Chapter 16

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On the bus ride to the hotel I told Chloe about how Reece wanted me to share with him tonight because of Scott but she was fine sharing with Blake anyways. Me and Drew had a nice chat about everything. I asked him about his love life and he said that he had a girlfriend but she broke up with him because she couldn't deal with the long distance. We pulled up outside the hotel and we all got out and Reece held my hand as we walked through the hotel doors.

"Don't walk off, you don't now where your going" He smirked as we all stepped in to the lift, luckily we were all on the same floor. Everyone went in to their rooms and me and Reece went in to ours. "So this our room, just a normal one I guess"

"I'm just excited to get some sleep" I said flopping on to the bed

"Me too, it's been a long day, I'm just glad your here" He said sitting on the end of the bed laying down next to me.

"I go back to school on Monday" I frowned

"Looks like I will have to come to Essex more often" I smiled

"Reece your schedule is so busy, you're hardly going to have the time to come and see me"

"I will make time, specially because you're going to be around Scott 5 days a week, I need to check up on you. For my own peace of mind as well as yours." Reece is so sweet. After being with him for just over a week I don't know what I even saw in Scott. 

"Well I really appreciate you doing that" I smiled and got up to make a cup of hot chocolate, "Do you want something to drink?" 

"No but I was thinking about ordering room service?"

"That sounds like a plan" I continued to make my hot chocolate while Reece made the phone call. After everything was done we sat on the bed and decided on a film to rent from the TV. We settled on 'Kingsman: Secret Service' with Taron Egerton and Colin Firth. There was a knock at the door so I went to the bathroom to take my make-up off whilst Reece went to answer the door. I didn't here any talking or the door shut so I just assumed it was the food. I washed my face and ten walked out to see who Reece was talking to.

"Brad? What are you doing here?" Brad seemed worried

"We've got a slight issue Megan" Reece said

"What sort of an issue?" I was getting worried now

"Scott's in the reception" Brad said "I don't know what he did that was so bad but he's refusing to leave till he speaks to you" I went to speak but Reece got there first

"She's not going down there, not alone at least. If she goes down with anyone it will be Joe" Reece said, I didn't want to talk to him but if it meant he'd leave then I had to 

"Why not you?" Brad asked

"Because if I see him I'll kill him" Reece said then walked away from the door, I said to Brad to send Joe to our room so that he could go down there with me. 

"I won't be long I promise, I will have my phone so if anything happens you'll be the first person I ring or text" I gave him a peck on the lips before leaving to go down with Joe. When we got to reception Scott was sitting on one of the many sofas, when he looked up and saw me he stood. Just looking at him made my skin crawl. He made his way over to me,


"Don't come near me" I said bluntly

"I just want to talk, thats all" He gestured for me to sit next to him but I stayed where I was, safely next to Joe

"You can talk to me whilst I'm standing, you've got 5 minutes"

"What sort of a life is this for you Megan? Following that boy Reece round the country whilst he's playing to sold out arenas, being surrounded by girls. As time goes on it will only get worse. He can't be there for you"

"What and you can be? Scott you caused me more pain then I will ever feel, in more ways than one. I had to go through all of your mates asking why I wouldn't forgive you for something like cheating. They didn't and still don't know the whole story but if they did they'd hate you and you know it. Thats why you never told them. I've had to look at that scar on my back ever since it happened, I can't wear certain clothes anymore because I don't want all the questions. I don't want to have to re live what happened. This life? This life is better than being with you any day of the week. And Reece will be there for me because that's what a good boyfriend does" As soon as a said Reece was my boyfriend Scott's face dropped. He didn't think I'd move on. 

"I know I put you through all of that Megan but he will cheat on you because look at the life he's living! He's got girls all around him all the time, fans that are obsessed with him. You think that after seeing what he could have he will still want you?" Ouch, I knew what he was saying could be true to a point but I refused to believe it. Reece wouldn't do that to me. 

"Reece would never, after seeing how much hurt I've gone through he couldn't do it. Look Scott, can't you just leave me alone. I have enough of you at school, the last thing I want is you to be invading my social life" I turned to face Joe and we started walking to the elevator.

"You know it's true Megan! Don't deny it!" Scott shouted after us, all I saw when the lift doors closed was and angry and hurt Scott. I thanked Joe as he dropped me off at my hotel room and when I walked in Reece was sat on the bed just about to start eating. 

"Your back" He practically jumped of the bed and ran over to me, "I didn't know how long you were going to be so I didn't want my food to be cold but yours is in the microwave" He pulled me into a hug. We just stood there for a couple minutes, "How'd it go?"

"As good as it could've been really, I hate seeing him, he just makes my skin crawl."

"What did he say?" I didn't really want to tell Reece about what Scott said because it would make him more angry because he wouldn't cheat. But I didn't want to lie to him.

"He was just talking shit. Saying how my life if I stay with you will just be following you around the country and that you'll eventually forget about me when you see the type of girls you could be with. Also he said how you'd probably end up cheating on me" I finished that last sentence a lot quieter, just thinking about another boy cheating on me was enough to make me cry.

"You know none of that is true though. I couldn't live with myself knowing I'd added to all the pain and hurt you've already experienced. You mean too much to me to make me do something like that. I never want to loose you"

"You're not going to Reece, Scott just thinks differently. Don't worry I believe you" I went and got my food out of the microwave before joining Reece on the bed, we put Kingsman on and enjoyed having a cosy night watching a film and eating. The film was brilliant, made us laugh but at the same time was such an intense storyline. Reece took our plates and put them outside the door. When Reece finished he came and got back into bed before turning the lights off. I turned to face him to see he was already looking at me.

"What are you staring at?" I giggled

"You, how lucky I am to say that you're mine" 

"I'm just as lucky as you are Reece, but I'm very tired so I'm going to go to sleep" I turned back over to face the wall and Reece pulled me tightly into his chest.

"Goodnight girlfriend" I could almost here the smile in his words

"Goodnight boyfriend".

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