Chapter 24

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"Is there something you wanted" Reece clearly didn't want this to happen, his voice had a sense of anger hidden in his tone. The only time I've heard that tone was over the whole Tiffany situation, I don't want to have to hear it again but it's early days I guess.

"Just thought I'd come say hello, we recognised your um" She stared me up and down yet again adding an eye roll "Friend from the concert, I think we saw you in Zizi's right?" She turned to face me and I all of a sudden felt a rush of confidence

"Yeah, me and my friend Chloe were sat in the booth behind you and your friends" I smiled just to annoy her a little more

"Yeah I remember" her eyes squinted and her face had a blank expression, "I overheard you both talking about the boys actually"

"Well Reece is my boyfriend so thats probably why" I smirked and felt Reece's gaze on us both

"Yeah well you can take my sloppy seconds babe" She winked, she's such a bitch

"Yeah well I've actually met the boy you cheated on him with, your standards dropped a bit didn't they?"

"Oh please, as if you've even met him" She stood with her arms crossed and rolled her eyes

"Who, Harry? There's pictured evidence because funnily enough he actually asked me on a date, but unlike you I'm not a cheat" Our McDonalds order was called and I told Brooke to go back to her little gang of friends. Reece took my hand in his as he held our food and we left.

"What was that all about, I've never seen you so confident" Reece chuckled as we walked down the pavement. Every so often a car would speed past making it that much colder.

"I'm not having anyone, specially not her, think you're available" I told him. Overtime we went under a lamp post I could see him smiling at himself. I've never been this jealous before, not even with Scott.

"Someones jealous today" He looked down at me and winked

"You can't blame me" We eventually got to the hotel and went up to our room, we took out our food from the bag and ate it in bed whilst watching TV. After we ate we both just decided to go to bed, we were exhausted and we just wanted to get a good nights sleep. I snuggled into Reece's chest as he turned the lamp off.

"Goodnight, I love you" my eyes fluttered and closed

"I love you" I said back and then fell into a deep sleep wrapped in Reece's arms.

The next morning I woke up to find the bed empty, Reece's space was empty. I stretched and got up to walk over to the table to make myself a hot chocolate. Wherever Reece went off to I'm sure he'll be back, his phones still plugged in so he wouldn't have gone far. As the kettle was boiling my ringtone started playing, I looked over at the caller ID and it was Chloe, I picked the phone up and pressed it to my ear

"You alright Chlo"

"Yeah, I just wanted to know what time our train is because all the boys with the exception of Reece and Blake are going to say goodbye to us at the hotel so the don't get spotted and all stuff like that" I looked down at my watch to see it was 9am, our train was at 1pm so we had 4 hours.

"It's at 1pm, is Reece in your room by any chance?" I queried, I have no idea where he's gone, specially at nine in the morning

"Nope he's not here Hun. Anyway I've got to dash because me and Blake are going for breakfast before we go home" I said my goodbyes before hanging up and headed over to the small balcony we had. As I looked down towards the roads I could see a group of girls screaming, surrounding someone. As I took a closer look I recognised the hair and the stripes, Reece was down meeting some fans. It's sweet but I wanted to spend the morning with him, I'm leaving today and I don't know when I will next see him...

I Had a shower and the started to pack before the door opened and shut and Reece walked in. I didn't say anything to him because it was now half 10. I even went down to the restaurant and had breakfast with Chloe and Blake for god sakes. It would've been nice to go with him but I couldn't even phone him to ask because he left his phone up here.

"Your packing already?"

"yeah. I leave at one" I continued folding all my clothes and putting them in my bag, I'd thrown in a couple of Reece's shirts and jumpers, I'm sure he wouldn't miss them.

"Oh" He said, you could cut the tension in the room with a knife. I didn't want to talk because if I did then an argument would definitely start and thats the last thing I wanted to happen. "Are you going to talk to me?" I threw the top into my bag,

"Are you going to tell me why I didn't wake up with you next to me this morning?" I said, my voice was full of anger. I didn't shout but my tone was enough to let him know I was pissed.

"I had to go see the fans Megan"

"Oh you had to? Thats funny because Blake took Chloe to breakfast, I had to go join them like a third wheel because of your disappearing act. You didn't even leave me a note to tell me where you were, you just got up and left. I'm leaving to go back home and god knows when you'll see me next but thats fine, you go see the fans. I understand why because of how much they support you but it would been nice to spend the time with you" Reece stood there shocked, he didn't expect me to come out with all of that. Neither did I. I was a little hurt because although the fans mean the world to him, he didn't think of me at all this morning.

"I'm sorry, I didn't realise how much it meant to you" He said, he looked sincere. I wasn't going to hold him over it because that would be stupid on my behalf

"It's fine, now help me pack" I threw my top at him as he walked over and began helping me.

I really didn't want to leave.


Hello my lovely readers! Just thought I'd give you a little authors note:)

I'm getting into exam season now so my updates may not be as frequent but when I'm not revising I will be writing!

Also, I would really appreciate it for you guys to comment anything you want to happen in the story, If you want to be featured or anything ideas you may have as I'm 100% open to them. Would love to give some of you guys credit in this book!

Please vote and comment my lovelies, I love you all!

Megan XOXO

PS. I need a ship name:) for Megan&Reece and Chloe&Blake

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