, alright Reece" Connor said walking past us 

"Hi" I shouted back to them. They actually remembered who I was, that's crazy. I didn't think they'd remember me at all let alone my name. I felt Reece go to grab my hand and I was going to let him but then Chloe and Blake walked around the corner so I instantly moved it away

"Hey guys" Chloe said "We're just going to catering to get some food before the show, you guys coming?"

"Chloe we've just had lunch" I said laughing

"I'm not getting anything but Blake is" I Looked to Reece

"You hungry?" 

"Yeah I could eat"

"Lets go then" I said. I do feel a little bad about moving my hand away from Reece's but until we've actually been on this date, I still want things to be kept on the down low.

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