Chapter 17

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I woke up with the sun shining through the windows because we didn't close the curtains when we got in last night. But the best thing about this morning was that I woke up entangled in Reece's arms and legs. It felt weird to not wake up and have Chloe next to me for once. I looked at Reece. His hair first thing in the morning was so sexy, all flat and scruffy. His sleeping face was so cute, his eyes were all squinted as if he were having a bad dream. I stayed there for a while before gently lifting up his arm and getting up to go to the bathroom. I had a quick shower without washing my hair and freshening up, when I got out I dried myself off, got dressed and put my hair up in a messy bun. I went back into the bedroom and saw the Reece was still sleeping, he's a heavy sleepy clearly. I crawled on to the bed and sat on him to attempt to wake him up, It took me ages. But I finally I managed how to wake him up. Tickle him. I've now found out now that he's extremely ticklish. He woke up whining yet smiling to my method, I think cause it's me he will let it slide.

"What are all you guys doing today, Studio?"

"No but Blake text me last night whilst you were downstairs that he was taking Chloe out" Wait what?

"What! She didn't even tell me, I told her everything about us even when there wasn't an us. I told her when I liked you, when you kissed me everything!"

"Calm down babe" Reece laughed, but I forced out a smile, he called me babe. "What?"

"I like that" He showed a confused look

"Like what?"

"Babe" I winked, gave him a kiss on the cheek before telling him that I'm going to Chloe and Blake's room. I walked down the never-ending corridor till I reached their room and gave a loud knock. The door opened and Blake answered, topless.

"Oh Megan, I um wasn't expecting you this early" He scratched the back of his head, I looked down at my watch

"It's 11am Blake" I let out a laugh and so did he

"Please come in" I thanked him and went to sit on the chair in their room

"So where's Chloe"

"In the shower"

"I heard you're going on a date" I told him and his eyes widened

"Chloe wanted to tell you but she thought you'd be to busy with Reece to look at your phone, he told me you were having a cosy night in. To relax from all the drama with whats his face" I froze

"Did she tell you?" It's not that I didn't want him to know, well it is. I don't want Blake knowing. It's not that I don't trust hime because I do, I trust everyone. I would just prefer if it stayed between me, Chloe and Reece. The door opened and Chloe walked in fully dressed.

"Hey Megs! How was your night?" She threw me a wink

"I think I should be asking you the same thing" I raised my eyebrows and looked over too the 2 beds, one hadn't been touched and the other duvet was a complete mess.

"Well it um, got a little cold so Blake offered for me to share his bed. You know, for warmth" This is the first time that I've been able to tell Chloe's lying.

"Well enjoy your date that I didn't get told about little miss secrets" I said to Chloe as if I were a 5 year old.

"Oh Meg don't be silly, I was going to tell you first thing this morning, I just thought I'd give you some space after Scott. Conor came and told us that he cam to see you last night. Did you go?"

"Yeah I went with Joe, but I will talk to you about it over lunch tomorrow, girls day yeah?" Chloe's face lit up and she nodded like crazy "Good. Well I will leave you guys to it then" I said before leaving the room and walking back down to mine. When I got in to the room I heard the shower running. Reece must be in there. I walked further in to see that Reece actually made the bed, bless him. I walked over to our window and just stood there for a while, because of how high up we were the view was amazing. You could see everything. The only thing destroying it was Reece's phone continuously going off in the background. I figured it was one of the boys so I just left it. I want over to my make-up bag and got my vaseline out, Reece's phone was still going off, surely if one of the boys needed him that much they'd come to our room. I walked over to look at the notifications on his phone to see he had things of all sorts, Twitter likes and follows, Instagram likes and comment and Snapchat messages and even iMessages. The thing that caught my eye was something they all had in common, they were all from one person. A girl by the name Tiffany. I've gone through this before and I have learnt from my mistakes, if he's cheating then it's over. That means that Scott would've been right. Maybe I'm overreacting, maybe Tiffany or whatever is just a friend or even better a family member. But what if she's not. This is all Scott's fault. If he didn't treat me the way he did then I would not be over-thinking this. I looked at what one of the messages said and I wish I didn't,

From: Tiffany

Really enjoyed our lunch Babe, hopefully we can do it again sometime xxx

They went for lunch? She didn't say when so I guess it could've been before he met me but even so, he's still texting her? Does he still like her? It's not a surprise, I knew it would only be a matter of time until he found and left me for someone better. I heard the shower turn off so I put Reece's phone how I found it and wen back over to the window. A couple of minutes later Reece came out with some black skinny jeans on with a striped top in hand. Should I bring it up to him? I watched him go over to his phone and look at his messages, he had a confused expression whilst scrolling through them all which I guess is a good sign. I still feel like I have a right to know who she is, just for my own peace of mind.

"How's Chloe and Blake?" Reece asked, he slipped his top over his head covering up his toned chest

"They're good, they slept in the same bed last night" Reece raised his eyebrows

"But they're not even together, they haven't even been on a date yet."

"Yea well they clearly like each other" I stifled a laugh, "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course you can" He looked up to face me and began walking towards me. I want him to tell me what I want to hear, which better be the truth. If it isn't I might die inside. I didn't want to like him this much this quickly, I haven't opened up or let anyone in apart from Chloe after Scott. Reece Bibby has broken down my walls without me even noticing and without even trying.

"Who's Tiffany?"

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