Chapter 11

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By the time I got home, took my make-up off and got ready for bed it was already midnight, My Mum picked me and Chloe up from the station and dropped Chloe home. There was a light knock on my door, when it opened my mum slipped through and sat down at the end of my bed.

"Just thought I'd come and say goodnight" She said, I sat next to her and rested my head on her shoulder.

"Dad isn't coming back is he?" Mum sighed and dropped her head

"I don't think so sweetie, but that's nothing you need to worry about, It's his loss" About a month ago now, I came home from school and my mum was sat in the living room crying her eyes out. She told me that dad hadn't been working late the past couple nights, that he had left the house because of an argument between the two of them. They were suppose to be getting married In August, but I guess thats not happening now, that's why it was so easy for him to leave. Other than me, there were no strings attached. I walked round the get in my side of the bed and my mum gave me a kiss on my forehead.

"Goodnight, sweet dreams" She left my room and I closed my eyes falling in to a deep slumber. 

I woke up to my alarm going off at half 6, why was my alarm going off? I picked up my phone to look at the date, ugh, Monday. My mum walked into my room.

"Why is your alarm going off?"

"It's Monday?" She chuckled

"Yeah, in the second week of half term, go back to sleep" She said before walking out. I praised the lords before collapsing back into my pillow trying to get back to sleep. It wasn't happening though. No matter how much I tossed and turned to try and get into the right position, my mind was wide awake, and there was only one thing on my mind. Reece. I miss him already. I'm just nervous that he will forget about me, he's surrounded by girls all the time because of the band, and the fact they're on tour with The Vamps, they're surrounded by even more girls. To take my mind off it I jumped in the shower, my mum had already left for work so I had the house to myself. I was in the shower for about half an hour before getting out, drying my hair and then getting dressed. I text my friend Will and asked if he wanted to meet for coffee at about 10. I know, I'm worrying about Reece but here I am meeting up with a boy, well Will is gay so I think I'm alright. I grabbed my phone and looked at the notifications and saw I had a message from Reece.

From: Reece Bibby

Hope you got home safely, We just got to Nottingham, I miss you X

To: Reece Bibby

Got home at about midnight, I miss you too but don't let that stop you from enjoying yourself X

I sat at my dressing table so that I could do my hair and make-up. It was only Will so I chucked my hair up into a high ponytail and did some subtle make-up, just a natural look. I grabbed my bag and threw in my phone, purse and keys before leaving the house to walk to the coffee shop.

I sat in a booth in the corner and waited for Will to arrive, I'd already ordered my hot chocolate and Will's coffee, we order the same thing every single time. The bell above the door sounded and I looked to see Will walking towards me.

"You alright Megs" He sat down opposite me  and took a sip of his drink

"Yeah I guess, how's your life been these past couple days?" 

"Good but I think yours has been a little more interesting" He smirked at me

"Hardly Will, all I did was went to a concert" I laughed

"Yeah, another in Newcastle. How could you not tell me that you had a boyfriend!" What. I take it he was talking about Reece but how would he know? The only person that did was Chloe and she isn't close with Will like I am anyways. Please don't tell me Chloe had leaked it, me and Reece went on one date and yes, admittedly I was getting feelings for him. Specially after the kiss.

"What do you mean boyfriend?" I let out a nervous chuckle and took a sip of my drink

"You were pictured with a boy, he must be known though because otherwise you wouldn't have been photographed together. And he must be your boyfriend, he was kissing you in the photo" Will winked and pulled out his phone to show me "Look" I looked at his screen and he was right, it was Reece kissing me at the train station.

"How did you get that?" I started to panic, I didn't see any photographers around. I'm going to get so much hate from everyone, this is the last thing I wanted to happen. Of course I want to still be whatever I am with Reece, but I didn't want to have to deal with any hate yet.

"Someone posted on Twitter, it's gone viral" Oh no, "Whats wrong, you look as if you've seen a ghost" He joked. I told him everything about Reece and what was going on between us and Will couldn't have been happier for me, considering what happened with my last relationship. "Well the good thing is that this wasn't a pap" Will explained, He was a year older and studying media in college so he knew his stuff.

"How can you tell?"

"Well for starters, a professional photographer or 'pap' would never produce a blurry photo, and look at the quality, paps have good cameras, this was evidently taken on a phone." 

"I still don't know how you can tell all of that from a picture" I laughed and my phone started ringing. "It's Reece, do you mind?"

"Not at all" I smiled and answered the phone. "Hello?"

"Megan, are you okay?' He was worried

"Yeah why wouldn't I be?"

"The picture..." He sounded disappointed in himself, he had no reason to be unless he was embarrassed

"Reece you've done nothing wrong, It was going to happen sooner or later" I explained to him

"I guess"

"You're not embarrassed or anything are you?" Will looked at me with his eyes widened

"No no! Not at all, I just though we could've been in our own little bubble for a little while longer" 

"Yeah I agree that keeping ourselves to ourselves for a little while longer would have been perfect but thats not how things have planned out. It's difficult for me because everyone at school will have seen it and the fans won't hate on you, they will hate on me. But it's something that I'm going to have to learn to get over"

"Okay, just know you can always talk to me and all the other boys are here for you okay" I told him I know before we exchanged goodbyes due to me being out for lunch.

"All good" Will asked

"Yeah, we're all good"

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