Chapter 2

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I woke to Cristian crying as I got up as I sighed taking my shirt off and wiping the sweat off, I threw it on the floor as I went into Cristian’s room as I picked him up. I got you.” I said as I changed his diaper as he quieted down a little as I put him into his bouncer as I started to pack his diapers and stuff as Ricky came in as he said, “Bus is here.” I nodded, “Will you help me get the play pen and his stuff on the bus?” He nodded, “yeah I got my stuff on the bus already.” “Thanks Ricky.” He nodded, “Who’s coming on tour to watch Cristian?” “I thought one of the girls was coming?” he nodded, “right I believe Allie is coming” I nodded as I got Cristian into his Misfits onsie and his grey faded jeans. I got his shoes on as he looked at me, “Dada!” I chuckled as I kissed his cheek as I put him on my hip as I went into my room. As I looked at the picture of Layla, Cristian and I, I heard Cristian say, “mama!” I wanted to tear up but I took the picture out of the frame as I handed it to him. He just looked at it than looked at me, I kissed his head grabbing my bags as I put the picture back into the frame and put it in his room. I had Layla and I’s wedding picture on my nightstand so I don’t mind giving this one to my baby boy.

I went down stairs to see Axe and Josh; I haven’t talking to either one of them since Layla had died same with Tyler and a couple others. I nodded at them as I got onto the bus as Ricky had the playpen up but looked like he was thinking hard about something. “Need help?” I asked as he jumped. “Yeah I’m trying to figure out how it’s going to stay and not slide.” I nodded as I put Cristian in his Playpen as I moved the couch over as I got Cristian out of the crib as Ricky put in next to the couch as he put the recliner next to it so it wouldn’t move. “Smart thinking.” I laughed, “Always thinking about my son’s safety.” He chuckled, “Did you grab his car seat?” “I knew I forgot something.” I said as I put Cristian on my hip again as I got off the bus and grabbed his car seat. “Chris can we talk?” I heard Josh say as I looked at him. “I’m a little busy can we talk on the bus?” “No we need to talk.” Axe demanded. “Just leave me alone alright.” I snapped as Cristian got fussy. I got back onto the bus as I heard Axe talk to Josh a little harshly as I shook my head.

“Do we have everything?” Ricky asked, “For us I think so.” He nodded as he walked off the bus and went inside quickly as he came out with Cristian’s tube as I chuckled. “Uncle Ricky doesn’t want you getting the sink all dirty.” Cristian giggled at me as I kissed his head. When Ricky came in Cristian said, “Iky!” Ricky and I looked at one another as he came over, “who am I?” “Iky!” he squealed. Ricky and I smiled at one another as Josh came over. “What happen?” “Watch.” Ricky said, “Who am I?” “Icky! Icky~” Cristian squealed again as Josh laughed, “Jo!” Cristian said again as we all smiled. “whose that?” Ricky said as he pointed to me. “Dada~” I kissed his head making him giggle more. “Do we need the camera?” Ryan asked, “For?” Ricky and I asked. “Cristian?” I chuckled, “he’s sleeping in my bunk.” He nodded as we heard Cristian say, “yan~” we all chuckled. “He’s beginning to talk more.” Devin said as he laughed, “Yeah I wonder why.” I mumbled as I smiled. “Den~” he laughed as Brandon came in as Cristian squealed again “Don~” we chuckled, “Mr. talkative over here.” Allie said as Cristian looked at her and giggled at her. “Li” he giggled as we smiled. “Alright let’s get a move on.” Our manager said as we nodded.

We went our separate ways it was about 8am as I stayed in the living room as I bounced Cristian on my knee as he wanted to be on the floor as I held his hands as he walked a little I smiled hugely. “Is he walking?” Ricky said as I nodded, “with help.” He laughed. “I bet the fans got him stuff.” I laughed, “probably.” I said as I let Cristian crawl around for a while, I was watching him like a hawk as he got to the door I picked him up, “Don’t wanna get to close to that you might get hurt.” I mumbled to him as I put him in his playpen he stood up as I chuckled as he started playing with some toys. “we aren’t going that far, so we will be there soon.” I nodded as Josh sat in front of me. “Chris you have to talk to us, you can’t keep avoiding me when Axe is near.” I looked at him, “How would you feel if Axe died and Layla was still here to remind you of what you lost.” He sighed and nodded, “I get it Chris I do we all wish she hadn’t died but she did.” I scoffed, “don’t need to remind me Josh I have nightmares every night about it.” He sighed, “I’m sorry I’m just trying to help.” I just nodded and looked away.

When he left I looked at Cristian who kept playing with his toys giggling to himself; after a while I felt the bus stop as I picked up Cristian as we went out to the stage as we did sound check as Cristian made some baby noises as the people who came early awed at it as I chuckled. After sound  check we went back onto the bus to get Ready Allie took Cristian while I got ready as I did I sighed but smiled. I’m really happy I’m getting back to singing again it’s what Layla wanted me to do; not let the fans down though for the past year I had… I smiled at myself in the mirror as I went into the living room I looked at Cristian as he giggled, “dada!” I smiled as I picked him up, “Hey baby boy.” I said as I kissed his cheek. He giggled again as we went out to the stage I kissed Cristian’s head one more time before I went out.

-After the concert-

We went to the signing as I had Cristian on my knee as a fan came up to me with a mustache bib and some Octopus plush toys with moustache’s on. I chuckled and thanked her as she smiled as Cristian got a hold my marker and scribbled a little on her page. “I’m so sorry.” I said as she giggled, “it’s okay he’s just trying to be like you.”  I laughed as I nodded as I got the marker back from Cristian as he fussed a little as I bounced him a little as we finished the signing I got all these from fans:

‘Put on your war paint’ shirt

Lion King Plush Toy

Cardigan Onsie

1-piece Jumpsuit

Winnie The  Pooh Overall shorts

Superman shoes

Fisher Price Deluxe Musical Mobile Gym

Misfits Ribcage Vinyl bib

A coat

And a

Loveable Hugs blue bear.

Ricky and I put the Musical Gym together as Cristian was playing in his play pen, “what time do we leave?” I asked Ricky, “Half hour.” I nodded as I got up grabbed my hoodie as I grabbed Cristian’s hoodie and blanket as Ricky grabbed his car seat as we went out to the car, Ricky got the rear seated car set in as I buckled Cristian in as Ricky got in the front as I dove to the cemetery. We visited Layla’s grave as I put Cristian down as he crawled to her grave stone, he hugged it. “mama!” he said as I cried a little, as Cristian looked at me he also started crying, I picked him up as I wrapped his blanket around him as he continued to cry. “Sh, I have Cris.” I whispered. As I rocked him he quietly as he quieted down a little, “Do you have his pacifier?” “the regular one.” “That works.” I said as he handed me his pacifier. “we better go.” I said softly as Ricky nodded as we got into the car again, I said a soft I love you before I left. Once we got to the bus again we got the car hooked up as I had Cristian on my hip; we got onto the bus as I went straight for my bunk as I laid Cristian down I changed him into pajama’s quickly as I got into my sweats. I held Cristian close to me as I watched Cristian sleep; I kissed his head as I fell asleep too.

Hey everyone I just want to thank you all for reading this sequel!! Please comment and vote:3

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