Chapter 26

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It was now Monday. I'd spent most of yesterday revising and going over different subjects for my upcoming exams, safe to say it was boring. The only highlight was when I walked to McDonalds to get a 20 nugget share box all to myself. But Monday, the first day back after the half term and I was not looking forward to it. Seeing Scott was one of the reasons I didn't want to go, I don't think I can deal with seeing all the people I don't like. I'm missing Reece but there's nothing that I can do about it, I just have to get through the week and hope I can see him at the weekend. I put on my dreadful uniform, did some natural make-up for school and put my hair up into a messy bun. I had zero effort for today. I asked my mum to drive me to school so I didn't have to get the bus. The car journey consisted of mum asking me how the week went and how Reece was and how she wants to meet him. I know my mum means well when it comes to boys but she can get very embarrassing. It's why I never really tell her anything about boys, I'd love to be able too but I hate all the questions that come with it. The sight of my school came into eye shot and I began to gather my bag before my mum actually pulled up outside of it. I text Chloe to tell her I was here and that I would meet her by my locker. I thanked my mum, got out of her car and walked through the gates. I was slightly later than I usually was which meant more people were at school when I got there. As I walked through the corridors I felt people watching me but I just ignored it, they have no reason to be staring, I've just been pictured with someone who's known in the public eye. I turned a corner to see the Chloe was already standing at my locker.

"Hey Chloe" I entered my lock nomination and opened it to chuck my coat in there and grab the books I needed for the day

"Hey, how was your day yesterday?" 

"Boring, I just revised and I take it you did the same" 

"Yeah, Blake face-timed me for a bit but not for long because of how busy they all are at the moment" I nodded as I closed my locker and the bell went. Me and Chloe were both in the same form group so we spent the morning discussing upcoming exams, but we somehow still got on to the topic of Reece and Blake.

"I am nervous about being away from him, I'm nervous that he will find someone better" Chloe sighed and had sympathy in her eyes

"Scott has given boys a bad name for you, Reece is the total opposite to him and you need to realise that Megs" I did agree with her, Scott had defiantly cause some trust issues with any relationship I will ever have. I do trust Reece, more than I thought I would. The door to our form opened and it was Sophie, one of those girls in our year that I didn't like. 

"Megan" Mrs called me over, I looked to Chloe and she raised her eyebrows telling me that she didn't know what she wanted. I stood up and straightened my skirt before I walked over. Sophie was still standing there and gave a smug smirk before she started talking to me. "It's come to my attention that you've gone a bit viral this last week." I shrugged my shoulders

"I wouldn't know, I've deleted my Twitter" She squinted her eyes at me. My form tutor really doesn't like me but I don't like her either so it doesn't really bother me. She's always looking for reasons to have a go at me.

"Well I'm sure you know what I'm talking about" She motioned towards her picture screen where a picture of me, Reece and George in Topshop was. I haven't actually seen that picture yet but why does she feel the need to get up in my business.

"Yeah? And?"

"Remember you're still representing our school when in reality no one should find out what school you go to. Are you dating one of them?"

"I don't know why it's any of your busine-"

"Yes, she's dating the one in the stripes, his names Reece Bibby" I glared at Sophie. I'm well liked in school, I guess you could say I'm popular I'm just not in that popular bitchy group, but Sophie is. People knew what I was like, that I always win arguments so no one ever starts them with me because they will end up getting embarrassed. 

"Is that True" The bell went and I couldn't be bothered to tell a teacher about my personal life, so I turned to walk away,

"Go get your own life before you start invading mine" I shouted behind me as I walked back to my bag, Chloe was just laughing as we left form, she said she snap chatted it and sent it to the boys. We got them all on snapchat before we left. Blake snapped her back saying I was 'Fiesty' and it just made me giggle.

At lunch I went to go meet Chloe in her Art class and we were going to walk into town to get some McDonalds for lunch. Our school lets the year 11's go into town for lunch so we obviously take advantage of it. We walked and talked and we took selfies and snapchats, we have to keep ourselves entertained because it's a decently long walk. When we got to McDonalds me and Chloe both went to one of the electronic systems to pay by card. I was minding my own business choosing what I wanted and I felt a light tap on my shoulder

"I'm almost done" I said without even looking, I put my card into the machine and waited to enter my pin, I heard the same person cough behind me, "Alright give me a second" I entered my pin and retrieved my card before taking my ticket. "There I'm done, be patient next time" I turned round to see who I was talking to and I nearly choked. Scott was standing there with his hands shoved in his pockets. I scoffed and began walking to Chloe who was already waiting for her food.

"Megan wait" Scott grabbed my wrist and I snatched it back

"Don't you even dare touch me, not after what you put me through" I looked outside to see that all of his mates were standing there, did he follow us here? "Did you follow me here?" He looked to floor.

"I had to talk to you, I can't stand not being with you" He looks into my eyes, those eyes that I used to love. Used. 

"What is there that you could possibly say?" 

"Just Please, eat here. Just sit upstairs and talk to me" I looked over to Chloe who was already looking at me. I went over to her and told her that me and Scott were going to talk and that I'd meet her back at school which she was fine with because she had coursework for Art to finish anyways. I walked over to the stairs gesturing for Scott to follow. We sat at a two seater in the corner of McDonalds, it wasn't overly busy but I wanted to be away from everyone else.

"You've got 15 minutes" I stated and took a sip of my drink.

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