Chapter 44

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I woke up entangled with Reece. My head was pounding and my stomach was killing me. I picked up my phone and checked the time. 11:00. I lightly kissed Reece's neck and he stirred in his sleep. He was so adorable. I thought about the events from the night before, at the party with Scott and Alex, I'm glad someone knows. Finally. I also smiled, remembering the conversation I had with Reece. We had a heart to heart, which made me respect and love him so much more.

"Take a picture it will last longer" Reece opened his eyes and smiled at me.

"I hate when you say that, am I not allowed to look at my boyfriend?" I joke and gently push him away. "When are you and the boys going back home?" Obviously I knew that they had to go and see their own families, I just wish it didn't have to be hours away.

"We said we'd head back home tomorrow, so that we could spend a full day here rather than a night, specially since we didn't even get the night with you yesterday" I did feel bad about going to the party, but it felt good to let loose.

"I'm sorry about that, I just think it did me and the girls good to throw everything away for one night" He pushed a strand of hair out of my face

"It's okay babe, you have a life and I don't expect you to drop everything for me" It felt good to be in a relationship with someone who had the same level of respect for me as I do for them. "And plus, I trust you to not do anything stupid" He gave me a cheeky grin and I gave him a big bear hug, landing on top of him. "Lets save this for tonight yeah" I blushed ad pulled away.

"Well then, lets go see if the others are awake" We both got up out of bed and went downstairs.I pushed the living room door open to find everyone sprawled out across the sofas and the floor. Chloe and Blake were sharing the sofa all cuddled up together. George was on the other sofa and Chelsea was on the floor. Where's Kaylee?

"Look" Reece pointed to the kitchen door which was opened and there was a light on. I walked into the kitchen to find Kaylee eating some pancakes that my mum left us.

"Morning Kay" I got some plates from the cupboard and put them on the island. "This is Reece, Reece this is one of my friends Kaylee" It felt weird that they haven't even met yet.

"Hey Reece, it's nice to finally meet you, she talks about you a lot"

"Kaylee shut up" I felt my face turn a deep shade of red as Reece looked in my direction

"Does she now?" Reece had a smirk plastered on his face. I felt so embarrassed but he is my boyfriend so why wouldn't I talk to my friends about him.

"Yes she does, all good though so nothing to worry about" Reece pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead. He whispered I love you into my hair and pulled away, "you guys are so cute" I smiled at Reece before putting some pancakes on my plate. My phone vibrated on the table and Alex's picture came up. I slid across on my phone and answered

"Helloooo" I said, shoving some chocolate on top of my pancakes

"Someone's Cheery this morning, not hungover?" I laughed at his comments, Alex knows that I get the worst hangovers.

"Surprisingly not, I stayed up talking to Reece last night so I sobered up"

"He was awake? How come you guys got an uber home then?"

"Reece doesn't drive, George does. And no he wasn't but I fell over when I got home because I was quite drunk so Chelsea went and woke him up"

"That's cute, are you okay after last night? I just wanted to check up on you" he was so thoughtful, I was lucky to have him as a friend.

"I'm good, I'm glad you finally know now, feels good to not seem like such a bitch to you" he laughed on the other end of the phone.

"I never thought you were a bitch, I just couldn't quite get my head around the situation, but I take it your with Reece?" I looked over to Reece who was shoving pancakes in his mouth whilst looking and listening to what I was saying.

"Yeah, me, Reece and Kaylee are just eating breakfast, everyone else is asleep." I said my goodbyes to Alex and began to dig in to my pancakes.

"Who was that?"


"How is he after last night?" I'm glad Reece shows he cares about my friends, even Alex because it shows that he trusts me.

"As good as he can be I guess, I mean, he lost me and now he's lost his best friend, I'm gonna be there for him like he was for me last night"

"Yeah I'm glad he was there because if you were in your own god knows what would've happened"

"What do you guys wanna do today?" Kaylee asked whilst finishing up her pancakes.

"We should all go swimming" I haven't been swimming in such a long time and it would be so cute for us all to go

"Babe me and the boys haven't got shorts"

"We can grab some from Primark or something on our way" Reece smiled and nodded, I looked over at Kaylee who looked very happy with the idea, hopefully everyone can wake up soon so we can get going.

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