Chapter 41

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We took what we knew to the school. It was the best day of my life.

The school believed us straight away as they had suspected something was going on themselves. They emailed all exam boards but more importantly, Sophie's parents. They moved to Leeds apparently. Well thats what I could tell from her snapchat story. The funny thing was that she didn't know it was us. So no drama was caused in my life which made it all the more sweeter. It's Tuesday today, the boys are landing at around 3 this afternoon so me and Chloe decided to go and grab lunch together before getting a taxi to Stansted airport to meet them.

"Have you missed Blake then?" We were in Nandos, Chloe was eating when her eyes widened.

"Of course I have, but Blake got really weird about the whole Sophie situation. I briefly told him what was happening over FaceTime but he didn't see the point in it"

"Neither did Reece, but he doesn't like Sophie so" I took a sip of my drink and finished up my delicious chicken. 

"They're boys though, how could we even expect them to understand our moti...motives" Chloe's eyes wandered up above me.

"What?" I looked up behind me ad saw Scott, why can't he just leave me alone.

"Hey" he was looking dead at me

"What do you want?" Yeah we talked but I was no way going to be all friendly with him.

"Well, there's a party tonight at Alex's and he wanted to invite the both of you"

"The boys get back tonight so I'm afraid not-" Chloe was tapping me on my arm, "What?"

"Can't we bring the boys? We haven't been to a party in forever, I need a night out to just throw my cares away" She had a point, the last party was a while ago, maybe it wasn't such a bad idea.

"Okay, we'll be there" We left Nandos and called an Uber to come pick us up and take us to the airport. The boys plane landed in an hour and we wanted to be there so that we could see them. They didn't know though. 

When we got to the airport, George had told us that they were just at baggage claim and that they wouldn't be long. We found the gate that they would be coming out of and just waited. We'd both missed everyone so much and couldn't wait too see them. It wasn't busy at all because The Vamps weren't coming back and neither were the Tide, so they boys made a point of not tweeting or mentioning anything. 

"They're taking forever, I'm gonna go grab a starbucks real quick, you want anything?" Starbucks was within eyesight, I'd be back before they got here. 

"Yeah just get me a hot chocolate with cream" I walked to starbucks, there was a bit of a line but nothing that time consuming. I just stood on my phone on my snapchat making sure my streaks are all still there, checking stories. 

"Excuse me," I looked up to find a worker waiting for me to order

"Oh god sorry, I will have two hot chocolates with cream please" 

"Can I take a name please?"

"Megan" she scribbled my name down on the cups and I waited for my drinks. 

"Megan?" I looked up and a younger looking boy was waiting behind the counter with my drinks. 

"Thank you" I took the cups and went back to stand with Chloe, When I saw her she was already standing with the boys, why do I always miss everything. Chloe saw me walking over but didn't say anything, I handed her the drinks and put my hands over Reece's eyes.

"Guess who" I sad in a really deep voice and George just burst out laughing. He pried my hands away from his eyes, he didn't even need to look to know it was me. He spun round and pulled me in to the tightest hug I think I've ever had in my life. "I missed you so much" I whispered into his hair.

"I missed you more, you have no idea how weird it felt not being able to see you" He pulled away and pressed his lips to mine in a short sweet kiss "You can have more later" he winked at me and I just blushed.

"Meg your drink" Chloe said with a confused expression on her face

"Did they not put cream on it?"


"For god sakes did the add marshmallows-"

"No just shut up, theres a phone number on it"

"What?" Reece took the cup of Chloe and we both looked at the number

"It must've been the boy that made my drinks" Reece didn't look happy, but he looked more jealous than anything, "Awh you jealous" I smirked up at him

"No because I know you won't be using it" I took the drink and took little sips as it was still hot.

"You girls need to explain this Sophie situation to us as well remember " Ugh I forgot about that

"We'll tell you tomorrow, it's a long story and knowing you lot we'll need to explain it like fifty thousand times". Chloe was right, they would need to hear it more than once for it to digest and for them to actually understand the point. "Also there's a party tonight that me and Meg are gonna go to, do you guys want to come?"

"We're all really tired babe, you guys go and we'll take you and pick you up if you want?" George had very recently passed his test which is great but that defeats the point of them not coming.

"No, me and Chloe can get a taxi home. You guys can crash at mine tonight, my Mum's away till tomorrow evening". The boys agreed and we all got a taxi back to my house. I did the boys some pizza and they sat downstairs and watched the football whilst me and Chloe went upstairs and got ready. Getting ready for a party as a girl takes a lot of time. First we both showered. I used my en-suite one and Chloe used the regular shower. After we'd dried our hair we started to do our make up. We both helped each other out with the make up, I did Chloe's eyebrows and she did my eye shadow and contour. After that we styled our hair an put on our dresses. We took about two and a half hours, with half an hour to get there. Perfect timing if you ask me. George was still going to take us but we'd just get a taxi home. Me and Chloe walked downstairs and put our heels on when we got to the bottom, we both had clutches but they only had small essentials in. When we asked the boys if they were ready to take us their eyes nearly popped out of their heads, even George's which was quite the compliment. 

"You both look stunning" Blake said, he went to give Chloe a hug and Reece just stared at me. 

"What?" I couldn't help but smile at the fact he couldn't take his eyes off me.

"Cant I just admire the view" He winked and pulled me in for a hug. George got us all in the car and I directed him to Alex's house. When we pulled up outside we saw Chelsea and Kaylee had just got there two.

"Thanks boys" Chloe said, she pecked Blake on the cheek and got out the car, I said goodbye to the boys but Reece grabbed my wrist before I could get out.

"Be good yeah" Reece stared deeply into my eyes.

"Why wouldn't I be" I kissed him, slammed the car door shut and watched as the car drove away. 

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