Chapter 28

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The week had dragged on so long. I had my english language GCSE on Tuesday, I think I did pretty well to be honest, never been so confident coming out of an english exam. It was now Thursday, the day before Friday, the day before I see Reece. Being away from him all week had made me realise how much I do like him. Chloe had felt the distance too, she hated being away from Blake and the only person she could talk to was me because they're not online official yet. Me and Scott had exchanged a few awkward glances since our talk in McDonalds but I was completely over it. 

It was the end of the day and I was at my locker getting my books out so that I could catch up on some work, I also planned to meet Chloe here as we are going to walk home together.

"Megan" I knew that voice, the voice of Sophie. So annoyingly high pitched. I slammed my locker shut with anger behind my harsh action

"Sophie" I turned to her and she had this smirk on her face, I'm starting to wonder if it's there permanently 

"So, you and Reece Bibby eh?"

"Yeah, what do you want?" I questioned, Sophie always did this when she wanted something, I knew because we use to be friends. But then I found out she was one of the girls that was messaging Scott behind my back. I couldn't ever look at her the same again.

"Not Reece so don't worry" I rolled my eyes, as if she would even get a second look of him, "I'm more interested in his friend, Blake? I take it you know him" Well shit. Obviously she can't because Chloe is with him, but nobody knows, I don't want to be the one to out them. They need to do it in their own time.

"He's seeing someone" I hear footsteps and turn to see Chloe walking towards me on the phone to somebody, I pray to god it's Blake

"Oh really? Who would that be" Just like that Chloe's voice came into ear-shot

"Yeah I'm sure Megan will fill me in, Okay, see you tomorrow Blake. Bye" She hung up and put her phone in her bag, "Ready to go?" I nodded and shrugged my shoulders towards Sophie with a smirk plastered over my face. We left the building and walked out of the gates when my phone started going off. I just want to have a girly chat with Chloe jeez.

"Hello?" I asked rather rudely into the phone

"Hello to you to" I heard a northern accent fill my ears and instantly regretted not looking at the caller ID

"Reece, I've missed you so much" My cheeks were turning more and more red by the second

"So have I but you'll see me sooner than you think"

"But tomorrows ages away I've got to get through another whole day of school" 

"Are you blind?"

"No I can see perfectly well" I laughed as me and Chloe kept walking down the road with the rest of the school kids

"Do yourself and Chloe a favour and turn around then Babe" I froze and grabbed Chloe's wrist, I slowly turned around and I was faced with two teenage boys, one with jet black hair and another brunette wearing my favourite jacket of his. I instantly pulled him into my arms, I can't believe he's here!

"I've missed you so much baby" Reece whispered into my ear and it only made me hug him tighter.

"I've missed you too, more than you could imagine" I looked out the corner of my eye and saw Scott and a couple of his friends standing at the gate, Scott couldn't take his eyes off me. We pulled away from the hug and he pulled me in for a quick peck on the lips. We looked over to Chloe and Blake who were still hugging, Sophie walked past and 'accidentally' nudged her hard. Chloe pulled away from Blake and held her rib from the pain,

"Watch where your going next time god" Blake shouted after Sophie, they looked over at us and their faces where a picture, too big smiles plastered on them. "I'm going to take Chloe out so we will see you both tomorrow?" Me and Reece nodded and we waved them off before crossing the road and having some alone time.

"I still can't believe you're here" Reece took my hand in his as we were walking, I didn't know what he wanted to do but I didn't want to go in my uniform so we were going to my house first anyways.

"It was the plan all week, Joe booked us a train here and one to get us back in Manchester tomorrow. It was too long to wait and plus, I wanted to come down see where you live and all that" He looked down at me and all I could give him was a large smile. I still had to tell him about my conversation with Scott, I don't want to do it now though because it would ruin the moment. Maybe I will tonight, No. I have to tonight, if I don't it will be in the back of my mind until I do.

"This means you can meet my Mum" I winked

"She better like me"

"What do you mean of course she will! You're like, perfect" I blushed and and all he could do was smile at the words that slipped from my mouth

"Not as perfect as you, but lets pretend this never happened because then we'd be classed as cringe and I really don't want that" I laughed at his honesty but I did agree. I felt bad because one thing kept flashing in black and white in my mind. Scott.

"Can I tell you something but you've got to promise to not get annoyed" The smile he had was slowly fading

"I can't promise you that, but tell me anyway"

"I had a conversation with Scott yesterday" His hand tightened round mine and his jaw clenched. He was not happy

"Why? Why would you even give him the time of day after what he put you through?" He was shaking his head and dropped my hand to rub his face, but he didn't grab it again

"You don't get it Reece, I needed closure, I haven't spoken to him since we broke up in January. I had a civilised conversation with him, that does not make me the bad guy" I got some hand sanitiser out of my bag and cleaned my hands as they were sweaty from holding hands with Reece.

"Yeah but I don't get it. What was said anyways" I'm going to be honest with him but I don't know how he's going to take what was said. It won't be lightly if I know Reece.

"Well, he apologised which I brushed off because I don't feel as though I can forgive him. He complained about how I shouldn't be with you as apparently you're 'not my type' so I obviously stuck up for you because I'm with you not him. YOU." his posture relaxed a little as I said that and lightly took ahold of my hand again which still made my heart flutter. "I asked to get back with me but I said no way in hell, he still hasn't told the boys the whole story which makes me look like the bitch so I'm going to tell them because I was actually really close with some of them and now the friendships kind of gone because I can't forget that he cheated once." I rolled my eyes, it's true. I have lost so many good friendships with so many people over that dick of a boy. My life was all I could ask for before I was with him and whilst I was with him, but then it all came crashing down. I never thought I would be able to re build it all. But then came along Reece.

"You don't owe him anything, tell all of them, let them see him for who he really is. As long as you're with me I couldn't care less about him."

Reece took that a lot better than expected, I thought he would kick off big time and he nearly did at one point but I'm glad he didn't. I was nervous for him to meet my Mum but I guess they can chat whilst I go get changed, hopefully she won't embarrass me.

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