Chapter 43

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We stayed at the party until at least 2am. Scott must've left as I didn't see him for the rest of it, that may have just been because I was so intoxicated. I offered for Kaylee and Chelsea to come back to mine with me and Chloe, at least they'd meet the boys.

We got an uber back to my house and just threw some notes at the driver, I don't think I'd ever been this drunk in my life. I was seeing double, maybe even triple. It took several tried but I finally got the key in the lock, we stumbled into the house and I threw my keys onto the table. I assumed all the boys were in the living room so we went in the kitchen.

"You know what would be good right now?" Chloe said


"Hmm I know, your mums pancakes" all the girls agreed and started groaning that they were hungry. I threw them all some chocolate croissants that we had in the cupboard and said I'd leave my mum a note to make us pancakes. I walked round the island but slipped and whacked my hip on the corner. I sat in the floor holding my hip in pain.

"Oh my god Megs!" Chloe and Kaylee rushed over to me to see if I was okay, I asked Chloe to get me something frozen from the freezer. She brought me a packet of frozen peas.

"Meg?" A rough, worn out northern voice said, as he came in front of me and looked up to see Reece bending down "One of your friends came and got me, come on" he picked me up and cradled me in his arms as he carried me to my bedroom. He put me into bed and pulled the covers over me, kissed my forehead and turned away.

"Stay" I grabbed his wrist

"Meg your mum-"

"Look at the state of me, do you really think she's gonna care" pulled him into my bed, he toppled over and slid in next to me. "I want you here with me" Reece pulled me into him and my head was laying on his chest and drawing circles on my shoulder, having him around made me feel so safe and comfortable. I took the ice away from my hip, "I'm not tired"

"Talk to me then baby, how's your hip?" I moved the cover to de a massive purple mark starting to appear, I switched on the bedside lamp so Reece could see it.

"Guess I can add it to the collection" I laughed it off, "it does really hurt though" Reece traced it gently with his thumb, I winced a little just because of a small stinging feeling it brought.

"All of these marks, even the one on your back, as much as I wish it never happened to you, it makes you who you are. I wouldn't want you to be anybody else, everything that's happened has shaped you into an amazing, strong and independent girl and I couldn't love anything more than I love you" I sat up and brought him to sit opposite me, he held my hands in his lap.

"Reece I'm so broken, you could do so much better. I've already been used and tossed to the side, you said yourself you've dated a model, I mean look and Bridget"

"Brooke" Reece laughed and corrected me.

"Same thing, but compared to me, she's so perfect" Reece looked at me with pain in his eyes

"I'm glad we're having this conversation, a drunk mouth is an honest one and I don't feel like you'd have it with me sober" I was sobering up now and I was fully aware of what I was saying, it needed to be said, I wanted to hear Reece's side of what I was thinking in my mind.

"Believe it or not I'm sobering up" I let a giggle slip before letting Reece continue

"Either way, I don't see you as broken, I see you as strong. Not many girls could go through what you have Megan and still be as confident as you are, the fact that your so confident is so attractive to me. And yeah so what if I've dated a model and someone like Brooke, they're not you" I brought Reece's lips to mine I'm a short, sweet kiss. "I love you

"I love you"

"How was the party?"

"Got of to a rocky start but was great after" Reece knew who caused the rocky start, the fact I didn't even need to tell him was even worse.

"What did he do"

"I was in the kitchen getting drinks when Alex came in, I use to be really close friends with Alex before Scott turned him against me. Scott asked to speak with me alone but I asked Alex to stay, Scott backed me up against the fridge but Alex pulled him off." Reece relaxed a little knowing someone was there for me. "But Scott told Alex that he hurt me and Alex lost his shit, started punching the walls and even told Scott that he loved me but let all of that emotion go because of him. We then went and spoke on the patio and he saw my scar, but we're getting back to being just as close as we were" Reece trusted me and I guess he kind of gathered that Alex didn't love me anymore, but Reece is around thousands of girls that love him nearly every day, but I trust him so he should me too.

"I trust you, I don't know Alex but if he makes any sort of a move on you promise you'll tell me" He was scared, he didn't want me to do what Brooke did to him, we've both had a bad experience with relationships and the fact that we both have brings more comfort and trust.

"Of course baby, but he won't. I know he won't" Me and Alex are just getting back friends again, he wouldn't jeopardise that.

"Okay. Let's get some sleep, it's nearly 4 in the morning" Reece laid back down and motions for me to join, I placed my head on his chest and closed my eyes. I never want to loose him. Ever.

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