Chapter 29

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As we walked up to my door I started to get really nervous, I know my Mum will like him. It's just the thought that she might not.

"Here we are" He eyed the outside of my house before telling me that I had a gorgeous place to live. I let go of his hand and opened my front door, I waited for Reece to step in and then I shut the door.

"Should I take my shoes off?" 

"No you can leave them on" I let a laugh slip at how polite he was being "Mum, I'm home" I shouted throughout the house, I heard a muffled okay before me and Reece walked into the kitchen where my mum was sat at the counter flicking through the calendar

"Are you going to Manchester with Chloe tomorrow Meg" She hadn't even looked up yet so she had no idea that Reece was here

"Yeah, we're getting a train straight after school. You said you'd take us to the station remember?" I held my finger to my mouth signalling for Reece to keep quiet

"Oh yes" She scribbled it down on the calendar, "Is that boyfriend of yours going to be there?" I looked at Reece and nodded at him,

"Yeah I will be there" My mums face shot up and her mouth gaped

"Oh my god!" She stood up from the counter and pulled him in for a quick hug, "It's so good to finally meet you, It's good to know who she's been spending all of her time with recently" Reece lets a laugh as my mum shoots me a playful glare.

"Well, me and Reece are going out so I'm going upstairs to change" Reece kisses me on the cheek before I leave the kitchen and head upstairs to my bedroom. I decided on dressing casual as Reece was only in black jeans and a white and black striped long sleeve jumper top thing. But it was quite hot out today so I decided on wearing white jeans and a grey swing top with my leather jacket as there was still a breeze. I touched up my make up a little so I wasn't shiny and let my hair flow down in it's natural state. I grabbed a bag and put the essentials in, my phone, keys, money etc. and went back downstairs. I walked towards the kitchen and found my mum and Reece sitting there with a cup of tea each chatting a way. I held back a little to listen in on what they were talking about.

"So how did you guys meet, Megan hasn't really told me that much other than the fact you're in some sort of a band" My mum said

"Well we met at the concert in London. She left her phone at the signing table so I took her number before I found her to give it back" Liar, he took my phone on purpose. I still can't get over how cute the gesture that day was though.

"Well I hope you're better than the last boy she dated" My body tensed because I knew she was talking about Scott but why would she say that? She didn't know anything that happened between me an him, Reece was clearly looking at her in confusion "I take it she's mentioned a Scott, she thinks I'm stupid, telling me that they broke up because it was a mutual decision. Something happened otherwise she wouldn't have spent so many hours crying over him. I get the sense that she doesn't want to talk about it with me though, which does upset me because I'm her mother, I only want to be there for her" I did want to tell my mum about it but I'm too embarrassed, specially seeing as it's been months now. I would've loved to tell her and have her be there for me but I couldn't bring myself to tell her.

"I know what you mean but if it helps, I don't talk to my mum about relationships either, when you're a teenager it's one of those things that's awkward to talk about with your parents" I walked in before the conversation took a turn for the worse. I love Reece but if something slipped about the Scott situation I would be devastated.

"I'm ready" Reece swung round on his chair and when he saw me his eyes widened a little, I didn't look that good. Reece stood up and thanked my mum for the tea before we walked out my front door and towards the town. 

"You look stunning" I looked down at what I was wearing, maybe it was simple but effective.

"Reece, I'm dressed casually, not in a ball gown" I laughed and brushed the few strands of hair out of my face

"So I can't even call my own girlfriend stunning?" His lips formed a smirk and his fingers lifted my chin, tilting my head to face his. He leaned down smashed his lips against mine. God I'd been waiting all week for this, I'd missed him more than words could explain and by how passionate this kiss was I knew he felt the same way. Our lips moved in sync, like two pieces of a puzzle fitting together. I slowly pulled away, staring into his sparkling eyes.

"What do you fancy doing then?" 

"What is there to do around here?" Hmm, Essex...

"Well there's an Odeon and I really wanted to see the Eddie the Eagle film? Then there is like a dozen restaurants to choose from, maybe we could go to Zizi's?"

"I really want to see that film too so yes defiantly! And yeah I could eat" He laced our fingers together and we carried on walking towards the town centre which was roughly a 10 minute walk. "I wonder what Chloe and Blake are up too" Reece questioned

"I don't know but I really want them to go official, that girl that nudged her earlier at school, Sophie, she's literally such a bitch and just before we came out of school she spoke to me at my locker about Blake saying that she wanted me to set her up with Blake. I'm not even friends with her anymore and it's not like I could say Chloe's already got there because no one knows" I groaned, life as a teenage girl can be so difficult at times. I know Reece probably has better things to do rather than listen to my problems but I'm glad he lets me vent to him.

"Anymore? Why aren't you friends with her" Great. From all the things he picks out that?

"Oh yeah, well we use to be friends. Then I found out that she was one of the girls messaging Scott behind my back so, I just told her where to shove it." Reece chuckled. 

"Well you don't have to worry about that happening, I've only got eyes for you" I squeezed his hand and brought him as close to my side as I could whilst still walking. I couldn't be more happier with him. 

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