Chapter 39

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Essex. I'm back in Essex and it's more annoying than I ever thought. Exams are all finished now, I had two on Monday, one on Wednesday and my last one this morning. Tomorrow is Friday which means it's only another five days until Reece gets back. It had only been three days without him but it felt like three years had gone past. I could barely even concentrate in exams, I just hope I've still done okay. I'm meeting the girls for lunch, we'd all just finished our last exam so we thought we'd go out to celebrate, gossip and have a catch up. 

"So how's Reece?" Chelsea asked with a wink

"He's good thanks, they get back on Tuesday" I told Chloe that they both know about Blake and her but she was fine with it because she trusts them both

"We need keep Blake away from Sophie" Kaylee took a sip of her water and looked up at me and Chloe

"We're not going to be able to do that forever Kay" Chelsea said and Chloe's head dropped

"Why does this have to happen to me, the one time I get a boyfriend and Sophie has to try and ruin it. She's like the devil" We all laughed, Kaylee even spit out some of her drink

"I heard that she was sleeping with Scott anyway" Chelsea said

"Of course she is" I replied, I don't care because I'm with Reece but it just goes to show that Scott will never change. He says all of that crap to me about wanting me back and then goes and sleeps with sophie. Typical.

"Sorry Megs"

"Don't be sorry, why would I care? Reece is ten times better than Scott anyways" I was right. I didn't need Scott in my life, I'm just annoyed I didn't realise it sooner.

"How do you feel about the whole Sophie situation then Chloe?" Kaylee was trying to change the subject, she hates the awkwardness. 

"You tell me, You've gone through what might happen to me, I don't know how to deal with it" Chloe has always been someone to stress over everything, normally it's over nothing but now, she actually has a valid reason. Sophie could steal the only boy she's ever liked, for what? Sex? To hurt Chloe? Just something really bitchy.

"Well with Tyler it was hard, we'd been together so long I didn't know what to think. She definitely has a way with words, I just can't wrap my head around what made him question our relationship over someone like her" I knew it was hard for Kaylee to talk about it. It would be hard for anyone. "Speak of the devil" I looked out the restaurant window to see that her and Scott were walking hand in hand down the street.

"She flits from one guy to the next, it's so slutty. Why can't she just have some self respect" Chloe said.

"Why don't you tell her that then?" Me and Kaylee raised our eyebrows at Chelsea's suggestion.

"Me? No I could never, I'd be too scared" 

"Why are people so scared of her, I bet she's all talk" Chelsea was getting really aggravated, we've spoken about her before and we both said that she made our skin crawl.

"Okay, I have an Idea but we all have to put the effort in for it to work, that includes you Chloe considering it is your boyfriend we're talking about here" I glared at Chloe to be in on my plan and she slowly nodded. "Right, we all know how much she sleeps around yeah?" The girls nodded "We use that against her, she comes from the most virginal family in the entire school, her Mum would kill her if she found out about what she's getting up to. We each take a boy, except Chloe of course, and we're gonna catch them cheating on us with her. We get proof and show her Mum. She'd be grounded for life" The girls all seemed to like my plan as they all just grinned and smiled.

"So what boys are we gonna get?" Chelsea had a point, I would need to talk to Reece about it but I think if I went with Scott it would make it so much more believable. I already know he's sleeping around with Sophie so it's not going to be the hardest of tasks.

"I think to make it all more realistic, I need to go with Scott. I will talk to Reece about it and everything but it will have a better outcome. Kay you go with Tyler, find out what she said to him for him to end things with you. Chelsea you go with Cameron, she's actively sleeping with him and he "can't commit" so your not going to have any trouble there." Chelsea and Kaylee high-fived but Chloe seemed a little put of the idea now.

"Don't you think this is all too much? Surely we can figure out something different without doing all of that. Especially you Megan, after everything you went though with him you'd put yourself in that same position?" Maybe she had a point, maybe I did get a little carried away with the idea.

"Okay, maybe your right. But I still think we need to find out what she said to Tyler. Not just for the plan but for Kaylee as well. Maybe we could get her grades to drop or something, one of her friends told me that her mum said that if her grades dropped then they'd move towns because the embarrassment of having a stupid daughter would just be too much"

"Hey wait a minute, how are her grades perfect? I don't think I've ever seen her pick up a book, not even in class" Chelsea had a point, I'm in almost all her classes and she never does anything other than flirt with the boys.

"You don't think she's cheating do you?" Kaylee answered her own question with the expression that was held on her face.

"Think about it, perfect grades all year round but never revises, unless she's got a photographic memory then she must be. Also, because exams are over now, if we prove that she was, she'd get disqualified and fail everything" I felt like a real detective right now, maybe it's just because I hate her so much

"But how on earth would we prove it" Chloe always has to ruin the plans

"Someone needs to be on the inside, results day is on August 25th. As long as we do it by then, we'd succeed" Kaylee was a little 007 as well.

Lets put this plan into action.

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