Chapter 27

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"I'm sorry" Thats what he started with, sorry. Does he not understand that sorry doesn't make up for what he did to me.

"Sorry isn't good enough" I said and began eating my chicken nuggets.

"What else do you want me to say? That I'm not? Of course I'm sorry and I have no idea what was going through my mind when I cheated on you" 

"Cheating is the least of our problems, you physically hurt me Scott!" I whisper shouted, I didn't want anyone listening in on our conversation

"I don't know why I did that either" He was fiddling with his fingers in his lap, feeling sorry for himself "I just want you to be mine again Megan, a chance?"

"No way, I've given you way too many chances and I'm not stupid enough to give you another. And if you hadn't noticed I'm in a committed relationship, one that I'm happy in" He scoffed

"You think he cares about you the way I do? Where is he right now Megan, probably surrounded by screaming girls. He can have his pick from all of them" My eyes squinted towards him, I knew what he was saying had some truth behind it but at the same time I trust Reece, he hasn't ever given me a reason not to.

"He cares Scott, something that you never did. I'm scared to wear certain clothes because it reveals that massive scar on my back. I don't want people seeing it. People judging me by it. It's going to be there for the rest of my life. And the cheating, where do I even start. It wasn't just once Scott, it was 3 fucking times" I put my head in my hands, we were getting no where. Whenever I see Scott it makes me sick but at the same time, I do wonder what would've happened if we were never together. My life would've been so different. My eyes wouldn't be as open as what they are now. 

"Megan can't you see that I'm sorry? I was an utter dick to you and I've had to live with it since you broke up with me. I can't count how many nights I've sat there thinking about you, wishing that you were there with me. Instead I have had to lay there knowing that your with that Northern prick" He's crossing the line one step at a time.

"You're lucky that I'm even here, I don't want anything to do with you and then you go and trash my boyfriend to my face? Scott you're unbelievable! Saying your sorry but still being exactly the person I want nothing to do with. You're rude and insulting towards me and the people who are important in my life-"

"I'm one of the people who you should consider as important Meg. First impression of your new boyfriend is that I didn't like him, he's not your type" He shrugged his shoulders and sat back in his seat.

"How can I even consider to care about you considering how much pain you cause me? All your mates out there think I'm the bitch because I can't get over that you cheated once. If they knew the whole story they'd be on my side and you know it. And since when do I have a type Scott, you were my first everything so that automatically makes you my type? Well it doesn't, and the only reason you didn't like him is because he stood up to you and stuck up for me." I raised my eyebrows at him and he moved his hand to touch mine which caused shivers down my spine, I moved my hand onto my lap, "You caused me so much pain and guilt, thinking that it was all my fault, I thought I had done something wrong" Tears rolled over the brim of my eyes and started rolling down my cheeks,

"Don't cry" Scott said handing me a tissue, if Reece were here he'd wipe them away himself. But Scott isn't Reece, he's far from it.

"Don't tell me what to do, it's your fault I feel like this Scott" I put the remainder of my food into the take-away bag and stood up "I'm done with this conversation, I know your sorry but I can't put myself through being with you again, I need someone who cares about me as much as I do them" I said and began walking away

"Someone like Reece?" I stopped and turned to face him

"Reece exactly" I wiped the tears from my cheeks and walked downstairs leaving Scott sat at the table with his head in his hands. I put my rubbish in the bin and headed to walk back to school, I was rummaging through my bag to find my earphones so I could listen to Spotify

"Megan!" I turned round to see Scott's friend Alex running after me, "How'd it go?" I rubbed my forehead

"Look Alex, I just can't get back with him and plus I'm with someone new now who I really like" He nodded understandingly but still had a hint of confusion in his face

"I'm glad you're happy again but he only cheated once, why can't you just get over it?"

"Alex you don't know everything, and if Scott isn't going to be honest with you then I will be because I can't have all his mates harassing me anymore. It's not just cheating let me tell you that but if Scott doesn't tell all of the boys by the end of the week then I will." I turned round and started walking, I put my earphones in and shuffled my Spotify playlist. Cake by the Ocean by DNCE started playing and I found myself walking to the beat. My phone buzzed and I had a text from Reece. I couldn't tell him about my conversation over text. I had to do it face to face,

From: Reece Bibby

Hello Babe, sorry I haven't text sooner, I've just been so busy with the tour! We're in Sheffield and then the last UK tour date is in Manchester on Saturday, Joe wants both you and Chloe to come down to be involved with all the pranks that happen on the night. Will be so much fun and will be good to see you because I can't come down any sooner X

To: Reece Bibby

It's fine, I get that your busy and I've been occupied with school anyways, and me and Chloe would love to come to the last show of the tour! I take it we will be part of the backstage shenanigans;) I'm gonna prank you good Bibby X

From: Reece Bibby

I look forward to it, see you Saturday? X

To: Reece Bibby

Defiantly, I love you X

From: Reece Bibby

I love you X

Saturday was so close yet so far away...

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