Chapter 13

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The next morning I woke up to my alarm going off, I rolled over and unlocked my phone so that it wouldn't go off again and the locked it. 

"Chloe" I groaned

"Ugh what"

"We need to get up" I forced myself out of bed and into the bathroom to have a shower. Chloe can have an extra half hour while I get ready I suppose. I'm a good friend. When I was finished I went back into the bedroom to find Chloe sitting up on her phone, I told her that she could use the bathroom so she put her phone back on charge and made her way to the bathroom. I sat at my dressing table and unzipped my make up bag. I took out everything I would need and started applying it to my pale face. I did all my foundations and was just about to do my mascara when Chloe walked in. She asked what she should where and I just told her something comfy because of the train but then something that you still look good in because we're seeing the boys. After I finished my make up I let Chloe do hers and I made my way to my wardrobe. I'd already packed my bag but I still had to decide on what to wear. I decided on black leggings and a white tank with a long grey cardigan and white vans to match the top. I got dressed and looked over to my bag that would be on the train next to me. I had to pack it with the essentials so my phone and earphones obviously, then my purse, deodorant and a couple hair bands and grips. Once me and Chloe were both ready to go my mum drove us to the station to catch her train. 

"Did you speak to Blake last night Chloe?" My mum loved Chloe and was always talking to her, I swear she loved her more than she did me at times.

"Um yeah" She looked over at me, "a little, he's been quite busy recently"

"Doing what?" 

"Oh, Just all his school work I guess, he wants to go to a top end college or something" Chloe was literally the best liar I'd ever me, she just comes out with all this bullshit 24/7 and I can't even think of a reason why I haven't done my homework. I envy it so much. We pulled up outside the station, we said goodbye to my mum and that we'd see her Saturday. I didn't tell Reece we were going up couple days before the show. It's Tuesday and the concert isn't till Friday but I know they're in Liverpool already because Reece told me. I will find out where he is so that we can surprise everyone, it's nice to get out of Essex. The more I do it the more I love it mum never lets me do stuff like this so the fact that she's let me I find amazing.

"Another long ass train journey then" Chloe sighed as we got on the train. Just in time too because as we sat down it started leaving the station.

"Yeah but don't you like leaving everything behind? Just getting out of all the drama that is Essex. When we go back to school it's back to the same old thing with the same people. I'm nervous, specially after that picture got released" Me and Chloe were quite popular in school but we weren't in that popular group, no one actually likes them but they're classed as popular because they're the 'pretty ones'. Every school has them. The fact that me and Chloe were liked just makes me even more nervous about that picture, someone I know is sure to see it and post my Twitter name. I can't deal with all that, not yet, specially with Reece not there to help me through it.

"There's so much unnecessary  drama between so many different people at school, it gets so boring" Chloe rolled her eyes as did I, it's true. It's down to the fact that theres so many people that want to stick their nose into other peoples business, it causes uproar.

"Do you think Lauren will start an argument with you?" Lauren is one of the girls that I absolutely hate. To be honest I hate most people but Lauren, I despise her. All she ever does is talk about other people with her mates, she has no life because if she did then shed talk about herself, not everyone else. She made a sly comment towards me at the end of half term and I brought her up on it in front of everyone and she was lost for words. She's the definition of Bitch.

"If she does then she's stupid because she knows that I won't back down from an argument with her, I always win too so, I doubt it" Chloe nodded her head in agreement.

"Can you believe that she's still with her boyfriend though?" Chloe asked

"It just shows that she's a push over, he cheated on her, not just once but multiple times. She is giving him the all clear and if he does it again, she will forgive him and it will be that cycle for the rest of her life. She hasn't got the back bone to end it because she doesn't want to be alone. If Reece did that to me I wouldn't want anything to do with him"

"True, I couldn't stay with a boy knowing that he'd slept with other girls, I'd see it every time I'd look at him. It'd kill me. But you know how it feels, until it happens to me I won't know how to deal with it" I sighed. 

"Me and Scott where different. We were together since we were like 13, staying together with someone for 3 years and having them do that to me made me feel utterly worthless. But your the only one who knows the full story and you know that it wasn't just cheating. Thats why when he apologised and everyone wanted us to get back together and I said no, no one understood why. They only thought he cheated when there's so much more to what happened." Talking about it brought back so many bad memories, I never even thought Scott would think about cheating on me, let alone what happened that night. We broke up just after New years so its only been a couple months but I'm over it completely. I'd never go back to him. Ever.

"Yeah I get that, has he messaged you at all during the half term?"

"He text me on the way to the concert actually saying that he missed me and all that shit. I can't bring myself to even forgive him Chloe, you understand why though right?"

"Completely! He was an asshole to you" My phone vibrated on the table of our seats.

"Speak of the devil" It was Scott, I scanned through the message to get the just of it before reading it to Chloe 

"You ready?" Chloe nodded "Here goes "Megan, I know you don't want anything to do with me and I can't blame you. What I did was horrible but if you don't forgive me then I'm just gonna have to find a way to see you. I'm finding it so hard without you, I know your on your way to Liverpool because I knocked at your door and your mum told me. Thats why I'm getting the next train there. I have to see you. If I don't see you now it will be at school so don't bother leaving Liverpool. See you soon, Scott x" 

"He's coming to Liverpool, Megan your gonna have to tell Reece. Reece is going to want to know so he can be there for you when Scott turns up." Chloe was right, I was gonna have to tell Reece and I know he wouldn't be happy about it, he would've wanted me to tell him sooner but hopefully he will understand why I didn't.

"Your right, First thing I will do is get him on his own to tell him" Me and Chloe spent the rest of the journey chatting about everything, Mainly about Scott, Reece and Blake. I'm just nervous to tell him. I haven't even told my mum, if she knew she would never had told Scott where we were going. 

My mum wouldn't put me in danger like that.

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