Chapter 32

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It was now Saturday. The last show of the UK tour and I was nervous for everyone. I knew that the Vamps and The Tide were going on to do loads of shows round Europe and South America next, but our boys were only doing one or two shows in Europe before they leave the tour. I mean, I'm going to love the extra time I get to spend with him, but I know how devastated he is about not going round touring anymore. 

Reece had already left with the rest of the boys to go to the arena, me and Chloe were just getting ready as we were arriving a couple hours later. I was so excited for this show because me and Chloe are actually getting involved. I got out of the shower and all I could here was the sound of my phone going off, it was probably Chloe ringing me asking what time we were leaving. When I unlocked my phone I had a text from Chloe. I opened it and it was a picture, it was of Reece and what looked to be his ex Brooke hugging outside of the arena. I know it is probably harmless but it kills me seeing her with him. I shrugged it off and carried on getting ready so that we could get there on time. I hate being late. When we got to the arena Reece and Blake greeted us along with some fans at the barriers behind the venue. I wanted to talk to Reece straight away about Brooke so I could put my mind at rest.

"Reece, come here" I motioned for him to follow me one of the many backstage corridors that led to the stage, no one was sound checking for another hour so the crew would be setting up the stage. We walked up the stairs and sat in some of the seats in the lower tier. Once we were comfortable Reece leaned in and we shared a short kiss.

"Whats up? Is it because I had to leave early this morning? I'm sorry but I didn't want to wake you and I had to be there earlier than you so I thought leaving a note would be a good idea-" Reece kept rambling on and on I tuned out after a while.

"No Reece no, It's just Chloe sent me a picture this morning of you and Brooke outside the arena hugging, I just wanted you to explain what it was to me before I start to assume things" 

"Oh, I was shocked to see her when our car pulled up outside the arena if I'm being honest. I didn't want anything more to do with her, specially not now." He took my hand in his and gave it an assuring squeeze. "She came up to me and apologised for everything, about her and Harry, the way she acted when she was with us in McDonalds. It shocked me because I've never heard those words from her, I'm Sorry, even when I found out about her and Harry she was speechless. So I forgave her and we hugged it out, but a friends only hug."

"It's okay I believe you, I didn't have a doubt but the picture shocked me. Thats why I had to ask" We sat in the chairs for ages talking and laughing, being a normal couple.

"I was thinking of re downloading Twitter?" Reece's body tensed a little when those words left my lips "I know that you'd prefer me not to but I think I can handle it now. I can't hide from it forever Reece" He pursed his lips and crooked his neck before looking me dead in they eyes

"I swear to god if you cry once then your deactivating your account, I love the fans but I'm not having them make you upset. You come before any of them" A small smile formed on my face and I brought my head to face the floor so he didn't see. 

'REECE!" I turned to face the stage and Tristan was stood standing by a microphone looking over at us, "DEAN WANTS TO SEE YOU WITH BLAKE AND GEORGE!"

"ALRIGHT!" Reece shouted back but it was no where near as loud as Tristan because he had the microphone. He gave me a peck on the lips before running down the stairs and into the tunnel that led to backstage. 

"MEGAN!" Tristan made me jump so much a dropped my phone and it landed flat on the concrete, screen down. Please don't be cracked, please don't be cracked. I reached down slowly, hesitated above my phone before picking it up and turning it over. Oh my god, the entire screen was smashed to smithereens. Tristan, really?

"What!" I screamed back, I was so pissed about my phone. I hadn't even had it 5 months.

"Joe wants to see you and Chloe" He whispered into the microphone, thank god he got the hint. I stoup and walked over to the end of the catwalk where Chloe was stood with Joe. 

"Tristan just made me smash my phone" The first thing I said to Chloe, I got it out of my pocket with pieces of the screen still falling off.

"Oh my god!" She took it into her hands and traced the cracks with her finger

"Careful, you might cut yourself" I took it back from her and carefully put it back into my pocket.

"Right girls, the pranks tonight are a tradition so it has to go to plan, you have to be one hundred percent on the ball." See and Chloe both nodded quickly, showing our excitement "In New Hope Clubs song Cecilia, we need their mics to be really really low so they have to bend over to sing in to them, but they cannot know until they go on stage tonight. Thats one of your jobs." Joe explained the rest to us and it was all getting really exciting. There was a mid concert rave. During Brads solo I had to get dressed up as a man, Reece get dressed up as a girl and we had to act all romantic around his piano. It was going to be an interesting night.


I am SO SORRY about the late update! I have just been super busy lately.

Please comment suggestions on what you think should happen as I've had writers block all week on the storyline...

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Love you all!


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